Newgrounds Background Image Theme



Work with me!

I love helping people work on their passion projects, not only to have an excuse to create more art, but I just love being involved in the creative process. So hit me up if you have anything you need help with, and if I'm interested and not too busy, I'd love to help!

Art & Design

For examples of my illustration work, visit graciebell.art/art

For examples of my design work, visit graciebell.art/design

Music & Sound Design

You can hear examples of my work on my SoundCloud page but that's not the limit of what I can do, I can do pretty much any style. I can also design sound effects as well.


My go-to language is Go, but I know Javascript, Java, Python, C, C++, and a little bit of Lua.

For examples of my code, visit github.com/gracieart