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Looking up at a Jungle Canopy


Made in Apophysis 2.08 beta and Apophysis 2.08 3D hack, then assembled in photoshop. Everything in this image is a fractal. Most of the fractals I made specifically for this image, though a couple of them I already had rendered on file, ready for such a thing as this.

Inspired by a challenge over on Redbubble, with a fractal group. The challenge was literally 'Green'. Further description included 'make a fractal which is 75% green'. Well, I think I exceeded that percent, though I did not submit this, I entered another simple fractal instead. Reason being that, despite this being made entirely from different fractals, I didn't know if this counted as a 'fractal manipulation'. Most other fractal manipulations I have seen have some other non fractal element in them, but hay ho.

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Review Request Club

In short...this is INSANE. I've seen a fair fer Apophysis creations on NG, but this has got to be by far the best. But I think that with the premise of it being the best thing of its type I've seen, I should now progress to being quite critical because...that's what we're here for :P

Love the details of the trees in the foreground, it's pretty stunning the amount of effort you put in there, and they do look almost completely natural, which again is another pretty amazing feat. However, it's a little odd that there's only the one level of trees. Jungles tend to have a fair few treelines to work with, and just having the foreground and the distance is a little odd, and kind of makes the picture feel a little sparse. You've got trees around the edges, you've got the background in the middle...and not a whole lot in-between.

What you do have are these tiny little creatures, which are again, very nicely detailed and quite Avatar-esque. I think it would have been nice to have had maybe a few more jungle creatures or insects to occupy the center a little more, just to give more to look at and further emulate the relatively vibrant life a jungle has.
Finally, while I get the prompt was 'green', I think that colour overly dominates this. You could have done with some really vibrantly-coloured flowers or plants or animals or something, just to break up the green a little more. But in all seriousness, this piece on its own is pretty damn faultless. I think this is perhaps the second 10 I've ever given an art piece.

-Review Request Club

EchoRun responds:

I thought of adding more for the middle, but beyond other insects critters are difficult to do.

I feel quite flattered that people keep comparing this to Avatar. That film was very, very pretty.


This picture looks really nice. The trees at the borders of the canvas create a very nice atmosphere for this picture.

However, at first I thought I was "looking down" on top of some trees rather than "looking up". But we can see the trees at the borders from below... so maybe we are really looking up?
Anyway, this question is really interesting while looking at this picture as it creates a nice effect: I'm looking down AND up at the same time!
A very surrealistic feeling and I don't know if this really was intended by you when you created this pic, but I like the "surrealism" of this work nevertheless. :D

{ Review Request Club }

EchoRun responds:


The thing with the main fractal in this image (the background piece), is it is one of those where people don't always see the same thing - I see light shining through leaves above, other people may see a mossy floor. So doing it up like this was always going to be a tad odd - I got that same looking up and looking down at the same time while I was making it. Odd, but cool. :P

I thought of Avatar...

And I never watched the movie. :P

One should view this at full size to get a really good appreciation to the amount of detail that went into it. IâEUTMll start with what appears closer to me then IâEUTMll work my way back to the top of the canopy.

I love the amount of detail that went into the vegetation here. This part of the picture would almost look real if it was mixed in with a real picture of a jungle. ThatâEUTMs great art there all around.

Moving back a little you see the animals and little particles floating around. There could be one argument about these two things, but itâEUTMs not much of one at all. They are just so uniformed the way they are spread out. I think itâEUTMs pretty important to have things in your picture placed randomly. Perhaps that means putting one closer to the other, or putting one half way out of frame or something. Like I said though, this isnâEUTMt a big deal at all, just something that IâEUTMve picked up from looking at art.

The furthest location of the picture is very detailed, but almost doesnâEUTMt fit with the rest of the picture. I donâEUTMt know how to explain what I mean, but itâEUTMs simply not as realistic as the parts that you had closer up.

The last complaint, again if you can call it that, would be the lack of in between things. This picture portrays that there are two levels; the front and the back. Perhaps there could have been more in between branches or things to really add to the picture.

All of these things being said really doesnâEUTMt stop me from giving you a 10. IâEUTMm the type of person that tries to find every fault that they can with a piece of art even when I donâEUTMt think it can get much better, because itâEUTMs those things that will help people out.

ItâEUTMs an amazing picture all around. IâEUTMm still a big fan. Keep up the amazing work. :) Also, you should think about taking up animation. You already have the art aspect down, you could create some nice award winning flashes or get a job doing professional animating.

~ Review Request Club ~

EchoRun responds:

Thank you!

You do have a point with the floaty bits being too uniform - I didn't pay it any attention 'till you pointed it out.

Thank you for the lovely review. ^^


Man, that's simply awesome, i can't believe in what I saw, it's simply perfect, so detailed, and so colorful, it's perfect just as the nature, you make awesome art, man, I just can't believe in your drawings, they're PERFECT.

I really loved the colors of this one, it really passed me a jungle impression, everything is green and colorful, it has detailed trees and that sky in the back amused me, I really think that's one of the best pictures I ever seen in my whole life, dude... It's just unbelievable...

AS I said million times above, I loved this art, you have a great potential, all the NG users know this... Keep it up Echo, I wanna see more awesome drawings from you.

(Review Request Club)

EchoRun responds:

Thank you. :D


This really looks amazing. It's good to see that dragons aren't the only things you excel at :P. The picture really sucks you into the atmosphere and looks great. Superb job on this one, probably one of my favourites from you.

The green colour scheme works really well in this picture. I wish I saw more brown though, since with the picture being almost all green, it does seem slightly bland. Still, not much of a problem, when the different shades of green worked so well. The shading and lighting was out of this world, especially in the middle of the picture, and the texture of the plants was also sublime.

When you see this in full size, you're immediately hit by the brilliant detail of the piece. Everywhere you look in the picture leaves you doubting whether it's actually a real photo of a jungle or not. I also liked the atmosphere of this picture: obviously there's the atmosphere of a jungle, but the butterfly-like creatures even give it a mystical and magical atmosphere.

This picture is just amazing. If I had anything to say about it, it'd be the lack of colours other than green, but that defect is so small it's barely worth mentioning. This is going straight on my favourites.

-Review Request Club-

EchoRun responds:

Thank you. :)

I'm glad you like.

Credits & Info

4.89 / 5.00

Mar 20, 2010
2:31 PM EDT

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