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Reviews for "TOME Episode 02"


I think the characters are very, very generic, they lack any creativity in their designs, personality, even their the powers are are generic, which is unfortunate because you brought such a good basic idea to the table; an MMO that's treated as if it were real life and ruined it. By implementing boring and often 'cheesy' dialogue, an unoriginal cast and, what seems to me to be pretty lazy writing. The animation wasn't very fluid, the whole thing had the same layout throughout: characters on either side of the screen talking to one another. Voice acting was okay. Also, I don't really like your art style, that's just my opinion, though. Imma list it now cause' I can't think how to explain all this.
-'TOME'? What does that mean? I've made the point before but 'Terrain of Magical Expertise' just sounds awful, like you came up with 'TOME' first and thought what to make it stand for after.
-The storyline is just bad, lazily written and just bad.
-Distasteful use of profanity.
-Unneeded introduction of new characters.
-In some places just bad artwork.
-The fight scenes are so boring, you need to be versatile on your perspectives.
-Overuse of the gradient tool.
But, oddly enough, I keep coming back to it, I want to see more but I want to see it improved.


You know you don't have to have to crank one of these out once a month. Take your time and increase the quality of the animation and writing until it's as close to perfection as it can possibly be. I am a fan of the TOME series, but I feel that this could be done so much better. Listen, the quality is basically a portrayal of what you feel about the series, and right now it feels like you're just doing it because of the demand from the fan base. Feeding the fan base these "one episode a month" shenanigans just doesn't feel right. It takes time to produce high quality flash, story, and humor. What I'm trying to say is if you really care for this series, heed the advice from the others users and make this series something to be proud of. If you don't want to improve TOME, then maybe you should have left it as it was back in 2007. If you are going to continue this, just please put the highest amount of effort in as you can, I believe the series that started everything you've done deserves at least that much. Good luck on your future projects.


Although the first episode was interesting, this one kinda was lacking. Nothing really happened here besides the fact that the mansion was introduced. Ok, so it's for a tournament that's supposed to take place in the future and the guy is a programmer and all, but I feel as if it could be executed in a better say.

Kirby and Ny fighting the programmer felt like a cheap excuse the get a fight in. He clearly stated he built the place and no one is supposed to be in there. He didn't even make the first move, which begs the question; Why did kirby and ny feel threatened to have to fight back. In a position like that, I would've just said sorry and excuse myself. Even if I had a strong character and all.

"Jeez, let me sneak into a forbidden area and attack the creator for no good reason..."

That's how that scene felt for me. In the end, at first I was interested in this series. Now I'm a little on the fence. And me being on the fence about a flash that I already know most of what's gonna happen (I saw a good 90% of the original flashes u put up all them years back) is not a good thing.

It's my personal opinion of course, but next episode really decides for me if I'm gonna follow this one through or not...

Yea I When there... Part 3

%u2022And Why was he in a restricted place to begin with?%u2022
We never find out.So many questions you raise and you never close them or bring us a feeling that we are on the path to learning something, about the world around the characters or the characters themselves.

The entire Ep.2 was pointless.

%u2022 Also What the Heck happen to the Main character?!%u2022
No character in any work of Literature, Art, SHOW, MOVIE should be more appealing or more important or interesting than the MAIN Character. Did you forget that? (not to be rude) Yea sure we want to know about the other SUPPORTING CHARACTERS but they should actually SUPPORT the Main character showing us viewers why he's the main dude/dudet to begin with what makes him/her so special. It should have been ALFA's concern not Kirb's in learning about GC (if he is the main character). Especially since it would make more cense seeing that it is confusingly shown in the 1st Ep. He doesn't know everyone that well, but his connection to the group seems to just run through Kirb and FlameGirl.

You Must understand that you are the writer we are the viewer we cant read your mind and we don't know how things come together. You have to crank it out in a way that we feel like things among characters and the story is progressing. You shouldn't be opening other questions especially when you haven't stabilized your Main Character, his/her Goal, his/her Obstacle.

As it looks now i think you need to rethink how you will be telling the overall story and how each episode will fit together to tell a bigger tale, as of now it looks like a fantasy world rather than a game and it was a bad idea for you to have this in a game universe (No Offense) since there is so much missing and your characters interact with it in a fantasy world like manner. Id even like to call you out on the fact that you seem to be writing strait ahead, things don't seem to add up.

Id like to see better than this for this Series especially since I was inspired by TOME to put Mine into motion.

It's got potential

I'll be honest I wasn't sucked in right away, and it seemed very odd to me- But your animation style did keep me watching and voice acting wasn't too bad, but to be frank I thought it was kind of...Childish, made for twelve year olds and what not. The colors, I know everyone has said this, but they're just disgusting. The music is a bit annoying, and I know it's supposed to be video-game like, but only games from arcades and retro games have that sort of music. You should spend more time on it too, it seems very rushed and hard to follow. The humor in it, as many have said is very is a bit out there, and obnoxiously idiotic. Like Nylocke or whatever, was just fucking annoying, his voice still rings in my head as we speak like a buzzing hornet in my skull trying to release itself by stinging my eye balls. And the mouth movement with the voices aren't really in-sync at all. Also as Oney brought up, there is no fucking tension at all when they're stalking Gamecrazed. Bottom line, you've got potential, but you're not doing the right things, my only advice would be to take more time on it, and try to appeal to an audience more than that of twelve year olds and fanboys. 2/5