... I can't get enough of these little films and games with this type of symbolism and imagery. GREAT JOB! MOARRR.
Happy belated Clock Day!!
And thanks to Tom for the frontpage!
... I can't get enough of these little films and games with this type of symbolism and imagery. GREAT JOB! MOARRR.
Clams are now my favorite animals.
oww.. my ears....
One of the strangest and most Bizzare movies.
That ever came out of the clock crew. Speaking of which I just noticed it had nothing to do with clockday whatsoever unless you count the speakonia voices which was just about clams\
But despite all that this is a very interesting movie. Heh, Talk about expecting the unexpected starting out with some guy enjoying a picnic on the beach summoned by a clam elder who invites him inside. Really great imagination this author has.
That being said this deserves a lot of credit rather then just a clock day movie. probably almost as good as "The Easy way out" another great clock day movie. And of course keep on keeping up the good work!
Clock movies have never just been about clocks. Think of B, @@@@NEIL@@@@, or Gar@RRfG@KeerrFFjj@@@@@@@!!
Thanks for the kind words :)
The beginning was really weird and not good :S the voices sucked and nothing happened... But then that big clam came and i jizzed my pants :O that was EPIC!! that was just one of te best drawn, created animation part i've ever seen :O The surrealism and everything was perfect _O_ Great job ;)