There's nothing quite like beating off hoards of girls with a trash can. ;)
Move left and right with the arrow keys or the "a" and "d" keys. Punch, grab, and throw with the mouse. If you need to pause the game or change some of the options, click on the options button on the bottom left.
If you play all the way through the game, you can submit your score at the end.
I remembered playing this as a kid. This one can be firmly filed under "dumb fun incarnate".
Main complaint's those mouse-based controls - feels like I'm trying to do everything with a fucking pool noodle for an arm.
Played it as a kid, thought it was hilarious.
Played it as an adult, thought it was fucking hysterical.
This might be dumb and goofy but it aged like a fine wine lmfao.
Most based game ever
(yeah I know it was an unfunny joke, who gives a fuck)
I remember playing this a loooooooong time ago, but never knew Jiggmin made it. Cool