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Reviews for "TOME Episode 02"

Prepare for the Ultimate and Honest Review

Art: The Art is pretty decent. It fits the theme of the show. You really don't need great detail, because it is a comedic show. I like the Artwork. Though if you decide to increase the detail on the artwork. It still would be good.

Animation: The animation was also decent. It seems a bit rushed. I notice that some of the lip-sync look like Japanimation Mouth Flaps. I would like to see more exaggeration, anticipation, squash, and stretch. Also more arcs.
Story: The Story is very engaging. This show has awesome potential. Keep working hard at it, and it is going to go places. Just don't rush it. Take pride in your work, and bring great quality to the table. Not quantity. You used a lot of Tweening. Recycled animation is okay because... that is how a video-game is anyway. :P

Dialog: Some of the Dialog was repetitive, and adds no substance to the story. You can tell the story without the use of so much dialog. The dialog didn't really make me laugh, but I did let out a smile. Even still a lot of people wouldn't understand the jokes unless they played an MMO before. Which is no problem, because I figured that is the audience you are trying to reach for.

Audio: The Audio is Superb. Great music that fits the genre of the show. The voice actors and how you tweak them is also superb. I like the "L" approach you did with the "Anonymous Employer" at the beginning. That was pretty rich. I like that Dragon Knight guy. He is very annoying, but in a loving way. Every time you see him, you are like, "Oh God, this dork." This is great, we need over the top character like him. I want to see Kirbs personality a lot more. I want to see more of his quarks. What sort of habit that he has, or certain thing does he do to set himself apart from other characters? For example, is he the type that wants to duel everyone... even at the most inconvenient time? Stuff like this would set him apart from the other characters. To me he is almost like Flamegirl, though not as feminine...

Keep at it. This is a great show. Don't rush it. take pride on what you are doing, because your potential is outstanding. Though I am still angry at you because you beat me to the punch on creating a cartoon based on an MMO!


I think maybe the first episode was just you finding your (bad word) again. this is much better. But again as one of the old series fans I liked rob how he was Oh well this is getting better :P Good to see the labyrinth again rob and can't wait for a certain cat lady and Vulcan armed creep to make a appearance.

Finally got a break to watch this

This has the makings of fitting right in after Transformers Prime or Adventure Time - seems like the makings of a good kids show.

But, I took one star off because sometimes it doesn't know what it wants to be. There are a lot of adult jokes, suddenly, and a abruptly, that kind of take me out of the world it's trying to paint. It seems to be very kid like. Over the top lines. Campy encounters (all fun). And then, suddenly, cuss words. They're censored, but they're pointless. A character who cusses a lot isn't a trait or a defining characteristic. It's just - being obscene to be obscene. Took me out of the story a fair bit. And then, the fetish joke? That was a really cheap laugh that took a lot of credibility out of the whole thing. I think you need to keep your humor (and language) to PG-13 with the environment and style you have it in.

I took off a 2nd star because sometimes scenes just ran too long and didn't serve a purpose. I found myself clicking away at something else because a talking scene didn't develop anything further - they were just having polite conversation. I think you need to wrap up your points quicker - or have them doing something while they talk - very just standing there.

And I took off one more star because even though it only happened a couple times - it was off putting. The style between the old art and new custom stuff jumped around a lot. Line thickness was never consistent and even the style looked kind of different. I actually thought you brought in other artists for different parts. It was starting to look like the pilot of Rocco's modern life - where the style changes each shot.

Other than that - I liked it. I enjoyed it. Thought it was interesting. I actually think it has the possibility to be it's own show. I think if you keep it for kids, about kids playing games, and light and fun - you'll have a winner on your hands. Vs sacrificing the whole thing to get in a joke about what Nylocke wanks off to.

This episodes are getting better and better. I love the voice-acting. Keep it up!

Not bad, I actually kinda like it.