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Reviews for "A Bid For Freedom"

Nicely done

I like your writing & drawing. Just a shame it was so short :).

AdamCook responds:

It is. I should have spent a year on it, haha! I had to get it done for the Storybook Collab though, so it was good practice in exercising restraint and saying "Enough is enough, it's good enough, let's see what happens!" For me at least, I think I've delivered enough story for this project.
Anyway, we're all glad you like it!

get off of fucking new grounds

and become a god damn righter! seriously well done

AdamCook responds:

Hahaha! You're too cool, but I'm going to stick with Newgrounds for a while now; I've got some more ideas I want to unleash in the near future. Check out that PM I sent you!


I felt as if my computer had turned all paternal on me, and I was curled up under the covers having a story read to me. I loved that odd "computer daddy" feeling, the story, the exquisite artwork and the spirit of collaboration which brought it all about in the first place.

AdamCook responds:

You know Boogley, I've always seen you as full of good values. Your stuff always seems so warm and homely; even though a cynical eye may expect you to betray something sinister behind the warm smiles and cute creatures, you always seem to end up delivering with well-natured gusto.

I'm so glad that this appealed to you in that way, that for you it brought something more traditional back to a relatively new medium. Thank you very much for adding a bit more sunshine to my day!

A fine work, indeed! (Must Watch)

Absolutely brilliant!!!
We seldom find art worthy enough to pull us from this void of confusion.
But, with the turning of each and every page,
I found myself becoming more engulfed by this bitter-sweet reality.
I highly recommend any and everyone to watch.
Not a single thing to complain about.
A Great Change of Pace.

Will we be seeing any future installments?
How long did this piece take to complete?

Say hello to Babs for me!

AdamCook responds:

"A Great Change of Pace"! That's it! You've got it! That's the sequel right there!

Haha, all jokes aside, it's difficult to say whether this particular project will tell more of a tale than you've seen. Certainly I want to expand it technically and distribute it in interesting ways, but I think I should pursue newer more exciting, more intriguing works in multiple media.

Of course, if this idea gets a lot of support; who knows? Everyone certainly enjoyed their time on this.

This story was conceived as part of the Storybook Collab, which was originally set to end after the month of January. When the deadline got moved back, I realised I could feasibly have a go, and put down a dinner party. This went in a very ambling direction, as I thought about the possibility of the party actually being held in the hull of a ghost's pirate ship populated by demonic drunken fiends.
It would have been very disturbing, visually bizarre and utterly pointless.

Then I thought, a-ha! Scene change! Established a new tack around mid-February, got some visual elements that worked but, oh dear, this action has no end, no resolution! I'm flabbergasted, looking at all the loose ends and trying to tie them up two weeks before the new deadline. What's the deal with this big chandelier then? Aha! Closure was delivered.

For some reason, giddied by my ambition, I honestly thought two weeks would be enough to do all the voicework, a full soundtrack and what in my head was the need for about 50 illustrations.
I almost brought on a migraine private messaging everybody until the deadline was set back to something far more reasonable.
Breathing room that let me trim down to a more sensible 30 images, find the right people and get everything recorded in its own time.
Bada-bing, about 2 and a half months after the thought arrived, here we have the final thing!

Babs sends his regards, and asks if they are any single bees out there looking for a short-term no-commitment relationship.

Good, interresting and new


I found the idea of turning the pages of a book really interresting. Did you make the images on the computer un scan them ? I didnt read it all is written really too small, it's hard to read. Maybe i would have put more songs and sfx.

In some pages, caracters, smokes, animals, .... could move to make an even more interractiv story.

But very good overall, keep on your good work


AdamCook responds:

Aha, some critique! Good points made, and all well taken.

The text issue has been fixed; enjoy!

Songs and SFX are probably the very next thing on our list after that. I've got a great composer interested and might get a variety of songs to warm it up a bit. The sounds are pretty easy to find since Joey helped source the majority of them.

Moving would be cool; like pop-up where they slide about on tabs or something! That would have destroyed any chances of finishing this thing at this stage though. We'll probably do it again though. Interactive? Probably not. "Will you drink the wine? Y/N?" "N - I'd rather drink blood." "Y - Why?"

Cheers for your balanced critique, I'll definitely keep up delivering to the best of my ability and I'm glad despite the lacking elements that you still enjoyed it!