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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-11 00:56:05

At 12/11/05 12:41 AM, Monocrom wrote:
At 12/10/05 11:30 PM, bigbadron wrote: just bored and wanted to see if anything changed.

nothing did. you're all still idiots and i still hate you.
Oh.... okay.... I guess I might as well tell you something; cause I don't think you noticed, but.....

NO!!! NO!!! BAD MONOCROM!!! That is the WRONG mod to get on their bad side!!! bigbadron bans people for saying Santa Claus is not real!!! Do not EVER do that again... you're banned arn't ya'?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-11 02:00:38

I'M STILL HERE!!! NOT BANNED! (NOT YET ANYWAY!) I guess he's..... in a good mood?! Oh, well.... see you back on the General forum tonight, Faces. Oh, and thanks for the warning!...... But you got to admit that was funny as Hell!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-11 10:52:14

Ah finally nice out. Theres still that chill but I could give less than a shit. So I just finished my tournament, been away for a while. I came in 5th..meh. Its rough you know, you don't get up that easy once someone has kicked you in the sternum no it is not.But I'll tell you the best thing they had there... cinnamon raisin oatmeal. Was all warm and toasty and fudgey like. Im gonna miss that. Surprised I actaully got that far. I was experimenting doing a 260 ( yes there is such a think) roundhouse kick. Now I know what your thinging " you dumbass a roundhouse kick goes all the way around and back' well apparently there is a way to stop mid way in the process and then kick out with your other leg. Just so happened I had watched one of t he competitors take one right lopsided in the neck from this almost impossible kick. Was very interesting.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-11 14:41:21

O wow this all has so much to do with martial arts. I underestand getting off topic for a bit but this much is just a lil bit out of hand.

Anyways here is a good topic. What do you think is the most important part of your training(physically). Is it improving your strengths, weaknesses, what you need to know, what is it. Someone else go first since ya. O and explain why.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-11 17:01:58

At 12/11/05 02:41 PM, dsmking wrote: O wow this all has so much to do with martial arts. I underestand getting off topic for a bit but this much is just a lil bit out of hand.

Anyways here is a good topic. What do you think is the most important part of your training(physically). Is it improving your strengths, weaknesses, what you need to know, what is it. Someone else go first since ya. O and explain why.

Easily, the most important part would be having a good training parter; or several of them! When you spar, a good partner can tell you where you're leaving yourself open, which mistakes you are repeatedly making, and what you need to concentrate on more. Basically, there are some things you don't notice about yourself when you train. You need a good partner to notice these things and point them out to you. It's like checking to see if your brake lights are working properly. You can't do that by yourself! You need someone standing behind your car, as you press the brake pedal, to tell you if anything is wrong..... As for off topic subjects, well; there are clubs that died because no one posted ANYTHING for a long while. Some clubs died more than once. It gets to a point where if a Mod sees someone trying to start up a formerly dead club, it gets locked; then deleted! I saw this happen when a newbie tried to start up the Rammstein Club again. The Mod actually posted that he was very sorry, but that club has died a couple of times already! I say keep posting to prevent it from happening here! Didn't this club almost die off a few times?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-11 19:07:58

Other martial arts clubs have not this one. This one has come close, but a few people who've been here forever, keep it alive. So we will never die.

As for when it comes to my training I work on my weaknesses. If I cant do something i work my ass off trying to get it better, and by doing this all other aspects of my training improve. Have you ever met a Master that had a hard time doing some things but where insanely awesome at others. I havent and thats just cause they are insane all around.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-11 19:20:50

Getting your stance down is by far very important comapred to learning how to disapppear like a ninja ( though that is as well essential) I see some poeple with their hands above their head and then moving back and forth back and forth and im like "just stop thats not a stance" embarrasing

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-11 19:43:22

At 12/11/05 07:20 PM, Warhammer_40K wrote: Getting your stance down is by far very important comapred to learning how to disapppear like a ninja ( though that is as well essential) I see some poeple with their hands above their head and then moving back and forth back and forth and im like "just stop thats not a stance" embarrasing

Do you mean like... walking back and forth? or do you mean just swaying? Because walking back and forth will usually dissorient your opponent slightley because they are spinning in a circle while as you are walking to the side, or if you suddenly change directions it catches them off guard. But swaying is just stupid, all that can do is make openings in your stance.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-12 13:45:32

Check it out guys, I FINALLY got shown some appreciation for doing the most hardest part of patrolling the Portal...... They gave me my Silver Whistle..... I actually found a profile of an NG user named F_E_ Tishman a few days ago with the following stats: Zero Blam points, 2 Protection points, Citizen Rank, WITH A SILVER WHISTLE! Man, I was pissed when I saw that! I only recently started voting on abusive reviews to increase my Whistle points. I've mostly been doing it the hard way, flagging abusive submissions on the Portal; two particularly nasty ones stand out! (Don't worry, I won't describe them in detail..... unless you want me to)! You would not believe how excited I got when I saw the new Whistle in my profile! It really feels great when your hard work is finally recognized & appreciated...... Okay, here's a martial arts question. How many miles would you travel to study your art under a respected Grand Master? (I learned years ago that the average TMA guy will drive as far as 200 miles)!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-12 15:18:44

At 12/11/05 07:43 PM, -TheFaces- wrote:

Do you mean like... walking back and forth? or do you mean just swaying? Because walking back and forth will usually dissorient your opponent slightley because they are spinning in a circle while as you are walking to the side, or if you suddenly change directions it catches them off guard. But swaying is just stupid, all that can do is make openings in your stance.

He was swaying as if he was drunk. No it was not drunkin boxing or I would've gotten my ass kicked. Ohhh I gotta learn that. Drunken boxing definately a must for anyone who wants to seriously mess up their oppenent.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-12 16:04:10

At 12/12/05 03:18 PM, Warhammer_40K wrote:

He was swaying as if he was drunk. No it was not drunkin boxing or I would've gotten my ass kicked. Ohhh I gotta learn that. Drunken boxing definately a must for anyone who wants to seriously mess up their oppenent.

The problem is that real drunken boxing involves getting somewhat drunk! Although there are a couple of advantages to being intoxicated in a fight; you could easily end up with a serious drinking problem. It's a style that's much more likely to mess you up, rather than your opponent!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-12 19:20:58

At 12/12/05 04:04 PM, Monocrom wrote:

::. It's a style that's much more likely to mess you up, rather than your opponent!

Not necessarliy requires you to get drunk. You can enetr a state of intoxication without being drunk you just have to make that experience. Yes drinking with martial arts is a horrible mix, one highly frowned upon however if utilized properly then drunken boxing can be a very effective. The opponent does not know what your next move will be and you have a better tolerance of pain. Not to get so drunk you can't feel anything but a couple swigs to get you in the mood. Drunken boxing is a very dangerous technique and should only be used if mastered properly and is under self control.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-12 21:22:15

You know whats funny about drunken martial arts. It existed before the use of liquor. It originally was all about moving weird for counter attacks and evasion. Then somewhere along the line liquor was introduce.

Congrats on the silver whistle. I got one a ways back and since then i havent tried to get gold, why....I just dont find as much stuff as i used to.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-12 22:50:27

At 12/12/05 09:22 PM, dsmking wrote:

Congrats on the silver whistle. I got one a ways back and since then i havent tried to get gold, why....I just dont find as much stuff as i used to.

Thanks DSM! There's a reason why I got so happy when I saw it today for the 1st time. It's the highest whistle level that you can REALISTICALLY get! TheJoe324 is the only one with a Gold Whistle, and ramagi is the only one with a Deity Whistle! Unlike level 30, there can only be one Deity Whistle. And, that might even apply to Gold! Even if you get Gold, you can still get leveled down to Silver if you don't use it as often as ramagi uses her's! That's not the case with Silver! (Damn it looks good on my profile. Better get some silver polish and shine that baby up)!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-13 14:45:50

I trained to hard yesterday..... ALl day i felt like i was gonna pass out. Don't think i can go on. So i think ill train alot today because ill fall asleep doing it.

Okay confusion on levels and whistles and stuff.

Level 30. Realistically only one person can have it. Two or more can provided the highest ranked ng users have = exp.

Whistle levels. There is more than one platinum and golds. Just not many of them post on ng forums. There is i think 2 diety and about 30 golds.

Blam protect levels

Infinite amount of people can get highest level. Just takes forever to do.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-13 15:16:23

you guy's and your imaginary stats

I guess I should say


Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-13 16:01:44

At 12/12/05 10:50 PM, Monocrom wrote:
At 12/12/05 09:22 PM, dsmking wrote:
(Damn it looks good on my profile. Better get some silver polish and shine that baby up)!

Elite Guard Private First Class- two months- 240 reviews, whistle level silver...... i'm speechless. Truly amazing

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-13 17:23:19

To: DSM- I think you're right about level 30. (Oh well, none of us will ever see it)! But are you sure there are 2 Deity and 30 Gold whistles? I got my info from the "Where is/How to?" forum. (If you see a profile with another Gold whistle, please let me know their alias). And, I hear you about B/P points. But, I've got more free time than usual right now. That upper-rank badge is a helluva lot more reachable than level 30! I might as well narrow the gap while I can!.... To: PiePie- Congrads on leveling up soon. Hey, anyone else notice that the level 13 bat looks like a giant dildo?...... To: W.H._40K- I actually have 470 reviews (some of them quite funny). And, I visited NG for months before I bothered getting a Grounds Gold account. But yes, compared to other users who have accounts for 2 months, yes it is impressive. Thank You for the kind words! :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-13 18:06:48

At 12/13/05 05:23 PM, Monocrom wrote: But yes, compared to other users who have accounts for 2 months, yes it is impressive. Thank You for the kind words! :)

But yes, compared to everybody else in the club, my post count is impressive. Ask anybody here to, I fell off the face of the internet for the majority of my account also. I think in total I may have been her for like five months posting.

Waits for Lundi to show up and say "nuh uh"

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-13 22:30:45

Ya i used to kind of worry about the post count but i stopped caring. Its not about how much you post.

Also im pretty sure there can be more that one diety whistle. I think Tom said that a while back. O might i add he has a cool name. Tom..... Anyways um ya on to the topic of martial arts.

Who plans to open a school up later in life. I sure as hell do.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-13 23:18:42

At 12/13/05 10:30 PM, dsmking wrote:

Who plans to open a school up later in life. I sure as hell do.

I'd love to open up a school some day. But, realistcally, the very nature of R.B.S.D. makes it extremely difficult to make money, as a teacher. The best I could do is 1st find an instructor with more experience than me; then open up the school! Also, most martial arts teachers have a core group of dedicated students who will be around for years, as they train and increase their rank (and spend their $$$). An R.B.S.D. instructor doesn't have that luxury. Techniques & tactics are taught in a few months, at most!..... Trust me on this one though; if you don't have enough $$$ to open the school by yourself, consider getting investors. But, don't rely on their attorneys to draw up the legal agreements. Get your own attorney, and get EVERYTHING in writing!.... Your dream is a good one. Don't give up on it. :)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-13 23:21:48

OMG, worst class every today, sesei almost broke my wrist with a frikin yawara!

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-13 23:25:29

mix martial arts with some swords and youll kick some ass!

Ninja-Assassin Comin out Thrashin and Slashin in a disorderly fashion

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-14 00:02:12

At 12/13/05 11:21 PM, _DarK_ wrote: OMG, worst class every today, sesei almost broke my wrist with a frikin yawara!

Oh yeah! Yawara sticks ARE effective! Your teacher either really wanted to make that clear, or he's a mean S.O.B. (No disrespect intended). The best part is how easily you can make your own. It's just a short wooden dowel. Or improvise one from a large, non-ballpoint, pen. If the cops hassle you, "Oh that's just my pen, officer." There really are few effective, non-threatening-looking weapons out there; that are also street-legal.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-14 12:39:02

My master has already said he would help with any schools we would open, but i would probably still be under him. Eh who cares its all good. Im already saving up for it as well even though i still have a long way to go. Better safe than sorry you know.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-15 19:14:12

nice little Do-Jo in Japan. High bamboo stacks with the sun facing towards us. Hours 9 to 5. That gritty sand they use. areas of training include weapons. But.....the expense would kill me more than my disciple would.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-18 17:40:04

Does anyone have any good ideas for gifts for girlfriends, now that Christmas is coming up?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-18 18:06:56

At 12/18/05 05:40 PM, Letahlity wrote: Does anyone have any good ideas for gifts for girlfriends, now that Christmas is coming up?

Teenage girls LOVE large teddy bears and other stuffed animals, with a dozen roses and a small basket of chocolate. (Yeah, I know it's going to be a bit expensive; but it's guaranteed to make her happy)..... If she's into martial arts or self-defense, get her a purple Stinger from www.szaboinc.com and a small teddy bear holding one red rose. All the other self-defense weapons on that wesite are expensive as Hell. But they got the exclusive rights to the purple Stingers (picture a small push-dagger but without a cutting edge or point. Harmless looking. Designed for targeting bones rather than flesh). Here's what it looks like...

Martial Arts Club

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-18 18:31:30

She's not really the biggest Teddybear fan, altough she probably wouldn't mind 'em...

She bough armwrists and stuff for my birthday a few days back, and even though we've only been together a months, more or less, I feel I should buy something nice.
That, or i'll just go shopping and buy lots of crap.

Err, yeah... the knifes might just gonna have to wait.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-18 19:20:59

Well, all females also love jewelry. The least expensive of which would be a thin lady's-watch that can double as a bracelet. I bought one for my mom a couple of years ago, and she wears it all the time. Your best bet would be Macy's regular watch section; compared to their high-end counters. I found more than a few examples of lady's-watches that looked more expensive than they really were!.... As for buying a whole bunch of crap, Macy's is actually good for that too. They have tables filled with fancy-looking, large pins (in small boxes) that most ladies really like. Usually priced around $9. For example, a large butterfly pin covered in fake jewels with a gold border. Don't worry, the "jewels" are usually tightly set in and the fake gold doesn't flake off. (Yup, another gift for mom, purchased a long time ago when I was flat broke! It's okay.... I didn't try to pass it off as being more expensive).