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Reviews for "TOME Episode 02"

This was enjoyable, but

Those villains are so painful to listen to. It doesn't help that the episode opens up with one as well (it almost made me quit watching the movie; however, I am glad that I didn't)

Once past the intro, everything else was nice. It was corny, but the kind of corny that I grew up with. I can't get mad at that.

I can't give this a high score either, though.

The antagonists are a main part of the story and I can't stand them. Not because they're well written bad guys that you want to see stopped in the end. It's because all of their scenes are just unbearable. More so with the coon (who thankfully is not present) and the n***a blob or whatever he is than the girl. She's bad as well, just to a lesser extent.

It feels like if their dialogue was cut back it would also make them slightly more intimidating. As of now they are just annoying buffoons.

What i think

i noticed alot of good artists& authors gave you LOW score with good reasons. and Most of them Are TRUE. anyway i still kinda like the serie. however it seems your art and animations didn improved a bit since 2008. and the fact that you dont draw SHADOWS is bad! very bad! it make the characters looks so Plain. and Lifeless. (and please dont tell me this is supposte to be ANIME Like. i mean the art dont even look a damn bit like animes!).
and WHY are you allways asking "Abridge Serie" creators for Voice Acting help??
are you trying to make this serie populare with them?.
THE STORY is also plain and unconnected. i mean this has nothing to do with the first episode. if you call it a "SERIE" it should be atleast Chained.
oh and that "Why did you faill?" "I dont Know" joke RIPPED the smile out of my Face...i mean that was the most dissapointed joke i heard in a WHILE!
atleast Musics and Voices are Good.. though i think MORE sound effects were better. The face expressions were acceptable. But not allways!
Anyway i hope next Episode you Do draw Shadows and give more time to make this. I know you can do it better
You just have to animate from your HEARTH and not your POCKET
Overall i give it 6 of 10.
anyways thats just MY opinion

Animation Good, Storyline Meh

Just like some of the other users I have to agree you really need to work on your storyline. Your animations are amazing, no doubt, but it's hard to understand what's really going on.

Yes we know it's an online game, yes we know there are hackers, but what's their real purpose?

I think the problem if you are spending too much time developing every single character. And although it's nice to have them all you should really focus more on the Protagonist and Antagonist. So far i have no idea who the main character is. You seem to change the perspective with each episode. So it's hard to understand WHO the story is about.

One you list your characters in order of importance decide what each of their roles are. You don't have to explain them all at once, but at least know where you are going.

Make sure each episode revolves around the main character. Even if you throw in a few side notes here and there with other characters it's important to remember who the story is really about. While we do love the side ones they are not usually of overall importance in the whole story.

Then if you do want to add other side stories to help show the characteristics of your side characters then I think it should be done as a separate entry. Like a side story.

I really like TOME, and I really want to see more, but I think it would greatly improve overall if you fixed the storyline. I hope this post helps :)


It was decent

But it did feel quite rushed. Don't get me wrong I like this. But I just feel that in the future you could try to pace these episodes, it has potential to be a great series. The voice acting was good, but some of the music felt annoying, I don't know if that is a good thing (the nostalgia of video game soundtracks so annoying) or bad. I'm not the one to judge this as I am not a music critic.

The attempt at humor (additional dancing) was... decent, not the greatest, it was okay, didn't really make me laugh