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Reviews for "PHASE ONE"

I'll definitely be looking for new installments in this universe. You did a great job establishing the atmosphere and environment. With that said, I would work on the movement mechanics and body language in general for your protagonist.

Like everyone else says, the running looks weird. And why is he running anyways?

It was definitely creepy when the guy shows up behind him. It would have been creepier if the mystery guy didn't look exactly like the first guy, except with a darker uniform.

And I didn't think the shotgun fit in with the rest of the setup. You have a super-high tech guy in a super-high tech facility. Say, 50-100 years in the future. So he's carrying a 50-100 year old shotgun, which is a low-tech weapon to begin with.

As others have clearly stated before, his running could use some work. Considering you used a program that's so difficult to work with, and the difficulty of making a flash look this good in the first place, it's understandable, however, it just looked stiff to me. His knees never bent, not once during that entire running sequence. Furthermore, he held that gun while he ran as if he were aiming off in that direction without having to look. The barrel of his shotgun should have been pointed down by a few degrees, and he should have held the gun closer to his chest, not at arm's length like he was. You need his elbows to bend too, for that too happen.

With that out of the way, I have to congratulate you. In your comment, you clearly stated this facility was giant, and it does seem absolutely enormous. Also, the lighting and shading was exceptional, and I loved the way the screens reflected him so accurately, and how his visor reflected the screens so well. You did a wonderful job here. And that mysterious figure at the end... Oooh, the suspense is already building, sir. I cannot wait for the next installment in this (I'm guessing) series.

You do have an excellent future here, I must say.

I liked it. You're pretty good at making it look 3D but really be flat. Though, the shape of the character's body seemed a little weird, and the way he/she held the gun was somewhat strange. The running animations need a little work around the legs, and just watching the constant, exactly the same pattern made the character look more like a robot than a living thing. It was still one of the best 3D animation I've ever seen on Newgrounds.

Is this the Among Us movie i was told about?

JK man newgrounds recommendation was on point this is really cool
i can't say what has already been said before considering this is 9 years old