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VampireHunter Ina 2

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First off let us say we're sorry about the download time for you 56k people. Believe us we did all we could to cut this cartoon down and still keep a good story. As though of you who know us though we try to make good cartoons and while that doesn't mean you'll like it we hope you will at least stick around to see it. As always if you want to join our mailing list to know when new cartoons will be out use the link to the left to go to our site and sign up on the front page.
((One last Note Vampire Hunter Ina 3 will be out in about a week or two So watch out for it.))
Thanks For Watching
Ina Staff

Below is a little history about the vampire legend we are basing our story on which other film and games like Blade and Castlevania have also used. We do this in order to get more constructive criticism.

“Ok it seem that a lot of you believe because we use the idea of a half breed that we stole it from blade or Vamp D. Just to clear things up in order to get some more productive criticisms, the idea of a half breed is older then both those GREAT movies as is the idea of vampires. Some people compare us to Buffy for no other reason then we use a girl as our half-breed. But the idea of half-breeds came almost as soon as the idea of the vampire was created in Stokers novel. Soon after the novel was made a short story was published talking about “Alucard”, the son of Dracula and a Human Slave, who’s need for sex was go great he killed his mother while having sex with her. Now we’re not saying we didn't take this idea in fact one of our charters will be named "Alucard" but just like blade and D borrowed this idea and a game borrowed the name Alucard, we also hope to add our own twist to this ancient story. Finally in fairness judge us as a flash cartoon and not a multimillion-dollar production. Look at all the flash cartoons on Newgrounds and the web and judge us by our peers if some of you still think this cartoon sucks then so be it we will try to better our selves as always thanks you all for your support.”
((((((Please read before you review))))
OK we saw a theme in the reviews so to save you all time please read this. first off the animation. When we brought out the last cartoon everyone wanted more of a story so in this one we cut the animation to do that. believe us when we say we wanted to show her speed and and ability to kill the vampires but decided to instead just show her killing. We know a lot of you don't do flash but there are limits to what you can do on it. In order to make more animation you have to cut down on something. in order to put more audio you have to also cut down on something. We have a Up load limit here at newgrounds and also we try to think about the peeps on 56k who have to wait to down load these things. so in the end the audio suffers and things must be cut. As for the voice acting and sound effects we wanted to have little to no emotion and we tried hard to get it. We wanted the cartoon to feel that way just ask any of our voice actors who were asked to redo lines. As for sound effects some people like it others didn't. We have limits guys the only way to bring out this cartoon with full animation and story and killer grafix and sound would be in 6 parts 3mb each and we didn't feel that was a good idea. were sorry if you don't like the story we hope to improve and maybe down the line you will like the next but surely someone will allways hate it we try to entertain the most people we can. But like we said compare us to the other toons on newgounds and not one tv or movies and if you still hate so be it. thanks for reading this.

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Indeed colossally a great piece of work even though sounds and other voices were limited. I did like the style of the illustration with the animation. A vivid story that has a good idea and plot device. Indeed very nicely done. Just wish there was more sound and voices to it and i would been happiest.

I thought this one was okay - gave a little more insight to Vivian. Thought to fighting scenes were a little questionable, particularly concerning the girl shot in the head while slowly walking all the way out of the window.

Not that bad....But I wanna know the Rammstein song they used.

the good old days...

in the days of us all into pop or disturbed. now we're all adult and getting our shit together but we stop and watch the videos that we did back then. remembering how naive we where and how easy life really was. i loved these when i was a teen and i love um now. they're short but you gotta give ina credit.


This was so stupid, it's offensive. The intro with the vampire hunter's monologue was terrible. She talked to fast and sounded dull. Her character in general is dull. She is such an unoriginal character, that it made my crotch leak. Also, am I supposed to believe that the couple did not see all of those dead bodies, right next to them? The scene with the SWAT team was unbelievably bad. When that chick got shot in the forehead she should have been dead! But no, instead she's still standing even while she gets a BARRAGE OF BULLETS THROUGH HER BODY. Not only is she still standing but she apparently has enough speed and power from slowly walking backwards to break through the window glass. Also, the soundtrack was awful. I say, start over and don't be so cliche. Don't insult the audience.

Credits & Info

4.22 / 5.00

Jan 19, 2003
4:51 PM EST
  • Daily Feature January 19, 2003
  • Weekly 3rd Place January 21, 2003