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There was this girl...

21,111 Views | 286 Replies

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 17:09:01

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this is

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Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 17:32:23

At 9/7/08 02:50 PM, Rion-hunter wrote:
At 9/7/08 02:46 PM, Guardian-Angel wrote: That was a great read, mate. I'm glad to see everything ended up right. I remember reading a quote somewhere, I think it was on Facebook:
"Thing always have a happy ending. If it's not alright, it's not the end." Something along those lines.
I'm thinking this should go into the BBS topic goldmine.
Wahah, serious? :P
this thread isn't even a day old.
anyways, that's a pretty cool quote, and now, I haven't read that series. But I'll have too if it's your favourite..
Pretty sure...I've 4:50am here, and i've gone with no sleep. :P

This is truly epic enough to go into the BBS goldmine. Thanks for sharing that story for us.

Fuck. You.

That was the best cliffhanger I have ever read in my life! I'm damned to see that somebody would put so much time, thought and effort into a thread like you have. Nice sig too.


Veritas est index sui et falsi. (Truth is the criterion of itself and the false.)

Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero. (Sieze the day; trust little in tomorrow.)

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 17:39:37

At 9/7/08 04:28 PM, Twerpo wrote:


You can also tell peoples intellect based on their perception of what people do/don't give a shit about. And weather or not they base someone's entire intelligence on rather specific things such as grammar, forgetting that he/she is reading a post on a forum, and not a novel. If you find someone that bases these things on grammar, thinking that everyone gives a shit, tell them to shut up and get over themselves.

Shut up, and get over yourself...

my opinion = fact

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 17:41:35

At 9/7/08 05:32 PM, Laughingbox wrote:
I'm thinking this should go into the BBS topic goldmine.

Definitely. Truly an epic story thread if there was one.

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 17:57:47

...that mad me sad. I was hoping for a happy ending, and instead she got with that other dude...

...I'm really sorry to hear that, man.


BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 17:59:46

dude stop flirting with my mom

Wenn Leben Ihnen Zitronen gibt, machen Sie. Das hatte Sinn nicht.

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 18:08:38

...I just read the rest heh. I guess not so bad an ending after all. I went through something similar to what you went through. Her name was Chelsea. Let's just say that things weren't a happy ending for me. =/


BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 18:11:41

At 9/7/08 04:35 PM, BlurrythyRuler wrote:
At 9/7/08 04:33 PM, Dr-Worm wrote:
At 9/7/08 04:28 PM, Twerpo wrote: buncha stuff
Moar stuff.
Its funny because I ranted about this less than 24 hours ago. People will come into a topic about a story just to bash their grammar and spelling. Pay attention to the story and you won't notice it.

I tried to pay attention to the story, but I honestly found the constant breaks in the flow too distracting. The story never really gets off, instead stumbling around with no true cohesion to the sentences.

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 18:25:33

I would like this to be a movie :P

anyway I icourage you to write more(even on newgrounds with all the dicks in the corners)

There was this girl...

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 18:30:16

I had to keep reading, even though I have the flu, I just could stop reading. I was very worked up in the story.

That's What She Said...

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 18:31:10

At 9/7/08 06:25 PM, Mysteryhat wrote: anyway I icourage you to write more(even on newgrounds with all the dicks in the corners)

Oh you mean Twerpo?

Cause I totally checked the corners of the browser window for dicks lol.

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 18:54:16

Oh man, i can actually say that your thread has been the best read ive had since my time on newgrounds; that's the truth.

Youve been thru alot with this whole kelly business and i understand that it'll be hard to forget about but youve got a girlfriend now, a good job. For you sir, things are starting to take form for the better :)

Also, i added you on myspace (y)

For the last time, i don't know how to rip a CD!!

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 19:01:49

I cried a little...that has never happened on the net to me before. Ecellent story

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 19:09:07

Ok, These are serious words right here...

I hate books, they bore me to hell...

After reading your awesome story, I suggest that you seriously write a fucking book O_O.

I can't tell if you're joking, because you never use emoticons. ~ SolidToad

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 19:10:31

if she still fucks ya over, here's something to kill it.

1) Get a game console(360 and PS3 are recommended).
2) Get a shooter, rpg, or something to kill with.
3) Become a shell where your soul is in gaming.

It works for me.

What a shame, Mister Jensen.

I never asked for this, Mister Denton.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 21:12:35

At 9/7/08 06:25 PM, Mysteryhat wrote: I would like this to be a movie :P

anyway I icourage you to write more(even on newgrounds with all the dicks in the corners)

I never said he should stop writing. I just informed him that his writing had many grammatical flaws and is paced in a very awkward way. I didn't tell him that he had no hope, but rather that he has a lot to improve on.

Besides, what good does it do to tell someone that they're good when they aren't? It only leads to false hope and overconfidence.

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 22:01:32

At 9/7/08 06:11 PM, Twerpo wrote: I tried to pay attention to the story, but I honestly found the constant breaks in the flow too distracting. The story never really gets off, instead stumbling around with no true cohesion to the sentences.

I actually found the stops and starts and cobbled-together feel of the whole thing to be kind of endearing. It bucks conventional, often boring storytelling in favor of something with a little more uniqueness to it. More like a scrapbook of various components and ideas than a "story." Though I agree with you that it could certainly use some editing.

I don't really understand why everyone is criticizing you so much. While your first post may have been a little harsh, everyone is entitled to their opinion.

NG Cinema Club Movie of the Week: Night of the Living Dead (Romero, 1968, USA) | Letterboxd | Steam

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Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 22:06:05

I had a very similar situation except that I cut off way earlier than I did so it was much easier to get it over. :]

Very good story.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 22:07:05

At 9/7/08 10:06 PM, sqrage wrote: I had a very similar situation except that I cut off way earlier than I did so it was much easier to get it over. :]

Very good story.

Way earlier than you did*

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 22:19:55

At 9/7/08 04:44 PM, waitjeremy wrote: I think this was the most touching thing I've ever read on a forum. This story was truly amazing. So, how are things holdin' up for you know?

Things are improving. Looking up, somewhat.
The court battle for the divorce is in...like...three weeks.
And after that, I can finally get that drama off my chest too.

At 9/7/08 05:09 PM, AwesomeRific wrote: I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this is

No, that's a different Kelly. I don't have the Kelly I've been talking about as a friend on myspace yet.

At 9/7/08 09:12 PM, Twerpo wrote: Besides, what good does it do to tell someone that they're good when they aren't? It only leads to false hope and overconfidence.

You're probably right about the editing and all, but the way it is, is the way I aimed for.
I didn't want to write it in a form that seemed too solid. Too many people would be intimidated.
so I Indented heaps.
Did you actually manage to read it all?
I think the note that I gave to Kelly proves that I can write in better forms than this.

I've actually written the first draft of a novel.
55, 000 :/

I need at least 80,000.
rewriting it :P

Maybe I should post up the first chapter some time...?

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 23:41:58

At 9/7/08 08:05 AM, Rion-hunter wrote: There was this girl.
I'm fairly confident that she, or any of her, or my friends will be reading this, so I'll disclose her first name :P

Oh, wow, I only just read over that. I meant to say 'won't' be reading this.

There's probably a lot of little typos like that :/

I think....up 'til more recently. This would have to be one of the only threads you HAD to read all the way through.

Also, the pic that I linked out, I read over it, and people could get a little confused.
Kelly was the person in the center.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-08 00:06:07

Well I guess you went on a journey of self-discovery, love and imagination.

Thnx for the sig ParadoxVoid

i look like a ballplaya

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-08 00:27:23

If you liked my writing, and want to REALLY look into it, I've posted the first chapter of my draft novel here, on my page.

If you've read this far, thanks for putting in the time and effort of this thread. :P

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-08 05:54:25

So now you know the story, I'll bring to light a problem.

I'm not becoming emotionally attached to my new girlfriend.
As I said, she's great, I DO want to be attached...
And she's definitely attached to me, but I'm not feeling the same way back.

A friend said that it's because it will be long before I'm actually over Kelly, and, as Cat Stevens always said; 'the first cut is the deepest'.

I personally don't believe this 'Kelly' thing is resolved.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-09 11:37:34

This thread is so good im gonna stick it in my sig. You earned it.



Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-09 12:33:06

Great story. I would say it was inspirational but it really wasn't though. You made very dumb decisions and let your emotions get the better of you. What you should have done was either give up on trying to get with her or disown her as soon as she showed disintrest in you. The other big mistake you made was let out all your emotions like a girl. I mean you might be comfortable with kelly but jesus; you're telling me you can read what you said over again and not think that you were a crazy stalker? Seriously, kelly was an obsession with you. Like most guys like us, this always happens, but for you to succomb to your feelings and make a fool of yourself was your downfall.

Now to be an even bigger dick, I shall present to you, the monkey looking, ugly ass kelly rion was obseessing about.

There was this girl...

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-09 15:30:16

Normally, I find it pretty hard to talk to people or even post on the BBS but the way you write and can talk people in such a way really is inspirational. You've kept me mentally and emotionally sucked in for the last 30-60 minutes (not sure, didn't check the times). Please continue with updates every month or so.

Gamertag: BlackFlameNG Xbox 360 Club

Gamerscore: 25,275- last updated 23/February/09

Steam ID: BlackFlameNG

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Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-09 18:02:22

At 9/9/08 12:33 PM, Frattochino wrote:
Now to be an even bigger dick, I shall present to you, the monkey looking, ugly ass kelly rion was obseessing about.

aaaah....that's not her.
Though I do know that girl.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-10 18:56:15

At 9/8/08 05:54 AM, Rion-hunter wrote: So now you know the story, I'll bring to light a problem.

I'm not becoming emotionally attached to my new girlfriend.
As I said, she's great, I DO want to be attached...
And she's definitely attached to me, but I'm not feeling the same way back.

A friend said that it's because it will be long before I'm actually over Kelly, and, as Cat Stevens always said; 'the first cut is the deepest'.

I personally don't believe this 'Kelly' thing is resolved.

First of all, thank you for sharing the story. It must've been hard writing it all down. (mentally)
I'm kind of like you, in a way. Although my family isn't as broken (sorry for being so blunt), it's broken enough that I depend and hold on to my close friends, and just recently, I've begun to suspect that they're all slowly fading away from me... you see, I'm the type of guy that studies and believes in studying everyday, so I would never hang out with my friends on weekdays... and I've begun to realize that the more time they spend with each other, the closest they would get, and the farther they would fade away from me... It's a horrible feeling, walking away alone, leaving your friends behind, knowing fully well that they would have a great time and share and laugh and get closer to each other... leaving me alone...
But anyway, this isn't about me, it's about you, and about your problem...

I think, to fully "enjoy" the companion of your present (and future) girlfriends, you need to absolutely clear your mind off Kelly. As it was stated earlier by another member, I would recommend you going on a vacation, away from work, family, Kelly, everything. Including your girlfriend. Go somewhere that is secluded from people and cities, and just relax. You deserve it. (I'm trying to encourage you to take your vacation to a lake or possibly to rent a cottage or somewhere along those lines)
I don't know when you can make this vacation, as you stated that the court meeting is in a few weeks. That's up to you to decide. It would be better to go after everything is settled however, hence, after divorce.

That's my two cents. Hope you take it, or find something better. Trust me and others when I say that you are a great person, with a great heart. What I admire the most about you, is the fact that you were able to be yourself the entire time. I have a lot of trouble finding who I really am, and staying as the real me. Can you possibly give me tips on how to find my true self? Thanks and again, you are inspirational.

P.S: You should consider becoming a writer. If not, you should give this story up for a novel, or possibly, a movie. I'm sure someone will pick it up.

Shawn Michaels: I'm the 'Showstoppa', the Main Event, the ICON!

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Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-10 19:14:07

Why did you link to this when it obviously fails?