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Madness Retaliation

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Progression 5 Points

Unlock your first door or elevator

Redemption 5 Points

Slay the Savior

Renovation 5 Points

Turn a wall into a door

Consternation 10 Points

Kill the Clown

Completion 25 Points

Finish the game

Exploration 50 Points

Finish the game with 100% map explored

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Author Comments

NG STAFF NOTE: We had enabled Ruffle on this game thinking it worked but it had features that weren't yet supported via Ruffle. We've now switched it back to using our desktop player until Ruffle support is complete.

= = = NEWS = = =

- Version 1.5.8 approved by NG admin on 11/02/10!

- Medals approved by NG on 11/09/10! Hurrah!

- If I haven't replied to your PM's, it's simply because I'm busy at work on the sequel to this game. Hopefully I can put in as many features that you guys suggested. Happy gaming everyone!

- Someone pointed out that there are fan-made walkthrough vids for this game on Youtube. If you really need help and the guide isn't helping, search "Madness Retaliation" in Youtube.com.

= = = IF YOU'RE STUCK = = =

... CHECK THE GUIDE AT https://revolverroach.newgrounds.com/news/post/531385

= = = BIG THANKS = = =

...to all the Newgrounds players, voters, and reviewers who helped this game get daily 5th, weekly 4th, and front page! It's hard to keep up with the reviews but I do read through all of them. Thank you for the praise, suggestions, and also the many criticisms that help me make improvements to the game.

= = = LATEST UPDATE 1.5.8 = = =

- Fixes to Medal system. (Medals still pending NG approval)

- Fixed some spelling errors and inconsistencies in equip description

- Increased efficiency of JHP ammo stun to 75%.

= = = PREVIOUS UPDATE 1.5.7 = = =

- Some save system bugfixes. Again, saves are local to your PC, NOT your NG account.

- Added new ability for the Savior Halo that will help exploration.

- Medals created (Pending NG approval)


You command a team of 4 specialists infiltrating an AAHW cloning facility. You must retrieve vials of DNA that the Auditor is using to create stronger agents. You must shoot and stab your way through masses of ever improving enemies. Collect weapons, armor, and items to help you reach the Auditor's tower and complete your mission.

= = = GAME PLAY TIPS = = =

- This is a turn-based strategy game that uses AP (Action Point) mechanics. Fans of Fallout 1 and 2 will be familiar with the game-play.

- In each battle, try to defeat all enemies as quickly as possible. Each of your characters has a limited amount of AP that are used to move and attack.

- Moving horizontally, forward or backward, takes 1 AP per tile. Moving vertically needs no AP.

- If you have no more AP, press the End Turn button. You'll to regain some AP but your enemies will have a chance to attack you.

- There is no "Level-up" System. Your HP, damage, AP, and other stats are determined by the armor and weapons.

- Some equipment have special abilities which are displayed in their description. Figuring out how best to use them, is entirely on you.

- You cannot change your character's classes. Learn to optimize their use.

- Armor is subtle and relies partly on luck, but it can be invaluable in many situations.

- Certain enemies drop items which will help out in difficult battles.

- You don't NEED to explore the entire facility... but it does help quite a bit.

- If you lose a man, the Higher Powers will resurrect him after you finish the battle. Assuming, of course, that you win.

- Save often. Srsly.

= = = ABOUT THIS GAME (it's quite lengthy) = = =

The inspiration for this game was the "kill-team" dynamic between Deimos and Sanford, as opposed to the "one-man army" feel of Hank. I want players to feel like they're constantly upgrading and improving their team. I've also tried to replicate the weapons and armor used in the Madness series as Krinkels portrayed them, then added a twist of my own art-style. I had planned this for Madness Day 2010, but it my estimated 2 week production time became 2 months. Still, I'm quite happy with the result and hope you enjoy it!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

MUSIC CREDITS: https://revolverroach.newgrounds.com/news/post/530660

HINT SHEET: https://revolverroach.newgrounds.com/news/post/53033

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Шкафы сломаны!

this game was very fun but its broken and I cant get any further because it wont let me get key card 3

cant open locker to get the keycard 3 (and cant open some other lockers)

An immortal classic.

The lockers are bugged now

Credits & Info

4.70 / 5.00

Oct 25, 2010
2:27 AM EDT
  • Frontpaged October 26, 2010
  • Daily 5th Place October 26, 2010
  • Weekly 4th Place October 27, 2010