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Martial Arts Club

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Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-08 19:02:54

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I finally settled on a replacement for Monolock. I got sick & tired of folks thinking I belonged to a group of crappy animators; or having those crappy animators think I was a wannabe who wasn't good enough to be an "official member." I just wanted to make it obvious that I'm my own man. I don't need a group or gang to validate me..... But I REALLY didn't want to change it! So I kept as most of the letters as I could! Hope you like it...... cause I'm not changing it!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-08 19:53:10

well hope you stay wit new name

it sucks when you change it everyone forgets you...

(looks back on old ng alias)

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-08 20:37:11

At 12/8/05 07:53 PM, PiePie wrote: well hope you stay wit new name

it sucks when you change it everyone forgets you...

(looks back on old ng alias)

That was the one thing I was afraid of most. Obviously, I'm still not that well-known on the NG BBS. But I kept most of the letters so my reputation wouldn't be completely forgotten! (Although, I doubt if TruffleClock will ever forget me)!.... By the way, what was your old NG alias?..... It wasn't "Cake," was it?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-08 21:34:04

Im sorry guys i thought this was the Martial arts club. :p. J/k but you guys know we have a chatroom for that type of stuff.

Anyways i got a question for all of you. What do you think of complaining in martial arts cause someone got hurt. Now i know sometimes the way you get hurt is truely bad but you know what people exaggerate way to much. I totaled my car and i still worked and then practiced and then i know people who fall down once and are out for a week cause it hurts to much. I take it easy when i get hurt, i dont sit down and complain.

This is how I kick your ass in real life. Martial Arts Club

And this is how I kick your ass in video games Super Smash Bros. Club

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-08 21:38:42

I agree, I mean its Martial Arts, you're bound to get hurt and you just have to deal with it. In my style of Isshin-Ryu, we are big in our kata's, they are very important. Sometime we will do them alone and sometimes with a partner. We do get hurt, our kata's are painful lol! In naihanchi, my friend did a backfist to me and made my nose bleed and fractured it, I didnt bitch, I let it heal and when it was healed I came back. One part of Martial Arts is dicplining yourself to deal with pain.

BBS Signature

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-08 22:18:04

complaing is for the weak!

I got knocked out once by a guy and I just took it in and yeah ( he was like 45 and fat)

ahh I remember that gym I went too if you complained for something little then no one will talk to you because your a wuss...

but yeah society is getting more babish I blaim it on the not enough discipline in the system...

If you cry and nag you get shot!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-08 23:47:06

At 12/8/05 08:37 PM, Monocrom wrote:
At 12/8/05 07:53 PM, PiePie wrote:
It wasn't "Cake," was it?

No, correct me if i'm wrong but was'nt it "Boxer101"

DSM... we all know that the chatroom dos'nt work. Sides for some reason it always says "Invalid Password" since when do I need a password?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-09 00:16:03

I agree with Faces about the chatroom. I agree with PiePie about complaining being for the weak. Getting hit in R.B.S.D. is expected. Getting hit in Western Boxing tells you that you need to work on your timing; when it comes to ducking out of the way of a punch!.... But, when I was researching which martial art to take up years ago, I was surprised at the number of places that had No-Contact restrictions. And I don't mean places where 8-year-old kids go to practice Karate! A lot of martial arts school don't allow sparring. If two students are doing flow drills, and someone gets hit, it's because the other guy messed up! I never did understand how someone is supposed to properly learn an art, if they can't spar. It's one of the 5 reasons I decided not to spend my time with T.M.A.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-09 08:46:13

yeah boxer101 that was a good name....

LOL martial arts without hitting it turns in more of a dance than a art. But I seen guy's over here who claim they know karate an tae kwon do and there the type of peopl who act all tough and there dad and mom buy them all the best equip and stuff and they do these stupid moves that never work. Then when you hit them they go down like a rock and exagerate it to the MAX.

Most people are babies now a day's because when you get hurt you always get the "special treatment"

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-09 09:27:59

At 12/8/05 09:38 PM, _DarK_ wrote: I agree, I mean its Martial Arts, you're bound to get hurt and you just have to deal with it. In my style of Isshin-Ryu, we are big in our kata's, they are very important. Sometime we will do them alone and sometimes with a partner. We do get hurt, our kata's are painful lol! In naihanchi, my friend did a backfist to me and made my nose bleed and fractured it, I didnt bitch, I let it heal and when it was healed I came back. One part of Martial Arts is dicplining yourself to deal with pain.

Yep, injuries are bound to happen in a true martial art. The first time I broke a 2 in. thick board with a reverse punch I got a 1 inch sliver between my lead knuckles and a few cuts and scrapes on my forearm. I was lucky because mypunch was a lil to slow and if it had been any slower I would have probably fractured my wrist. I am also a student of Isshin-Ryu and I honestly don't remember any backfists in Neihanchi Kata
AKA The Sideways Fighting Kata. I remeber it having 2 front back knuckles in it, but no backfists. Anyways, it's good to see fellow Isshin-Ryu stylist around.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-09 22:53:43

At 12/8/05 11:47 PM, -TheFaces- wrote: DSM... we all know that the chatroom dos'nt work. Sides for some reason it always says "Invalid Password" since when do I need a password?

Oh, I get it now. I think it means the admin password. For christ sake, can somebody just post it or something so that I can atleast get into the chat?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 04:34:23

Hey guys, I would have posted earlier today; but one of the Mods decided that I posted in a spam thread so I couldn't post for 24 hours. (Yeah, the ban JUST ended)! The weird part is, I posted in a similar thread last week with no problems! One Mod actually posted in the General forum that a topic has to be funny, informative or entertaining to NOT be spam. The topic that caused the ban WAS funny! So, I figured no problem. Man, was I wrong! I guess each Mod has their own standards for spam.... and that sucks! But hey...... how do you guys like my Sig? I got tired of being the only regular at this club without one! Yeah, it's abstract. I'll admit it took very little effort. But I like it.... Also, I noticed that when you have your own Sig, it's easier for you and others to find your posts on a forum page. For example, I can always find Face's posts very easily! I do wish I had one made by a true artist, but what the heck!.... Now if you'll excuse me, I have to post a reply to a negative comment that one Mod make regarding my poetry on the General forum. So, if I don't post anything here in the next 12 hours..... well; you know what happened!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 13:24:46

Looks like everything turned out okay. The funny thing is, I uploaded my Sig while I was still banned from the BBS! Technically, I was able to post SOMETHING on the forums! Yeah, loophole!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 13:46:06

At 12/10/05 04:34 AM, Monocrom wrote: Also, I noticed that when you have your own Sig, it's easier for you and others to find your posts on a forum page.

Yeah, that's why I like my sig. It's an off colore that not everybody uses so that it's easy to find. You should make a request at the Sinister Sig Makers or the Amature Sig Makers I got mine from the SSM.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 14:01:28

At 12/10/05 01:46 PM, -TheFaces- wrote:
At 12/10/05 04:34 AM, Monocrom wrote: Also, I noticed that when you have your own Sig, it's easier for you and others to find your posts on a forum page.
Yeah, that's why I like my sig. It's an off colore that not everybody uses so that it's easy to find. You should make a request at the Sinister Sig Makers or the Amature Sig Makers I got mine from the SSM.

Thanks for the info! But is it really as simple as just posting a request on one of those two clubs, or is there more to it than that? BTW, I JUST increased my Rank to E.G. Pfc. Oh Yeah, more voting power!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 14:15:07

At 12/10/05 02:01 PM, Monocrom wrote: Thanks for the info! But is it really as simple as just posting a request on one of those two clubs, or is there more to it than that?

Well personally, I would go with the SSM because they tend to have better artist, but read their rules on the bottom of -Juggernaut- first post on the first page.

BTW, I JUST increased my Rank to E.G. Pfc. Oh Yeah, more voting power!

Congrats, I just got to Police Lieutenant earlier today.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 14:18:27

At 12/10/05 02:15 PM, -TheFaces- wrote: Well personally, I would go with the SSM because they tend to have better artist, but read their rules on the bottom of -Juggernaut- first post on the first page.

Sorry for the double post everybody, but I thought those were the request guidlines.

Simply request what you would like on the sig, colour, text (name or something), and maybe a theme. That's about it, but be patient they are not always on and good art takes time.

don't be surprised if it takes a few hours maybe a day.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 14:40:03

Hey, thanks again Faces! And congrads on your rank increase as well! BTW, when you do make it as an Elite Guard, don't waste your time at the E.G. Barracks.... it's nothing more than a popularity contest with some of the guys lying about their B/P count. One of the regulars at the club claims he maintains a 100 point count, daily! With my experience on the portal, I know that's a blatant lie! An all-day, 18 hour marathon on the Portal, (like the one I pulled yesterday) can get you 100 points. (I got 97). But there's no way a person can keep up that pace everyday; especially since the guy is 23 years old and probably has a day job!.... Man, I wish people would quit telling such obvious lies!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 14:42:24

Sorry for double-posting, but with regards to the Sig Makers clubs; do I have to provide my e-mail address as well when I make a request?

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 14:50:48

At 12/10/05 02:42 PM, Monocrom wrote: Sorry for double-posting, but with regards to the Sig Makers clubs; do I have to provide my e-mail address as well when I make a request?

I don't see why you would, unless it's a rule somewhere, however it can't hurt.

On a side note, does anybody have anything about Martial arts or something alon those lines... anyhting? no... damn.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 15:47:05

At 12/10/05 02:50 PM, -TheFaces- wrote:
At 12/10/05 02:42 PM, Monocrom wrote: Sorry for double-posting, but with regards to the Sig Makers clubs; do I have to provide my e-mail address as well when I make a request?
I don't see why you would, unless it's a rule somewhere, however it can't hurt.

On a side note, does anybody have anything about Martial arts or something alon those lines... anyhting? no... damn.

Hey, thanks for the advice!.... I love hanging out at this club. But, okay here's a Martial Arts question - You been dating someone for awhile now. She wants to learn how to defend herself. Obviously, she knows nothing about self-defense or martial arts. She needs to learn something that can quickly & easily be taught. Something she can use soon, if needed. She's not interested in dedicating years, or decades, of her life to any particular style. And she doesn't have the upper-body strength of a man. Which techniques/tactics would you teach her? This question is for all the club members.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 16:04:36

To monocrom teach the girl how to grab the guy's P3n0r hard and fast, teach her some moves to break free if someone grabs her.

simple basic things nothing fancy because she will loose interest make sure there fun at same time, if she's weak there is not much you can do if she does not want to get stronger...


Now I know this is a place for martial artists to relax and hang and stuff but please. We don't need a don't say how a club is when it is 4 or 5 topics down the lists.

just some thoughts...

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 16:49:41

At 12/10/05 04:04 PM, PiePie wrote: To monocrom teach the girl how to grab the guy's P3n0r hard and fast, teach her some moves to break free if someone grabs her.

Yeah, just kick a guy in the nads. But um... for girls. Well let's just hope she can handle herself against other females.

Now I know this is a place for martial artists to relax and hang and stuff but please. We don't need a don't say how a club is when it is 4 or 5 topics down the lists.


Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 17:27:42

At 12/10/05 04:04 PM, PiePie wrote: To monocrom teach the girl how to grab the guy's P3n0r hard and fast, teach her some moves to break free if someone grabs her.

simple basic things nothing fancy because she will loose interest make sure there fun at same time, if she's weak there is not much you can do if she does not want to get stronger...

A tactical folder, actually any knife, requires very little strength to use. (Although most normal people don't have the mentality to actually use a knife against human flesh). A yawara stick used with a hammer-fist also requires very little strength. Same with a koppo stick, but that item requires a bit more instruction. After that, I'd move on to unarmed techniques. As for grabbing a guy's junk, well; most of us learn at a young age how to block someone going for the family jewels!..... Also, I would generally agree with you about OFF TOPIC stuff that's a bit old. But, I did mention I'd check out the E.G. Barracks and report back later on about that lounge. Sorry PiePie, but doing that obviously takes some time!

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 19:10:21

At 12/10/05 05:27 PM, Monocrom wrote: But, I did mention I'd check out the E.G. Barracks and report back later on about that lounge. Sorry PiePie, but doing that obviously takes some time!

Rephrase that?

Nole I mean't ahh I don't know how to say this son't be saying stuff about other clubs when they could very easy come in here and look at us and stuff like that...

Also if there is a girl on girl fight I say teach her how to block nad pull hair. I know it sounds bad but Mono said that the girl was weak and not willing to put time and effort into it.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 19:27:20

Ooh... look at what t3h pie gets!!! it's a slightly late screen capture of 2,000 congrats BUT I STILL HAVE MORE POSTS HAHAHA

edited with MS Paint by -TheFaces-

Martial Arts Club

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 19:40:17

To PiePie: I had honestly hoped to become a regular at the E.G. Barracks last week when I got my 1st E.G. badge. It wasn't like I went in to spy on them or flame them and then make fun of them here. I realized it was a popularity club, so I lost interest. I was just being honest when I said some of those guys lied about their B/P stats. I doubt if any of them will make fun of us. And, if they do, just ignore them! Besides, the only ones who'll get upset at my comments will be the guys who lied about their stats!..... Also, I never said females are weak! I said you'd have to take into account the fact that the average girl doesn't have the same upper-body strength as a guy! And the truth is the AVERAGE girl is just not going to be that interested in training, or putting in a HUGE amount of effort. You'd be better off showing her a couple of simple, effective, unarmed techniques; along with a couple of moves for a yawara stick or koppo stick.

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 21:08:51


I thought you were talking about a real girl who was weak and semi uninterested... Also i know you weren't spying just saying..

To faces HA !!!

the real pic is here...

Martial Arts Club

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 21:45:06

Naw, I was providing a martial arts question since Faces asked for one. But, I think it's a valid one. Hell I can guarantee, you guys will meet a girl who'll be interested in self-defense or martial arts. She'll ask you to show her a couple of moves. As for the ones who aren't interested, they'll still ask you to show them something; since they are interested in YOU. They get real curious about what their Man is interested in. Girls are funny like that...... By the way, here's the first Sig I created. I decided to use the abstract one instead so other NG BBS users wouldn't think I was kind of threatening them. (It's amazing how many people freak out over the image of a pocket-knife. It didn't used to be like that). This one took a bit more effort. Let me know if you guys like it..... Extra credit if you can identify the manufacturer!

Martial Arts Club

Response to Martial Arts Club 2005-12-10 22:54:44

At 12/10/05 09:08 PM, PiePie wrote: MonoChrom

I thought you were talking about a real girl who was weak and semi uninterested... Also i know you weren't spying just saying..

To faces HA !!!

the real pic is here...

But this one is better!.... YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT!

Martial Arts Club