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Dr. Shroud in: BITB Pt. 2

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This episode is Part 2 of three in the Dr. Shroud "Boy in the Box" series. If you haven't seen the first episode of Dr. Shroud in the "Boy in the Box", you should go see it now to learn what is happening. If you don't know who Dr. Shroud is or what it is about, visit the Newgrounds Collections page to watch and learn more or visit my site (buy the DVD!). This episode contains clues and back story for part 3, so be sure to keep a watchful eye! Happy Halloween!

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I really enjoyed this. It's truly amazing how good the animation is. Everything transitions so perfectly. I really do feel for this poor kid. I thought it would be like your earlier stuff at first. It was like a silent film with no dialogue.

I am glad it didn't stay that way. I prefer the audio. It shows the extra effort. You know how to put emphasis on the voices. A bit long, but it gets its message across well.

This episode brings up some questions

Was Laura's mom turned into a zombie and if so was the mentioned infection spread by bite or something else? Also this episode and the web site imply that Dr. Shroud is/was married; what happened to his wife ? Did she die, did the marriage fall apart after Wendy was kidnapped or am I way off in thinking he doesn't live with her? There are certain questions about Necropolis that need to be expanded on. Also is it me or was it a bit dark outside for 5pm? Questions and maybe some gripes about the characters' movements and facial expressions aside there is something good about this series so I hope I didn't come off as discouraging or overly rude. Keep up the good work.

robfeldman responds:

No, this is all encouraging stuff! I love when people have questions, especially good ones like yours, so thanks. First off, I should say that most questions will be answered in the live action feature film, but I will do my best to explain here. The animated stories are intended to be self contained brief snapshots in the life of Dr. Shroud, reserving chronological plotlines and subplots for other mediums (aforementioned film, comics, etc.).

That said, here you go:

"Was Laura's mom turned into a zombie and if so was the mentioned infection spread by bite or something else? "

She was infected by a bite from the rampant vampire infection in Necropolis.

"Also this episode and the web site imply that Dr. Shroud is/was married; what happened to his wife ? "

Married, currently separated. She's in the feature script.

"There are certain questions about Necropolis that need to be expanded on. Also is it me or was it a bit dark outside for 5pm?"

Necropolis will be explained eventually. It's always dark at 5PM in Necropolis. Think of it as perpetually Fall.

Making characters move better nowadays. :)


Brilliant yet again!

Just wow, the story has me hooked! Aw man too cool!
The hie out reminded me of he shadow and the phantom,
hahaha willy is one weird puppet... so what makes him tick?
I love the style, mood, storytelling, and Dr, Grave's demeanor.

I am shoked again !

I do not understand how people coud vote for this one less then 10 ??

Jealous or smoth maybe ?

just love it

im bypassing all the negative bullshit and giving this the whole 15
its so dramatic in some scenes but the outlook is really amazing its even better than these nerve-wreck volume blow up over dramatic horror junk movies we see these days
you should make it into a movie or something its really over the top from the creepy enviroment to the intriguing storyline this is a masterpiece and iiiii like it :D

Credits & Info

4.34 / 5.00

Oct 24, 2005
2:29 PM EDT