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There was this girl...

21,108 Views | 286 Replies

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-10 19:44:19

At 9/10/08 06:56 PM, MasterBSK wrote:

:It's a horrible feeling, walking away alone, leaving your friends behind, knowing fully well that they would have a great time and share and laugh and get closer to each other... leaving me alone...

Freakin' oath it is.
Thanks for the awesome post. I'm going on a week long....camp thing soon, but I won't be alone, and I don't think it's long enough...

Maybe I haven't disconnected from her yet because I haven't been sure about whether or not I want too :/
Keeping in mind that she was also the best friend I'd ever had.

At 9/10/08 07:14 PM, GiantDouche wrote: Why did you link to this when it obviously fails?

Because it wasn't failing at the time, and because it's the least failing thread of mine.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-10 19:57:12

thats the first ever life story on NG

aka MangaWasabi

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-10 20:06:40

At 9/10/08 07:57 PM, gozar wrote: thats the first ever life story on NG

And it's hardly my life :P
just a chapter.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-11 07:47:40

At 9/10/08 08:24 PM, PinkFoydZeppelin wrote: Meow,No, that was just one of his songs.

well fine, as Cat Steven's would sing...
:P and here I was thinking I'd display a cultured self by bringing him into the thread.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-11 09:58:38

im so gladive stumbled upon this this morning you sir have touched my heart in a way that if it is every touched this way again i will say i remember this story called there was this girl... i read the whole thing and i have to say you are a very compassionate and deep person the way she stabbed you in the back over and over and you looked passed that because you really wanted it to work and she just did not care which makes me feel sad because of how you sound like such a good person you make me feel as if she is the biggest bitch in the world and im not the type to hate people but i hate this bitch even though i havent met her to be so hurtful and having such disreguard for your feelings is very fucked up for you to still be ok makes me want to be a stronger person myself because you have been through alot not saying that youve been through the worst shit ive seen because there are people worse off i had the same problem about a year ago she kept hurting me like you and i took her back once then i got wise i guess its true what they say "no matter how bad your life is there is always someone who has it worse"

|Add me on XBL| My flash's|Thanks to SupraAddict for the awesome sig!

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Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-11 10:01:17

also to have so much patience like you do is pretty hard not letting your anger get the best of you is quite a feat i mean you could of fought shannon but you were better then that all i have to say is that who ever you are dating is lucky to have such a nice person like you

|Add me on XBL| My flash's|Thanks to SupraAddict for the awesome sig!

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Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-11 18:32:04

At 9/11/08 10:01 AM, fallensoul289 wrote: also to have so much patience like you do is pretty hard not letting your anger get the best of you is quite a feat i mean you could of fought shannon but you were better then that all i have to say is that who ever you are dating is lucky to have such a nice person like you

Hey, thanks for the kind words.
And thanks for reading all of that.

Kelly and I have started talking again, and it frustrates me to hell that I get along with her so well.
:P I wish I didn't, because then it would be easier to...not...talk to her.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-12 01:09:08

Absolutely the best thread I've read on these forums, and the second best thread I've ever read on any forums. You should write a book.

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-12 01:15:02

This tread is like highschool all over again.

"Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds."

~Henry Rollins

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Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-12 22:00:04

At 9/12/08 01:09 AM, ThadsPark wrote: Absolutely the best thread I've read on these forums, and the second best thread I've ever read on any forums. You should write a book.

I'm working on it ;)
and thanks for the...'best thread' thing :P
I'm glad it didn't get shunned or anything.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-12 22:47:16

Man, this is very inspirational. I would go into detail about my own emotional roller coaster, but I feel that is negligible because of the fact that I am 16. PM me if you do wish to hear it for some reason. I only extend this invitation to ronin, and I'm not sure why. Oh fuck it, anyone can hear it, but only in a PM; I think it sucks too much to be a thread.

Catching Fire, starring Paul Walker

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 05:41:40

At 9/12/08 10:47 PM, chi-master08 wrote: Man, this is very inspirational. I would go into detail about my own emotional roller coaster, but I feel that is negligible because of the fact that I am 16. PM me if you do wish to hear it for some reason. I only extend this invitation to ronin, and I'm not sure why. Oh fuck it, anyone can hear it, but only in a PM; I think it sucks too much to be a thread.

I'm pretty sure, compared to some of the other crap that floods the threads, anything half serious is better....

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 06:01:59

At 9/13/08 05:53 AM, Otto wrote: It's quite a good story, but I dislike your style of writing overall. You seem to use commas far too often, and yes, whilst they are good and properly used, it makes your sentences drag on forever. A way to improve would be to be slightly more variable on your writing style, and read back through more often. Too many clauses can get confusing and the ridiculous amount of pauses can really hinder the way a story flows.

hmm, okay.
I'll keep that in mind for next time.
An interesting thing to keep an eye out for is the time differences between the huge posts.
that'll give you an idea of how quickly I was typing this stuff out.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 06:19:17

At 9/13/08 06:03 AM, Otto wrote: It'd probably be a better idea to have it all written out ahead of time for the BBS, so you can really get it right.

If only it had been that well planned :P
I thought I did alright, considering...

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 06:28:02

No BBS stories.

I can't actually imagine why you're looking down here, but while you are...

MSN: acidsoldier@gmail.com, Steam: boomman123321

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Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 06:31:40

Holy shit. You are a great writer. Somehow, I was on the edge of my seat whilst reading the whole thing!
Such a great ending!

You would be a very good writer, and, I think, you should write a novel about this :P Are you already a writer?

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 06:33:49

At 9/13/08 06:31 AM, xIDoL wrote: Holy shit. You are a great writer. Somehow, I was on the edge of my seat whilst reading the whole thing!
Such a great ending!

You would be a very good writer, and, I think, you should write a novel about this :P Are you already a writer?

I like to think so :P

At 9/13/08 06:28 AM, AcidSoldier wrote: No BBS stories.

Okay then, I won't post stories about BBS ^.^

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 06:41:13

Bravo , Bravo

Never felt this amused by reading in a long time.


BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 07:35:47

At 9/13/08 06:41 AM, Chiklay4 wrote: Bravo , Bravo

Never felt this amused by reading in a long time.

It was my privilege.

At 9/13/08 06:58 AM, DJ-Keen wrote: Have you still not figured out that women are whores?

Beginning to realise :P
nah, some go alright.

At 9/13/08 06:53 AM, CashClock wrote: There should definatly be an I'm in Love/I hate myself(Emo)/ My dad abuses me section on the forums

It would get heaps more posts than the general thread.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 07:42:43

I don't have time to waste reading a sappy teenage love story. What happened in the end tell me.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 07:46:17

At 9/13/08 07:42 AM, iscrulz wrote: I don't have time to waste reading a sappy teenage love story. What happened in the end tell me.

Ask anybody.
it's not sappy ;)

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 09:40:13

Okay, sorry for double posting, but here's my msn if you ever feel the need to add me.
did the address really come as a surprise? :P

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 11:06:03

I stumbled across this topic while I was browsing the forums, then I had to go out, much to my dismay. I got up to the 2nd to last Chapter, then had to go. I've just come home and read the rest. I was in your position, just on the lighter side, the girl I was with didn't sleep with anyone, just did stuff with them when I was near.
I just want to wish you good luck in the future, and I may have to add you to MSN, just so I can check how you are doing, you've got me very interested, and if my situation comes to this, I may need your help. I think everyone who has read this thread has seen the amount of pain and emotion that life brings, and how quickly this get broken. I give my kudos for you on not giving up, pushing on, you're an inspiration for a lot of us. This is one of the best and warming threads I've ever read, I've been on here for around 4 to 5 years now, so that's a big feat my friend.
I see now that you've had a rough life what with the parents splitting up and the like, but maybe things are starting to look up. As with the girlfriend thing, I think you need to give it time, spend more time with her, more phone calls, the usual. Eventually, if you don't push your feelings, you'll become attached too.
I'll be watching this thread for any more information, could you PM me or MSN me if anything new happens?

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 12:11:30

At 9/13/08 05:41 AM, Rion-hunter wrote: I'm pretty sure, compared to some of the other crap that floods the threads, anything half serious is better....

Well, I wrote some of my thoughts on my userpage. Not really thoughts, but you'll see that if you read it.

Catching Fire, starring Paul Walker

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 14:43:32

At 9/7/08 08:05 AM, Rion-hunter wrote: At this point, I was like...her fifth, maybe six best friend (myspace list wise :P)
Whereas she was my first, dramatically.

Houston, we found the problem,"Myspace..."

That line sounded alot cooler in my head >.>
This is...Only the beginning, but I want to see if people are actually...reading this, so I'll continue if I get some feedback.


Here's feedback; Continue MOAR!!

At 9/7/08 08:53 AM, Rion-hunter wrote: but Kelly was avoiding me like the plague.

Wait what? does the plague avo... nvm this story is fucking amazing!

I went without lunch for three days, starving, just so I could afford this...I dunno, 18kt, white gold necklace with Swarovski crystals or something...:P
And a giant...'beanie buddy' teddy bear.
Which, of course, was a heap of money.

Girls don't like it when a dude goes that much out of their way, for the most part.

She came over...three days before Christmas, and we spent the night strolling through Christmas lights, etc.
And I gave her the presents.
Nicest thing of all was...
She had nothing for me.

So, you sent her back into the kitchen right?

Now, Should I continue? Or are you bored? :P

I sense the epic in this thread...

At 9/7/08 09:43 AM, Rion-hunter wrote:
I posted the following bulletin on myspace;

Dude, Myspace can make a person look really weak. No offense, it's better to just send messages to friends and see if they care enough to hear your story.

At 9/7/08 11:02 AM, Rion-hunter wrote: I rose one, pointing hand at her and stated, simply.

Fuck. You.

Epic.... I <3 you.

At 9/7/08 12:54 PM, Rion-hunter wrote: I sort of squirm until she gets off (lol) and that was that.

I've done that =D (lol)

At 9/7/08 01:05 PM, GIRFAN wrote: I hate you.
You're one of the bastard cock-blockers at a party.
Go kill yourself.

If you aren't sarcastic (I doubt you are anyways...)

I'd bet your the type of moron who gets drunk and tries to sleep w/ some chick. Trying to get some in a night, leaving a chick extremely embarassed (this is if your body looks as bad as your heart) the morning after.

At 9/7/08 01:16 PM, Rion-hunter wrote:

:" In a blink of an eye, your life will be nothing but a memory.

Will you look back on those memories with pride, or regret?
Make the decision."

And thats quoted now =3

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 15:54:35

RION YOU ARE MY GOD, seriously i can very much relate to what you have been sharing. i've had a few bastard friends of my own. but indeed i could not be of such supreriorness as you to yours. so, you are my new god :3 *worship*

cookies rule your future.. o_o

strangeness <33

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Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 16:34:17

Wow, usually Newgrounders can't be bothered to read posts that long if they don't involve something horrid and nasty.

And yet, a whole lot of people have followed your tale.

It's god-awful, it is. Been through it not once, but fucking twice, with two lady-friends of mine.

Sucks to high heaven, it does.

Pure awesomeness. You must read it.

(God-like signature by Zeppekk)

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Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 16:49:09

Usually, I wouldn't read something like this. I suppose it's because I've come to expect everything they say. This one though, I knew it was more than the normal stories.

I really enjoyed reading every word of it, and I'm really glad I had it all there before I started. I would've been going crazy waiting on the next part.

Kudos to you, because you're a great writer.

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 16:52:55

Rion, you truly are a masterful writer, ever think about doing a Novel?


Thomas the Tank engine. Aww yeah.

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-13 17:47:35

That's the best damn life story i have ever read

And dude, the pain you have gone through i understand 100% I've gone through the same thing as you have. Well not what has HAPPENED to you but the principle in the story, catch my drift?

Listen to Here Without You by 3 doors down.


the best AAA Indie game in the making, help the game by spreading the word! ;D

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