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Relationship Crew

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Response to Relationship Crew 2006-12-19 17:12:56

Hey, Can I help giving Advice, I really want to help with this?


Response to Relationship Crew 2006-12-20 06:48:16

Hi everyone, just thought I'd give you all a quick update on how life is treating me int he relationship stakes.

After falling out with Sam, I was consoled by Becky, who had previously admitted that she would have asked me out herself before Sam appeared on the scene. We went out for a drink on November 9th and since then we've been going well as a couple. With Xmas fast approaching, we're getting ready for a stunt on Xmas day which can only be described as silly - we're going to try to eat 2 Xmas dinners each - one with her family and one with mine.

Ok, so that might not be the greatest plan I've ever had, but we get to spend time with each other and see our respective families. The problem is that I can't drink until at least 6pm, since I'll be driving and don't feel like getting the pair of us killed.

Should be fun

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2006-12-25 16:05:13

I've got something to ask. First; back story.

The girl that I am currently with is the love of my life, I'm sure of it. She's the end of everything. I've been through like 6 other girls before so I know that she is exactly what I want out of a person. She has also gone through enough relationships to know. We understand eachother so well it's like we really are meant for eachother. Here's the issue: One person thinks that I should explore my options before thinking about settling with her. Meaning...break up with her, date other girls, and then come back to her. I've thought about that but never considered it, because I feel like I've found the perfect person already.

So the question: What do you think of this suggestion? How many people should one person go through before deciding which is the one?

Response to Relationship Crew 2006-12-26 05:09:19

At 12/25/06 04:05 PM, harveybirdman7409 wrote: Here's the issue: One person thinks that I should explore my options before thinking about settling with her.

This person is either a) not very experienced with relationships or b) trying to get an angle on your girl. Maybe take it slower and not settle down just yet, but don't go walking away from her.

If you put her back on the shelf, somebody else can come along and take her out of the shop.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2006-12-26 05:13:58

i know alot about relation ships since ive had alot of diffrent girls, had my heart broken clountless times, ive broke hearts im sorry it happens :O

But just dont go be stupid, dont forget to wear a raincoat outside >_<

Girls are crazy so dont go lookin for em all at the same time, trynot to have multiple relationships cause it never works out for the best,

But be wise, pick the good ones, and say no to drugs ^_^

i love my girl ive been with right now we have a baby boy and hes freeeeekin awesome


Eh i dunno ive been with her for like years and i cant be without her :o

hows everyones love lifes goin?

Relationship Crew

-only as good as the weakest link-

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2006-12-31 20:13:59

I have a problem.
Me and my girlfriend have been going out for almost 13 months now and we're in a fairly serious relationship. I love her to death and i know she loves me back. Tho only problem is that we hardly ever get to see each other because of her mum who seems to have something against me. I will frequently ring up to to organise for us to do something only to be told that we can't because her mum has decided that she doesn't want her to see me today. I have even travelled out to her house on public transport - a 90 minute trip - and got to her house and then been told to go home. The thing that really annoys me is that she's only like this with me and the only reason for doing we've ever managed to get out of her is that she's worried about her. To me it seems to be a matter of trust but she seems unwilling to let me gain her trust and unwilling to accept my girlfriend -dani's- words that I can be trusted and that I have just as big a stake in her wellbeing as both of them do. Dani's mum just seems completley against the idea of her having a boyfriend and unwilling to change regardless of what we say or do. Because of her I spent last night at home by myself, as did I on Dani's 17th birthday and on our 1 year anniversary. I really don't want to break up with her because I love her too much and I'll just be thinking about her all the time anyway and because it would break her heart and I just couldn't do that to her because I care about too much. She's going into year 12 this year so it's only going to get worse for the next year. I know you guys give good advice and I was just wondering if there was any advice you could offer me. I really want to make this work but I just don't know what to do.

Sig by madknt

Sig pinkified by jackmorrison

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-01 00:00:34

At 12/31/06 09:57 PM, DaSadGirl wrote:
Well, I have my problems of my own, but I won't get into that. I'll just say that maybe you should ask her mom or tell your girl to ask her to have a personal one-on-one talk with you. Let her know how you feel and make sure that you tell her that you aren't like other guys and then just straight up tell her that you're not with her for sex. Just let her know how happy you want to make her daughter and that you want to become part of the family.

( 26

Funnily enough I actually rang dani last night with the intention of doing just that except that her mum wasn't home. It will most probabally have to be over the phone because I don't want to have to wait until next time I'm at her house to do it because that could be a very long time - In 13 months I can count on one hand how many times I've been to her house. The reality of it is though - as cliche as it sounds - that I'm only going to get one shot at it so any help as to how I should aproach it would be much appreciated. I had a fairly lengthy conversation with dani last night regarding our situation and she believes that if it doesn't go well it couls actually exacerbate our problems so I really don't want to stuff this up.

Sig by madknt

Sig pinkified by jackmorrison

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-09 22:10:36

Heh, would you believe this is exactly what we needed? thank you God.

We are the brothers Me, Myself, and I. Generally we tend to reserve ourselves to political issues and other subjects that seriously intrest us, but then again this is not about us. As you can imagine not all three of us can type at the same time. it's hard. we did try once. so we got a good friend of ours to scribe our arguments for us. His name is Thomas and he's a sophmore in highschool. Thomas has done so much for us that we want to repay him. He's been dead staring at a girl for a few weeks now. we know that she has already kind of rejected him (that's to say, he never asked her out, she found out from a friend of a friend, and, in turn he found out from a friend of a friend that she wasn't interested. it's a small school he goes to, so this information is fairly reliable), but she still hangs around with him, has an affectionate name for him (super tom, we don't know, don't ask) and asks him for the occasional favor. What we need a way to get her intrerested in him. We know at the very least that she doesn't object totally to the idea, she just would rather date other people. please; help us help him.

Oh, and he's incredibly shy and really doesn't have any idea how to talk to girls in a romantic way. just thought we'd complicate things further.

And he doesn't know about this, so SHHHHH!!!!
In humblest regards,
The brothers Me, Myself ,and I

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-11 05:09:19

Hey all sorry to have been away for so long but I am married now and things have been busy at work as well. Let me know whats new with all of you.

Priest of Anubis and guardian of the NOX.

I'm a heavy drinking, chain smoking, foul mouthed sailor and guess what Im dating your SISTER!

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-11 05:20:48

At 1/11/07 05:09 AM, TigerDemon wrote: Hey all sorry to have been away for so long but I am married now and things have been busy at work as well. Let me know whats new with all of you.

Congratulations to the both of you on your marriage.

As for Coop, I've been busy with my new girlfriend, Becky. We had our first date on November 9th, so we've been together all of 2 months now. Christmas was a real trial, since we couldn't decide which family to eat Christmas dinner with, so we chose both :S

After that, I managed to bundle myself back down the gym, so I'm still in good shape. Hopefully in the near future, Becky can get herself a job, to stop her parents moaning at her all the time and we can find other ways to entertain ourselves (Dark nights and lots of rain are not conducive to going out)

Still, there's always a few more dvds to watch, I suppose

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-11 05:29:55

Good to hear that you have a girl now and that things are going well. I seriously have to drop in the UK with the wife once I make my move to Japan. It would kick ass to hit a pub and throw back a few with ya buddy. Damn this club has come a long way no? How long have we been around any how? Oh and what do you do for work ? I am sure I knew at one point but cant remember it now.

Priest of Anubis and guardian of the NOX.

I'm a heavy drinking, chain smoking, foul mouthed sailor and guess what Im dating your SISTER!

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-11 05:37:38

At 1/11/07 05:29 AM, TigerDemon wrote: Good to hear that you have a girl now and that things are going well. I seriously have to drop in the UK with the wife once I make my move to Japan. It would kick ass to hit a pub and throw back a few with ya buddy.

Sounds good to me!

Damn this club has come a long way no? How long have we been around any how?

It's got to be at least a year now

Oh and what do you do for work ? I am sure I knew at one point but cant remember it now.

I work for a housing developer. Basically it's customer services work for people who have bought houses from us, coupled with talking to builders, getting them to build the next homes quicker.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-11 05:46:41

At 1/11/07 05:37 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 1/11/07 05:29 AM, TigerDemon wrote: Good to hear that you have a girl now and that things are going well. I seriously have to drop in the UK with the wife once I make my move to Japan. It would kick ass to hit a pub and throw back a few with ya buddy.
Sounds good to me!

Hehehe now the question that begs to be asked is can you keep up with a sailor when it comes to drinking?

Damn this club has come a long way no? How long have we been around any how?
It's got to be at least a year now

Wow its longer than that this damn thing is going on three years old .

Oh and what do you do for work ? I am sure I knew at one point but cant remember it now.
I work for a housing developer. Basically it's customer services work for people who have bought houses from us, coupled with talking to builders, getting them to build the next homes quicker.

Sounds interesting so how are the people you deal with? Oh and if I am going to drop by the UK within the next year (hell why not new years 08 LOL) why not swap phone numbers? I get free long distance on my cell so I think it would be all good. However I dont know how to do the whole outta country deal so I would have to find out how to do that. Any how PM me if you want to do that.

Priest of Anubis and guardian of the NOX.

I'm a heavy drinking, chain smoking, foul mouthed sailor and guess what Im dating your SISTER!

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-13 06:46:08

please help...

i cheated on my boyfriend 5 or 6 months ago and let him know that i did because the guilt was killing me. he said it was fine but it was painstakingly obvious that he wasnt, so i took it to heart that he can get a "freebie", as in he can fuck someone else without getting in trouble. He has a freebie from his prom night, his graduation night, the time i cheated, and there was another one but i cant remember what for i think. and now, recently, hes been hanging out with one of my friends that i know hed fuck if he had the chance. i dont know why, but i keep pushing them to do it, and its killing me to do so. i feel like i have to tell him to do something, anything, so i wont feel as guilty anymore. i have to admit, im not the most loyal person on this planet (no that wasnt the only time, but thats the only one he knows of). but still, im so confused... i love him, but i feel like im contradicting myself, cuz i dont want him to cheat, but i cant stop myself from cheating...

help :'(

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-16 23:25:03

At 1/13/07 06:46 AM, IaReFrEaKeeee wrote: please help...

i cheated on my boyfriend 5 or 6 months ago and let him know that i did because the guilt was killing me. he said it was fine but it was painstakingly obvious that he wasnt, so i took it to heart that he can get a "freebie", as in he can fuck someone else without getting in trouble. He has a freebie from his prom night, his graduation night, the time i cheated, and there was another one but i cant remember what for i think. and now, recently, hes been hanging out with one of my friends that i know hed fuck if he had the chance. i dont know why, but i keep pushing them to do it, and its killing me to do so. i feel like i have to tell him to do something, anything, so i wont feel as guilty anymore. i have to admit, im not the most loyal person on this planet (no that wasnt the only time, but thats the only one he knows of). but still, im so confused... i love him, but i feel like im contradicting myself, cuz i dont want him to cheat, but i cant stop myself from cheating...

help :'(

NO you dont love him because if you did you would not cheat. You can keep yourself from cheating if you want to but clearly you dont. At you age you shouldnt be having sex because you are not emotionally ready for it and your current situation proves it.My advice is break up or cut the shit and remain faithful. Allao that freebe shit is crap too. IF you both cheat you dont need to be with each other.

Priest of Anubis and guardian of the NOX.

I'm a heavy drinking, chain smoking, foul mouthed sailor and guess what Im dating your SISTER!

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-17 04:07:51

At 1/11/07 05:46 AM, TigerDemon wrote: Hehehe now the question that begs to be asked is can you keep up with a sailor when it comes to drinking?

Well, the simple answer is no. I'm a lightweight and freely admit it. I don't really drink that much, as it adversely affects my training.

Wow its longer than that this damn thing is going on three years old .

Yes, but I've only been in for about 12 months

Sounds interesting so how are the people you deal with? Oh and if I am going to drop by the UK within the next year (hell why not new years 08 LOL) why not swap phone numbers? I get free long distance on my cell so I think it would be all good. However I dont know how to do the whole outta country deal so I would have to find out how to do that. Any how PM me if you want to do that.

Ok, will do

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-18 21:18:26

Sorry, our previous post is no longer relevant. seems he averted our efforts and got himself a different girlfriend. teenagers

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-28 01:19:46

Im just glad someplace on Newgrounds has advice other than "Blow her boyfriend's head off" or "Grab her breasts but make it look like and accident" So sick of that. (Even though its funny) Good job.

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-29 16:58:27

At 1/28/07 01:19 AM, Silver-Archer wrote: Im just glad someplace on Newgrounds has advice other than "Blow her boyfriend's head off" or "Grab her breasts but make it look like and accident" So sick of that. (Even though its funny) Good job.

thanks so you in need of advice or just droping in?

Priest of Anubis and guardian of the NOX.

I'm a heavy drinking, chain smoking, foul mouthed sailor and guess what Im dating your SISTER!

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-30 14:58:34

I believe I might be in need of advice.

Back story is me and my girlfriend went to her brother's birthday part and we both got pretty wasted but she got sick so we stayed the night there when she was supposed to be home the night before. Well, in the morning her parents showed up, not knowing at the time i was there, and took her home and hit her. She then left her house for a few days and we reported the incident to the police,who handed it over to social services who did nothing more than "councling" and Im banned from seeing her. This is the 2nd time Ive been banned and I wanna stay with her but they now know I was at the part and have said I cant see or talk to her again until her birthday, which is in May. We have always had a great relationship and we both have had relationships in the past so its not some Love at first sight thing. Well the problem isnt too much waiting to see her again but she feels guilty that she is holding me back and making me upset by this situation and wants us to go on a break until her birthday. This isnt what I want at all and I know she wouldnt be doing it for her own benefit so what should I do? Wait out the roughly 4 months I have left or Just do as she wishes and go on a "break" so I can have one less thing to worry about?

Keep in mind she is awesome and has never done anything wrong to me in the 4 years I have known her.


BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-30 20:50:42

If you dont want the break then why consider it. Also how is she holding you back and making you worrie?Its not her fault and it does not seem that you are making this clear to her. Also if your looking for one less thing to worrie about then never be in a relationship because there are always going to be things to worrie about when your in one. The thing you have to know is whats important to you. So that leaves the question is your relationship with her worth worrieing about and fighting for?

Priest of Anubis and guardian of the NOX.

I'm a heavy drinking, chain smoking, foul mouthed sailor and guess what Im dating your SISTER!

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-30 22:21:10

At 1/30/07 08:50 PM, TigerDemon wrote: If you dont want the break then why consider it. Also how is she holding you back and making you worrie?Its not her fault and it does not seem that you are making this clear to her. Also if your looking for one less thing to worrie about then never be in a relationship because there are always going to be things to worrie about when your in one. The thing you have to know is whats important to you. So that leaves the question is your relationship with her worth worrieing about and fighting for?

Of course if he thinks that it is worth fighting for, he must remember not to get away from her. If you just constantly stop seeing her, and not be able to talk, even love can be wasted over a half a year period. You can still IM each other, but it wont be nearly the same. Plus it gives her the oppurtunity to see the other guys. That is something you would have to deal with, believe me its not easy. The girl that you like is going out with someone else, all you can do is keep friends and hope to hell they break up. Just dont lose sight of her

Tigerdemon, im going to try to help you out a little with this. Im only 15, but believe me when I say i have been in a ton of feelings and heartbreaks for my short period of time on earth.

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-01-30 23:05:25

At 1/30/07 08:50 PM, TigerDemon wrote: If you dont want the break then why consider it. Also how is she holding you back and making you worrie?Its not her fault and it does not seem that you are making this clear to her. Also if your looking for one less thing to worrie about then never be in a relationship because there are always going to be things to worrie about when your in one. The thing you have to know is whats important to you. So that leaves the question is your relationship with her worth worrieing about and fighting for?

Hell yea. I came to that conclusion a long time ago and now it resurfaced due to this. Im gonna try my best to do as much as I can to see and talk to her and I made this clear to her when we got serious and Im gonna reinforce it as soon as I can so she'll know I still feel the same way. Thanks for the advice and as for what the other guy said about other guys and what not. I have no worries there because the school she goes to is pretty secure considering the fact she hangs out with my friends and Ive made it clear to everyone there that she is off limits. Thanks everyone for your input! I feel better now and more confident that it will work out. A few months of hell not seeing her is worth it if it brings a lifetime of joy and happiness! Thanks again!



BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-02-02 19:27:59

At 10/2/04 02:44 AM, TigerDemon wrote: This is for people who need advice with relationship problems or general dating advice. I will be looking for three people to help me run this so if you are intrested please say so.

I just got my first gf and I really dont have a clue what to do.

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-02-03 11:07:57

At 2/2/07 07:27 PM, thunder-34 wrote:
At 10/2/04 02:44 AM, TigerDemon wrote: This is for people who need advice with relationship problems or general dating advice. I will be looking for three people to help me run this so if you are intrested please say so.
I just got my first gf and I really dont have a clue what to do.

Well what exactly are you looking for help with? What do you mean you dont know what to do?

Priest of Anubis and guardian of the NOX.

I'm a heavy drinking, chain smoking, foul mouthed sailor and guess what Im dating your SISTER!

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-02-06 15:36:46

At 10/2/04 02:44 AM, TigerDemon wrote:
Well what exactly are you looking for help with? What do you mean you dont know what to do?

Its like I dont know how to have a healthy relationship or be romantic or whatever.

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-02-06 22:40:33

At 2/6/07 03:36 PM, thunder-34 wrote:
At 10/2/04 02:44 AM, TigerDemon wrote:
Well what exactly are you looking for help with? What do you mean you dont know what to do?
Its like I dont know how to have a healthy relationship or be romantic or whatever.

Well romance will have to come as you get to know her. For now you must stick to sweet. Do things like leave notes at her locker telling you are thinking of her and asking her how her day was, ect. As for a healthy relationship.... respect her and expect her to give you the same. You follow these rules and you should be ok. Dont be afraid to ask more questions as they come . Also let me know more about the both of you and maybe I can give you gift ideas for valintines day.

Priest of Anubis and guardian of the NOX.

I'm a heavy drinking, chain smoking, foul mouthed sailor and guess what Im dating your SISTER!

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-02-07 13:56:31

You are PMed.

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-02-09 14:24:23

Okay here's the deal. (man this is a little complicated, though)

Okay, there's this girl that i met about a month ago that i kind of have a lot in common with. Just to keep names straight, let's call her Becky (not her real name). One of her friends, Todd (also fake), just was dumped by his girlfriend. He's really depressed about it, and it's all he thinks about. Becky has been his friend for about 5 years, and she wants to try to start a relationship with him after he recovers. He is showing no interest, since he's still recovering from his last girlfriend, but she still goes after him. Normally i would back off, but i have taken an interest to her, and we spend a whole lot of time together. She seems to like me a lot, and often comes over to my dorm to hang out. She has still expressed that she wants to date Todd after he recovers, but she seems to be spending more time with me than she does with him.

So basically, she has a long-time crush on someone who's been her friend for 5 years, but he shows no interest. I'm a friend of her's, and i want to know how to maybe show her than i want to be more than friends.

Relationship Crew

NG Radio podcast Club

Click the sig for direct download page, or Click Here for the show in the Itunes Market!

BBS Signature

Response to Relationship Crew 2007-02-09 17:57:18

If you want to go for her then do it. What I suggest is just flat out telling her how you feel and going from there.

Priest of Anubis and guardian of the NOX.

I'm a heavy drinking, chain smoking, foul mouthed sailor and guess what Im dating your SISTER!

BBS Signature