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Reviews for ""R""

life is an eternal moment of choosing

"R" is wonderfull, quite the most interesting thing I have heard in ages.
My take, is as follows.

Life, as we know it, is not absolute reality. At least it is no more than 1% of the 'all that there is'
Everything that has ever happened or is ever going to happen, has already occured.

This is because 'time' does not carry us along as would a boat on a river. Time is a stactic field which our live move through.

In that respect, our senses fool us, deceive us so that we have a sense of logical progression through life. This progression we refer to as, 'the passing of time' although that is not literally accurate, if feels true to most of us.

Where then lies freedom of choice?
Where is there room for self-determination?

The answer is, it is with us at every moment..

Every day we make choices as to who and what we are and we experience the way those choices affect the world around us.

What we choose an the way we percieve those choices, actually creates our reality.

This is sometimes referred to as; "The Observer Affect."

Put clearly, I can tell you that the way you percieve a thing, alters a thing.

No matter what happens to us, we are the creators of our own experience.

Example: A young man is involved in a bad accident and wakes up in hospital with his limbs in plaster. His choice? He could say, "oh dear God, why did this have to happen? My life is ruined." Or, instead he could say,
"Thank the Lord, i'm alive, I could have been killed."
In this instance, that accident victim has chosen how to experience that has befallen him.

Does philosophy have a place in our realilty? Or is it a purely self-indulgent exercise in intellectualism?

Well, I say, lets put it to the test.

Lets say that you wish you had more money, as so many of us do. You could say 'I want lots more money", if you do, the universe will simply agree, "Yes, you do want more money." And that is all you have created.

But phrase your desire another way, 'I WILL make more money' and the reply becomes, "Yes, you will make more money.'"
The difference is that you are choosing to influence your own outcome. (or income, in this instance.)

To put this in practice, simply write down that which you most desire, 15 times a day. By all means be as cynical as you like, but make sure you that do nonetheless write your statement out, every day, and be sure to phrase it in such terms as, 'I will' or 'I am'" for your desired affect.

A brief word of warning, the only way the Universe knows how to work is to give you what you choose. So heed the wisdome of the words, 'be carefull what you wish for, you just might get it."

In my most recent job I wrote out every day "I will be no.1 for Sales in my department." After six weeks I achieved that, I went from bottom (and in danger of being fired) to the very top, where I stay by stating, "I am no.1 for in Sales in my dept."

To conclude, I am saying that everything is occuring all at once, but by unlocking our own individual power, we can influence the outcome. In fact we do, all the time, the difference is do you want to choose consciously, or unconsciously?

In that respect, life itself is a contradiction in terms, everything that is to occur has already occured, yet we can nonetheless, still alter the outcome through the choices we make.

Friends, I say to you, create your own experience and allow others to do the same.

As for you, Da Dinictus, I say that you are wise.

By choosing hope as your core philosophy, I know will always experience it, no matter what occurs in your life.

Hope stems from love and love is by far the best choice any of us can make.

Da-Dinictus responds:

You've excellently put how a static view upon the Universe can still be as flexable as another's view on how non-static it and Time can be. Though I doubt that you've become the numero Uno in Sales at your job by simply stating you will become so, I do believe that you then also force yourself to work harder, better, and to achieve more than you do now.
And, judging the outcome of that tale, it had its wished effect.

I thank you for your review. Sharing views and reading them is so nice in these dreary days of late ^_^

A truely good piece of work

I very much enjoy wathcing this movie, infact it has made me question, and re-think some of my own beliefs and curiousities of life. I too wish a copy of the text from the movie, if you could E-mail it to me (Wolf20980hotmail.com) or somehow make it available to read I would greatly appreciate it. Second, I hope you will make more like this, possibly based on some of the review's written by people who actually listened to what you had to say.

My opinions:
I dont know for sure, but based on what i have come to learn about the universe, there is no explaination for how the universe all started. Yes, i know of the Big Bang, but do you truly believe that the Big Bang suddnely happend, do you belive that something can be made from nothing? I do not. Therefore i have come to the conclusion that there must be some higher source at work, some kind of God. But then the question is, how did this God come to be? My answer, he/she always was. That is something that we, as race that is governed by time, living in a world, also governed by time, cannot accept easily. For us there is a beginning and an end to everything we know of. Therefore we assume that everything must have a begining and an end. But it is wrong to assume, for as my Gr.10 English teacher taught me, when you assume u make an ass of u and me (ass-u-me for those who dont get it). So that is what i believe, although i dont claim to know what religion is truly right, if any.

Another question that i will briefly discuss before i end this review, is are we alone? To think that we are a fluke, 1 in who knows how many planets, is just fooloish. But when you look at how perfect things are, how they are put together just right for a form of advanced life such as ourselves to evolve, does make you wonder. Are we alone, i do not belive so, but how many others are there? i cannot say. If you wish to learn more, than ask yourself questions. Why? How? When? What? Who?

Da-Dinictus responds:

Mortal life always brings the belief that things are finite. Assuming certain things can and are not can be hard. Seeing us as one race in the grand scape of evolution, we can hardly say we are alone.

Also, a nice little joke of your teacher.
Thank you for this review, Wolf. You know, I just might send it today, "R"'s speech. And you'd be the first ^_^

Thank you again, and I'm glad you enjoyed my flick.


This is the most thought provoking flash ever i showed it to all my friends and they also thought it was amazing. if you could would you mind emailing me the text from the animations. Email Puglielliusa@cs.com

Interesting Unique Movie

I really love it...just outside my top 10 movies!!

I know the real reason was to give your poseptions on life but didn't wanna bore anyone so made it interesting...still was funny...I loved it...thank you very much for making it!!

Da-Dinictus responds:

No prob. Glad you enjoyed "R".

Get over yourself.

Good Christ. Spend some time leafing through a study guide to one or two of the thinkers who's names you were so eager to drop and your rants might stop sounding like my dad after he's had a few beers. Trying to impress people with cosmetic references to arguments like the parable of the cave and concluding them with gems like "it'd sure be tough adjusting once you stepped outside"
doesn't count as an intellectual contribution to the site.

I became a newgrounds member this very night for the sole purpose of telling you how monstrously empty-headed and pretentious this cartoon is. I "hope" this encourages you to start reading your fancy books instead of skimming them for cool quotes, though I fear it'll probably feed your massive ego even more.

Da-Dinictus responds:

The Son of the Lord has nothing to do with this. Just me and you now.

Appearantly, you didn't like the movie's contents, and felt like doing nothing but let me reply to it to boost -your- massive ego, to use your words.
Or, I could be nice. And I will.

If the thought of this movie being made for NG, and its users - average teens with little to no interest in basic philosophy - ever has struck you, yes, then probably I really should've consorted to things and terms people can link to in their minds, without delving too deep. And if they still didn't like that, enter comedy relief. I need not impress folks with content. I need not sound pretentious to convey a message, that NG's contents can be more than the god awfull crap that hits it everyday and gets blammed, or just might survive on the brink of blamming. I wanted to share my views after giving those of old, and to encourage people to think about matters, and maybe sharing their thoughts.

Now read all these reviews this movie has received. Most of them have actually been replied to, and share a valid view upon matters. Some use more up-to-date examples, some even point out more ancient philosophers.
Finally, have you noticed when it really was made? Say, a month or so ago? Why should I 'get over myself' after having completed a movie, appearantly with quality, judging its score, that has taken 1.5 months of my life to just share my views and have people contemplate? Get over myself? I have passed the phase where I thought I was interesting by the age of 3 or 4, thus my inquisitive nature. You, sir, just had a major ego boost.

Enjoy your shot. I'm out of 'ego' for this month.