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Cinema Club

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-11-26 12:36:02

At 11/20/09 08:43 AM, Auz wrote: I watched snatch. last night.

I love that movie.

Still got Burn After Reading here on my shelf

That one's pretty funny.

Yeah it doesn't seem like anime does that well in Hollywood. Like I said I'm not such a big fan of it myself, but I've heard of a few anime movies and series of which the story seemed very interesting to me.

I think with anime, it takes some careful searching. There's probably a significant amount more turds than gems. So much of it is just so awful.

At 11/21/09 08:48 AM, Auz wrote: The Usual Suspects is gonna be on TV tonight. Another movie that I've wanted to watch for some time, but I'm not really in a film watching mood right now.

I would have seen this a long time ago if it weren't one of many movies whose ending has been spoiled by other media.

At 11/21/09 06:45 PM, DannyIsOnFire wrote: Struggled to watch Boys Don't Cry. Not because it was a bad film, it was actually pretty decent. But there were at least three scenes that had me saying "fuck" and wincing and looking away. Odd stuff.

hah yeah. fucked up.

At 11/25/09 06:16 PM, Jack wrote: ANYWAY, rewatched High Fidelity - still a great film.


I thought it was pretty good. And Ian Williams of Don Cab and Battles makes a brief cameo in it. :)

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-11-27 11:37:16

Went to the store with my gf today and she bought some new movies. Across The Universe (she's a huge Beatles fan) and The Corpse's Bride. Both seem pretty interesting to me.

At 11/25/09 06:16 PM, Jack wrote: Awesome but I disagree.

You're quite right, the film is aimed at screaming teenaged girls - not a grumpy, male asshole like myself. However for exactly what it is - I think its well done.

Lol. I don't know, I have never seen anything like it myself to be honest :p I guess it is well done if so many teenage girls go all crazy about it.

Also, I thought he side characters were interesting - not so much Bella's friends but Edward's family, I'd like to see more of them.

They were alright, but I was mainly referring to Bella's classmates and her mother.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-11-27 12:54:18

At 11/27/09 11:37 AM, Auz wrote: Went to the store with my gf today and she bought some new movies. Across The Universe (she's a huge Beatles fan) and The Corpse's Bride. Both seem pretty interesting to me.

Most of the musical numbers in the film are simply stunning and have amazing presentation. I think the story kind of sags around the middle and the end though. My opinion though.

I watched Yes Man last night and I really loved it. It reminded me a lot of Forgetting Sarah Marshall at some points. I loved all the secondary characters and how many of them end up interacting with each other. At first I though everything felt a little forced, but once Carl met Allison, the film really started coming together. Zooey Deschanel was also fantastic in her role as Allison. If you're a fan of Jim Carey this is a must see.

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-11-27 19:49:40

I watched this pretty awful horror called Q today.

Monster movie, or so it would have you think, but the film is really about this guy who seems to be absolutely batshit insane and keeps getting in trouble with the police. The whole thing is just shoddily done.

It must be the only monster film in the world where they kill it by just shooting it, too.


Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-11-28 05:08:42

At 11/27/09 12:54 PM, boloneyman wrote: Most of the musical numbers in the film are simply stunning and have amazing presentation. I think the story kind of sags around the middle and the end though. My opinion though.

I fully agree with this.

I thought it was a very enjoyable movie, but I think it could have been so much better. While the soundtrack was great, some songs felt sort of forced into it in my opinion. Like Dear Prudence. Prudence didn't even seem to have any other reason to be in the movie, other than to give the other characters an excuse to sing Dear Prudence. Also I thought they sometimes payed too much attention to the lyrics and the singing rather than the feeling a song should give.

Overall 7/10. It was good, but could have been better.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-11-28 19:56:44

I just watched Wristcutters: A Love Story. It is a fun little indy flick. It has a lot of surreal and absurdist moments and I love films that can pull those off correctly, which it does. I loved the fact that they used Gogol Bordello's music so much in the film, it was such a treat to hear them in a film. Plus there are a few actors I didn't expect to pop up and were a pleasant surprise. The ending made me smile. I'd give it an 8 out of 10.

Next on my list is Paris, je t'aime. I'll pick it up when I return Wristcutters

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-11-30 16:29:33

At 11/29/09 05:55 PM, EclecticEnnui wrote: There's no explanation as to what happened to the world, but does there need to be?

Well.. the reason why I hated Children of Men so much is that literally nothing is explained in that entire movie. The viewer is just supposed to believe that for whatever reason:
-Humans can no longer have children, but animals still can
-One girl gets pregnant nonetheless
-The entire world has gone to hell because of some nuclear war or something, EXCEPT Great-Britain

And that's pretty much what the entire story is based on. That's not the only reason I hated it so much though, there were several other minor, stupid things as well.

Anyway if your movie is also as implausible as that, I doubt I'll like it very much.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-01 12:21:51

At 11/30/09 06:44 PM, EclecticEnnui wrote:
At 11/30/09 04:29 PM, Auz wrote:
At 11/29/09 05:55 PM, EclecticEnnui wrote: There's no explanation as to what happened to the world, but does there need to be?
Well.. the reason why I hated Children of Men so much is that literally nothing is explained in that entire movie. The viewer is just supposed to believe that for whatever reason:
-Humans can no longer have children, but animals still can
At what point in the movie is that mentioned?

Apparently you missed something, because I see at least one review here stating:
Also it would not explain why animals would be able to procreate amidst this eco disaster

I remember a shot with a squirrel with babies in the forest.

-One girl gets pregnant nonetheless
So? Just because it isn't explained doesn't mean there isn't a reason. The way the film is plotted, the main characters are more concerned about other things, like survival.

Oh I thought getting the girl to that boat called Tomorrow was like the main concern. And apparently I'm not the only one who thought that way if I look at the reviews...

-The entire world has gone to hell because of some nuclear war or something, EXCEPT Great-Britain
Again, at what point is that mentioned?

I thought there were several newsreports at the barscene where it was at least stated that the world has gone to hell for whatever reason.

Again several other people picked something like this up as well it seems...

I once read a sci-fi novel called The Chrysalids with a situation similar to that. I don't care that it's not explained because I believe it's plausible. Not every country goes to war and has their land wiped out, or at least to the point where rehabilitation isn't possible.

It's plausible that a few countries would survive, but Great-Britain would probably be one of the last countries not to go to war. On top of that it would probably be a prime target for most of its enemies.

And that's pretty much what the entire story is based on. That's not the only reason I hated it so much though, there were several other minor, stupid things as well.
So you hate the movie for little things?

Beside the things I already mentioned, little things of the plot that simply made no sense. Example: The main characters hiding and running away from the government and the army for a large part of the movie. But when the baby starts crying the army does jackshit and just lets the girl and baby go through the war-zone on their own.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-05 09:21:21

At 11/30/09 10:16 PM, EclecticEnnui wrote: I'm getting Donnie Darko and one other film I can't decide on. Maybe Leon or Dark City.

Leon, fo´sure. Best movie evar!

We're looking at a 42' or 47'. Not sure about the other details.

Let me tell you, i just brought a
46" Sony Bravia, and the quality is awesome with the PS3+Bluray. You won't be disappointed.

Anyway, i watched a few films recently:

Paranormal Activity: I heard a bit about this and how it was supposed to be the scariest movie in a long while. Unfortunately i thought it wasn't really that scary at all. Obviously if i was in the situation of the couple, i would probably shit my pants, but as a movie, it just didn't deliver for me.

I love you man: Awesome comedy about a guy who's going to get married, but has no real friends, so he starts to look for a friend to be his best man, and ends up meeting a real funny guy, but it starts to have an effect on his relationship with his fiancé. Real funny shit. Recommend.

Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-05 12:36:08

I watched Burn After Reading today.

It's.. not as good as the former movies I have seen from the Coen Brothers. At least in my opinion. It didn't even feel like much of a comedy to me, although there were a few funny scenes. Some of the scenes with Brat Pitts character were hilarious.

Overall 7/10. It's alright, but nothing special.

At 12/1/09 10:49 PM, EclecticEnnui wrote: Well, I hope that helps.

Well I dunno. Maybe I should watch it again someday, whenever it's on TV.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-05 14:35:16

At 12/5/09 12:36 PM, Auz wrote: It's.. not as good as the former movies I have seen from the Coen Brothers. At least in my opinion. It didn't even feel like much of a comedy to me, although there were a few funny scenes. Some of the scenes with Brat Pitts character were hilarious.

Overall 7/10. It's alright, but nothing special.

I agree. It's alright at best. The scenes/sub-plot with Brad Pitt are great but Brad always has sweet prescence in films. I need to go down stairs at some point and watch No Country that I've Sky+'d.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-05 17:05:03

Watched mybox set of Mel Brooks films. Why can't people today make comedies more like his?

Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-06 16:01:38

I just watched American History X.

I thought it was really good. For such an emotional movie I'm surprised I even liked it this much. There were a few very awkward scenes in it though. Those who have seen it probably know which ones I'm talking about. I'm also not sure about the ending.

It was pretty obvious that one of the two brothers was gonna die. But I didn't really like the way that Danny died. I mean, that black guy from the beginning had like... hardly any reason at all to just shoot him like that in the toilet in the middle of the day. Danny just blew some smoke at him in the beginning, but that can hardly be enough reason to shoot anybody. Even if you are dumber than a pile of bricks. Sure Danny probably had a reputation as a neo-nazi, but he has never done anything to anybody yet =/ I just thought that was weird, but perhaps I missed something.
End spoiler

Overall 9 out of 10.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-06 16:29:59

American History X is a pretty ace film.

I've ordered Clerks 2, the only View Askewniverse film I've not seen. Really liked all the others, so I'm looking forward to it.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-06 18:06:12

At 12/6/09 04:01 PM, Auz wrote: ----------
It was pretty obvious that one of the two brothers was gonna die. But I didn't really like the way that Danny died. I mean, that black guy from the beginning had like... hardly any reason at all to just shoot him like that in the toilet in the middle of the day.

I got the impression that, that wasn't an isolated incident and that Danny and that lad frequently had such encounters. There's also that scene in which Danny is just staring at him when he's at the basketball court acting all friendly just to take the piss.

Add all that to the fact Danny is a Neo-Nazi and the black fella hangs around with gangsters, who probably had ties with the ones that Derek killed and the reasons for him doing what he did seem more rational.

Plus the film is all about being angry and that anger making you do silly things without thought. So I found it fitting.

And I love Edward Furlong. His whiny voice is the best :D.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-06 18:07:34

At 12/6/09 06:06 PM, Nev wrote: And I love Edward Furlong. His whiny voice is the best :D.

I totally didn't realise it was John Connor until the end credits.

I like to imagine the black guy was a Terminator.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-07 00:28:02

At 12/6/09 06:07 PM, TheMaster wrote: I like to imagine the black guy was a Terminator.

Haha. He's definately nothing else to me now :D.

I just watched a Spanish film called Talk to Her (Hable con ella) by Pedro Almodóvar. Without spoiling anything, it's about two lonely guys being in love with two girls in a coma.

I thought it was really good. It's quite slow paced but its pretty on the eyes. Nice and graceful, which is apt as theres connections to ballet in it.

I think I have some inherent liking of foreign cinema as I've never seen one that I've not loved (well, apart from Battle Royale 2 :P). Maybe its because the majority of the ones I've been exposed to are ones that channels like the Beeb feel are worth exposing.
Anyone got any recommendations, ideally something European.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-07 05:55:31

At 12/6/09 06:06 PM, Nev wrote:
At 12/6/09 04:01 PM, Auz wrote: ----------
It was pretty obvious that one of the two brothers was gonna die. But I didn't really like the way that Danny died. I mean, that black guy from the beginning had like... hardly any reason at all to just shoot him like that in the toilet in the middle of the day.
I got the impression that, that wasn't an isolated incident and that Danny and that lad frequently had such encounters. There's also that scene in which Danny is just staring at him when he's at the basketball court acting all friendly just to take the piss.

Add all that to the fact Danny is a Neo-Nazi and the black fella hangs around with gangsters, who probably had ties with the ones that Derek killed and the reasons for him doing what he did seem more rational.

Plus the film is all about being angry and that anger making you do silly things without thought. So I found it fitting.

Yes it was very fitting, but.. I don't know. I guess the movie dropped several hints that Danny was gonna get shot by that guy. I remember the black guy saying that he was gonna get his heater in that toilet scene at the beginning. Then there was the basketball court scene.

But I didn't notice any mention of a connection between the gangsters that got killed and the shooter. If they would've added a scene somewhere about that, it would have made more sense to me. Although it would be safe to assume that there is a connection.

Also, close to the end there was a car driving past Danny's house and there it was strongly suggested that there was gonna be a drive by or a murdering of Derek's family. So it was a little odd that it ended this way imo.

At 12/6/09 06:07 PM, TheMaster wrote:
At 12/6/09 06:06 PM, Nev wrote: And I love Edward Furlong. His whiny voice is the best :D.
I totally didn't realise it was John Connor until the end credits.

Really? *Looks it up*

Wow. Although I have seen Terminator 2, I didn't recognize him at all.

I did recognize Edward Norton, but surprisingly I recognized him as the guy from The Illusionist and not from Fight Club. But that could be because he looks very similar in The Illusionist and American History X (when he was not bald).

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-08 08:02:28

So, it looks like I'm going to see Avatar over the Xmas break at Millennium Point in Birmingham. This will be the first time that I've been to an I-MAX cinema and this film could certainly be something that is worth every penny to go and see.

£300millon to make
2,400 man-hours to produce 1 second of film
James Cameron & Sigourney Weaver reunited.

I loved the part in the trailer, where it says "From James Cameron, Director of Terminator; Aliens; Terminator 2; True Lies and Titanic" Why the hell is True Lies on there? Gritty action films and then a comedy, where the most convincing part of the acting there was Jamie Lee Curtis' "Are you sure about this" face when she's told to be a hooker.

This could be it - the make or break point, where I have to get a house, a massive TV and a Blu-Ray player before this comes out on DVD, so that my girlfriend is satisfied that we can watch this film in high enough quality to do it justice.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-08 08:07:38

I was dead hyped for Avatar, since it was a James Cameron sci-fi, and then the trailer came out and it was blue CGI furries that looked like they should be in a disney film running around a magical forest, and it just killed any hope I had for it.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-08 08:36:14

At 12/8/09 08:07 AM, TheMaster wrote: I was dead hyped for Avatar, since it was a James Cameron sci-fi, and then the trailer came out and it was blue CGI furries that looked like they should be in a disney film running around a magical forest, and it just killed any hope I had for it.

Hang on a second... if you're a Doctor Who fan, why should you care what these things look like?

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-08 10:26:23

At 12/8/09 08:36 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 12/8/09 08:07 AM, TheMaster wrote: I was dead hyped for Avatar, since it was a James Cameron sci-fi, and then the trailer came out and it was blue CGI furries that looked like they should be in a disney film running around a magical forest, and it just killed any hope I had for it.
Hang on a second... if you're a Doctor Who fan, why should you care what these things look like?

Because Doctor Who villains are just bad effects, not bad design. Look at them! They're funny blue cat people! The CGI still looks unrealistic too, despite the amount of money spent on it. I think it's an "uncanny valley" sort of thing.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-08 13:49:18

At 12/8/09 08:07 AM, TheMaster wrote: I was dead hyped for Avatar, since it was a James Cameron sci-fi, and then the trailer came out and it was blue CGI furries that looked like they should be in a disney film running around a magical forest, and it just killed any hope I had for it.

I saw the trailer for the first time a couple of days ago. Totally not what I expected from it. I was expecting another aliens vs humans movie, but this seemed more like a fairy tale of some sort.

It looked okay to me though. It reminded me a bit of 10,000 B.C. somehow. A movie I kinda liked.

At 12/8/09 10:30 AM, PrinceFlea wrote: It would be nice to see Clint Eastwood Play as batman.

I know Clint Eastwood is (probably) the most bad-ass actor in Hollywood, but play Batman at his current age? Naaaah :p Unless you really want it to become a comedy.

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Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-09 10:26:54

I ordered Rambo 4 yesterday. For some reason I just feel like watching a brainless action movie. Besides, me and my friends wanted to see this one in cinema when it came out and it was only 5 euros so...

At 12/7/09 12:28 AM, Nev wrote: I think I have some inherent liking of foreign cinema as I've never seen one that I've not loved (well, apart from Battle Royale 2 :P). Maybe its because the majority of the ones I've been exposed to are ones that channels like the Beeb feel are worth exposing.
Anyone got any recommendations, ideally something European.

Pan's Labyrinth! Or to name it by its Spanish name: El Laberinto Del Fauno.

It's one of the best foreign movies I have ever seen.

At 12/8/09 03:27 PM, EclecticEnnui wrote: I saw The Bank Job.

Sounds interesting. I saw it on sale today at a local DVD store, although those sneaky bastards made all the movies formerly on sale a bit more expensive (with the Christmas holidays and all). So I'll wait until they lower the prices again.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-09 10:36:15

At 12/9/09 10:26 AM, Auz wrote: I ordered Rambo 4 yesterday. For some reason I just feel like watching a brainless action movie. Besides, me and my friends wanted to see this one in cinema when it came out and it was only 5 euros so...

I have it on Blu-ray. It's incredible. He cuts a guy in half with a machine gun, in slow motion.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-09 15:18:42

At 12/7/09 12:28 AM, Nev wrote: Anyone got any recommendations

Not counting American movies, of course, right? :P

I dunno. I watch an awful lot of foreign films. Foreign or not, it's all movies to me.

ideally something European.


the City of Lost Children
Man Bites Dog
the Celebration
Let the Right One In (if you don't mind some not-so-well-done practical effects)
le Cercle Rouge
Jean de Florette
Manon of the Spring (sequel to Jean de Florette)
la Jetee (watch it on youtube)

At 12/8/09 08:07 AM, TheMaster wrote: I was dead hyped for Avatar, since it was a James Cameron sci-fi, and then the trailer came out and it was blue CGI furries that looked like they should be in a disney film running around a magical forest, and it just killed any hope I had for it.

Honestly, I hadn't even heard about this movie until I saw a trailer when I went to see Inglorious Basterds and I could immediately see it's yet another hollywood movie suffering from Roger Rabbit syndrome. I hate how grossly overused CGI is used now. They should be tastefully used in combination with practical effects. Don't be so fucking lazy that you're just gonna animate the whole damn movie. If I want to watch a cartoon, I'll watch a fucking cartoon. I understand that some things just can't be done otherwise, but there are plenty of things that they must know that they can, such as Cameron's smurfs. Some effects people think they can just do everything in CG without it being apparent, but the thing about those people is they're morons.

Anyway, the movie doesn't look good to me.

At 12/8/09 03:27 PM, EclecticEnnui wrote: I'm interested in seeing it, too, and also hopefully in IMAX 3D. I've already seen a few films in IMAX when I used to work at a theatre, so they were free.

I never really cared much about the regular IMAX screens. I mean, they're nice and I can think of plenty of movies I'd like to see on it, but meh. But the big dome screen at the Liberty Science Center in NYC that stretches over the ceiling and has you looking up above you to look at the center of the screen is freaking awesome. I've never seen one like that anywhere else. Where would one be? The Palisades mall just has a very large screen.

Oh, and I was recommended the Fall on Netflix before. I ought to watch that.

I find I side with critics more often than not.

I usually figure if a movie's tomatometer is like 65 or below, I may as well skip it. RT is pretty reliable, even though the meter for Mulholland Drive is 100 or close to it, which is fucking retarded. I picture every major critic in the world forming a circle and jerking each other off and splooging all over a large picture of David Lynch before they all drink from a large punch bowl and fall over dead, after which Lynch laughs his ass off and reveals that he was just trolling.

Speaking of Lynch, I recently saw Eraserhead. wow. I was all 0_o the whole time. good if you're looking for a dark, surreal, bizarre trip of a movie. Maybe I could give Mulholland Drive a second chance since I actually didn't hate this or Blue Velvet.

probably not.

I saw The Bank Job.

I saw that, but I was either too high or drunk to remember most of the movie. I can't remember which. XD But I vaguely recall the walkie-talkie scene of which you speak. I recall that, some porn star character who died, and lots of tits...and the robbers digging a tunnel, I think.

At 12/9/09 10:26 AM, Auz wrote: Pan's Labyrinth! Or to name it by its Spanish name: El Laberinto Del Fauno.

It's one of the best foreign movies I have ever seen.

That's one of my favorite movies. If you like that, you should try the Devil's Backbone, another Del Toro movie. maybe not of Pan's quality, but still good.

Also, Nev, I haven't seen BR2, but the first Battle Royale is an awesome slice of cheese. I've seen a lot of Fukasaku's movies. He's done some pretty good old school Yakuza movies. I think one of them was based on a Goro Fujita novel. And I thought Under the Flag of the Rising Sun was very good.

At 12/9/09 10:36 AM, TheMaster wrote:
At 12/9/09 10:26 AM, Auz wrote: I ordered Rambo 4 yesterday. For some reason I just feel like watching a brainless action movie. Besides, me and my friends wanted to see this one in cinema when it came out and it was only 5 euros so...
I have it on Blu-ray. It's incredible. He cuts a guy in half with a machine gun, in slow motion.

haha. That movie is so awesomely ridiculous.

sig by JaY11


one of the four horsemen of the Metal Hell

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-09 16:48:58

At 12/9/09 10:26 AM, Auz wrote: Pan's Labyrinth! Or to name it by its Spanish name: El Laberinto Del Fauno.
It's one of the best foreign movies I have ever seen.

I've got it already. Seen it plenty of times. And I do agree, its fantabulous.

At 12/9/09 03:18 PM, Sense-Offender wrote: Not counting American movies, of course, right? :P

Of course ;).

the City of Lost Children
Man Bites Dog
the Celebration
Let the Right One In (if you don't mind some not-so-well-done practical effects)
le Cercle Rouge
Jean de Florette
Manon of the Spring (sequel to Jean de Florette)
la Jetee (watch it on youtube)

I'll look some up and pick a few choice ones to start with.

Also, Nev, I haven't seen BR2, but the first Battle Royale is an awesome slice of cheese.

Battle Royale is obviously great.
BR2 is seriously rubbish though. I suppose its kinda like Matrix Reloaded, a great debut film with a good concept, and then a gay genertic movie as the sequel.

New films:
Inglorious Basterds
Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

Seen all before, but I love the first two, and I've not seen the third since I was very young, but its pre-2000 Disney - so therefore good stuff.
And on the topic of Inglorious Basterds, its definately my favourite Tarantino film. Sure, its not as good as Pulp Fiction, but I don't find PF half as enjoyable as I do IB. Watching Nazi's get slaughtered by Brad Pitt (who is always so belieable as every character he plays) is great :).
And Waltz's character is amazing too.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-12 19:17:05

Watched Clerks 2. Not the best in the series, but a really nice way to wrap it all up. Liked the more down to earth style compared to Dogma or Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, disliked the lack of nerd jokes.


At 12/12/09 12:49 AM, Mendou wrote: Watched Star Trek last night, had some fantastic sound effects and audio, some of the best I've ever heard, and the video quality is amazing.


Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-12 19:51:55

At 12/12/09 07:22 PM, Mendou wrote: Yeah, sure were a fuckton of those, little cliche.

But it wasn't a terribly huge hinder to me.

I didn't even notice them first time around, only on a rewatch after they'd been pointed out to me.

Formerly TheMaster | PSN: Absurd-Ditties | Steam | Letterboxd

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Response to Cinema Club 2009-12-12 22:42:56

Hey, I'm O-zzy. Big fan of cinema. Some of my favorite movies are:

The Godfather Trilogy
Resevoir Dogs
Apocalypse Now
Boondock Saints(the sequel included)
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
Pulp Fiction
The Matrix Trilogy
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Be Kind, Please Rewind

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