I think drow are anything but cute. They are evil. This is not evil.
1 minute video. Ariel, a young drow sorceress in training practices transformation spells at the instruction of her brother Kel'noz. Animated for the Drowtales 6th Anniversary special. http://drowtales.com. Segment 1 of 3. Part 2 is here: http://www.newgrounds.com /portal/view/375616
Part 3: http://www.newgrounds.com /portal/view/375706
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I think drow are anything but cute. They are evil. This is not evil.
loved it
well it could have been longer but 1 question..... did you use anime studio to make this?
so....wait all she did was change the color of her hair? wow -_-
too short if you ask me.
Are you kidding me? This took longer to load than it did to watch. God, when I watch something I really expect more.
Guess there are other parts though but sheesh!
Your animation was very great and you even used my favorite voice actor great job. Overall, I guess it was good.