Okay, I'll say it. This was probably the scariest thing I've ever seen. But I know what you're getting at.
It's sorta as if the guy walked into McDonald's, but didn't know about the food's effects. So Ronald McDonald told him to eat it, thus causing him to give in, get fat, and hallucinate about cows. Then, machines suddenly come and start eating up the cows, so as to make the burgers, and he gets killed in the hallucination. He then wakes up and somehow is seeing inside himself. The giant person looking down at him is, in fact, the Burger King, which I figured out. The Burger King takes over his whole body, and he got so sick he wound up in the hospital.
I hope that's enough to swallow, and enough to explain the Flash. It gave me nightmares for about a month when I watched this for the first time. My parents then forbid me from using Firefox. So, you technically got me halfway grounded. XD But that was YEARS ago. They explained the video to me later on. A while later, I remembered this Flash and thought about the storyline. I looked at the comments and reviews of the movie. And I realized all the stuff above this paragraph that you just read.
Keep animating, just try not to traumatize me again. XD I'm kidding you know. You have my support! :)