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There was this girl...

21,102 Views | 286 Replies

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:16:40

At 9/7/08 11:12 AM, hawkshade wrote: stuff

Your comments fill me with some form of hope, for some crazy reason :P
I'm typing it up now.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:20:24

You fail alot don't you?

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:21:26

At 9/7/08 11:02 AM, Rion-hunter wrote:
Fuck. You.

YES! Same thing I would've done! YES!

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:21:28

At 9/7/08 11:16 AM, Rion-hunter wrote:
At 9/7/08 11:12 AM, hawkshade wrote: stuff
Your comments fill me with some form of hope, for some crazy reason :P
I'm typing it up now.

That's allright, take your time. This topic isn't going anywhere.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:23:03

pics of kelly?

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:26:32

Waiting for the next installment, im gripped!

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:27:12

I'm enjoying this a hell of a lot for some reason, I demand more! Good job.

The Juggernauts will awaken...

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:30:34

Maybe its the clear, bright day outside, maybe its my perfect breakfast I just had, or maybe its god telling me so, but right now, I feel like saying something serious. Yes, I dont normally interfere with others relationships, but man oh man, you have won me over with this story.....where to begin...

All I can say is.....wow, what a life you have right now....

- Family issues, feeling disconnected from your own family is one thing.
- Your friend turning into a "friend with benefits" then backstabbing you time and time again, all the while unable to control herself is.....well, its unexplainable.
- You steadily grow more and more attached to her the more she both apologizes and gets into other relations....

Yes, thats right, you are quite attached to her, and she is quite attached to you. However her habits drive a nail- no a dozen nails through your heart. And the more you plead with her with AIM, the more sad and ashamed she feels, and the closer you get.

If this wasnt true, I would think it a great romantic play script.......

So what words do I offer? none as of now, but I need to know when you need my help, ill help ya bro. Seriously, aside from a few others here, I kinda want to help ya two get together, if possible, or at least help ya move on.

Please continue.

If I could name one person I respect.........it probably would be me. oh and the guy who lives here

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:30:51

i think the thing that would solve all your problems would be a good barrel roll.

derp derp derp derp derp

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:35:13

At 9/7/08 11:30 AM, svenisgod wrote: i think the thing that would solve all your problems would be a good barrel roll.

kudos for the funniest thing in this thread.

At 9/7/08 11:30 AM, Jackotrades wrote: a whole heap of stuff.

And kudos for the best comment so far.

The story Continues.

I was out the front door before Shannon could react. Kelly just stormed off down the hallway, and everyone else seemed too dumbfounded to do anything.
Shannon came racing out after me...

"Mate, what's the problem?" He asked me.
"After our conversation, I thougth we...had more of an understanding."
"...well, yeah?" Shannon replied.
I begin to make my way towards the car, followed closely by Shannon, he was the only one outside still, before I turn to him, on the verge of tears.
"Your hands were in her pants?!"
Momentarily speechless, Shannon stopped following me at the gate, as I made my way to my car, on the other side of the street.
"Well," Shannon mumbled, "I guess we can leave it at that..."
And with that, he turned and made his way towards the door, when Sam, who HAD been asleep, emerged. Realising I'd left my gear out, behind the house, I turn and make my way back towards the pair, before walking right past them.

"Are you alright," Sam asked.
"No," I mumble a reply.
I grab my gear, and turn back towards the front gate, as Kelly smashes her way through the front door.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?" she screams at me, to which I didn't reply.
"...Kelly..." Sam says warningly.

I sigh as I reach the front gate, stopping in my tracks, before turning to look at them all.
"Save me the pain!" was the last thing I said before I climbed into my car, at 12:30am.

I arrived home at 1, and went to bed. Naturally, I couldn't sleep easily, but I slept nonetheless. When I woke up, I had large portion of breakfast, and went straight to the gym...for five hours.
Burning anger like there was no tomorrow.

What was probably the scariest thing in the near future was training for work, during that very week.
Now, to explain my work, and Kelly's relation to it...
She works in the office for a 'Care' organization. I care for disabled children.
Another interesting problem was...so did Shannon.

I arrived at the mandatory training for this job early. Got a seat, waiting for the inevitable. For Kelly to walk through the door. When Shannon did...I nearly fell of my seat.
He, out of sympathy, I believe, took a seat next to me.
What frustrates me about Shannon the most is that...He's a great guy to talk with.

Then Kelly walked in.
And for some reason, she sat on the other side of me.

So here I was... sitting between the two people that had made me feel like absolute hell for the past few days.
Fortunately, nothing too interesting went down, though they were both flirting 'n' shit non-stop.

Finally, the day came to an end. FINALLY.
As we were all leaving, I gave Kelly printed note, which is sooo huge, it doesn't fit with this instant installment, and I'm not going to split it up.
So somebody better post a message quick, coz I'm not going to double post :P

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:38:37

pics of rion?

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:39:40

Write it now!!!!!

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:42:12

At 9/7/08 11:38 AM, SmokeX28 wrote: pics of rion?

I've had a request for a pic of Kelly, but I'm not certain if that's...legal.
don't I have to have her permission or something?
Anyways, here's a shoddy pic of me :P

The note I gave to Kelly shall be after this.
I promise :P

There was this girl...

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:44:13

You know this is a good story when nobody is saying TLDR or YOU SUCK N00B

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:44:33

you look like you can kick and ass or two, take out shannon, eliminate all resistance then take kelly.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:46:55

Though you may not like it, you are one of the foundations of my life...
You are one of the leading people in defining who I am.
And though you didn't seem to like to talk about yourself...
though you didn't let your emotions out
I thought I knew you.
And I accepted that, you didn't like talking about yourself much...though I did find it awkward, at times, always talking about me...
But I...guess I didn't know what you were capable of.
Sure, I liked you. Sure, it hurt a hell of a lot, seeing you do that stuff, but what...unsettled me more was...
I thought I knew you...
and I thought that you had a heart.
I accepted that you weren't interested in me.
I knew that, I understood.
not only were you the girl that I liked, you were...
My foundations...someone I could rely on, to always be there for me...Someone, i thought, who cared in return.

I made that fairly known, beside the bombfire at Amanda's. You were my life force, you were the person that saved me. And i told you that I...was jealous/hurt when Corey was using you, and you were using him, when you knew how i felt.
And I had thought you were one of the few, if any, that cared in return.

You asked me, when you were watching the porn, if I thought you were a slut.
I had never even considered you being one.
not even close.
but see...at the time, I didn't know you'd already done stuff with both Shannon AND Corey.
At the time, I still...trusted you, i still had faith in you...i still respected you.

Though you may not like it, you were my friend. And even after everything I still cared for you. That's obvious enough.
And...at sam's, after you'd been a bitch to me over msn for two weeks, I wasn't really caring what you thought about me anymore, but I didn't want to see you get used by Shannon...

I thought you were drunk, i thought you were vulnerable.
And i didn't care what you thought about me, as long as I managed to stop you being all over shannon.

So I sent the text.

It slowed things down, for a while...
I...wasn't so angry with you at the time of the message, because...you hadn't done that much with him...
but as you know, I can sorta foresee what you're going to do..
and i wanted to stop it...

Shannon and I had the chat, as you know...and I thought I'd managed to 'save' you...

And, as we both know, i like you, but at this stage, it was irrelevant...
I just...didn't want you getting hurt...

But see...
I underestimated you...

What I thought, was that you didn't care about what I thought about you, not anymore...

So what I hadn't planned for, was you doing things out of spite.

Out of anger about the text.

That's where I thought I knew you...

I wouldn't have thought it were possible for Kelly, who seemed so classy, to let the hands of 26 year old pedophile into her pants...

I had never been so angry at both myself in my entire life.
Sure, i was angry at you, for letting it happen, but I was completely angry at myself for, practically encouraging it...

The text worked like reverse psychology, practically.

And the Kelly I thought I knew died, right then and there.

And has been replaced with somebody who...is nothing but a bitch...

I would like to think that you're still the same, but it's obvious that I hurt you, and you haven't exactly been happy with me..

So we're both here, being angry at Rion...

All I wanted to do was to stop what I thought I could.

all you wanted to do was have a good time.

All i wanted to do was save you.

All you wanted to do was destroy me.

I don't think...I will ever be the same...

See, one of these people, that defined me...well, the way I saw them abruptly changed, and...I guess, so did I.

I'd never been so angry, or so hurt, or so lost, in my entire life.

I thought the Corey thing was hard on me, but...it didn't even compare.

I needed somebody to talk to.

Sam thought it was unjustified.
Ethan didn't Care.
Crystal had his hands in her pants too.

I had nobody...
that there is the list of my top four friends, and none of them were there for me...

So, yeah...I spoke to whoever might listen.

The bulletin board.

And, thinking back over it, maybe I shouldn't have, you're right, but... If you don't want people thinking about you in that way, why would you do it?

Katie replied to the message, asking if I was alright, etc...
it was the first time she'd talked to me since Amanda's, it's not like we had been talking behind your back the whole time.

And I didn't reply 'til later that night. After the alleged confrontation with you...

I just sent her my msn address, and we have been talking since then, yes. but not all about you, lol...don't go thinking that.
:P she likes the beatles too...
that suprised me...
And she's a big reader...
A writer's favourite kind of person, lol.

Another person, i found I could talk to, was Amanda.
she had been there for me after her party...

Strangely, both of them thought what you were doing to me was absolute bullshit...
but maybe they were just saying that, i can never tell these things...

I'm beginning to think every friend is two-faced...
I know...that...maybe the bulletin was a bit harsh, but...I guess, you could say, I was kind of upset :P

I'd just seen my 'best friend' engaging in sodomy with an alleged criminal, in front of me...
When I liked her...
And she knew that...

I guess...Me being upset is kind of understandable...

And I wonder how you said "I thought someone who's meant to like somebody isn't meant to yell at them and call them a slut"...
(or along the lines of)

I mean, come ON, how naive can you get?

Had I not liked you...
Had you only been my best friend...

I think, the overall process wouldn't be too different, just...obviously, my actions would be...

Because...I still would have been angry with you.
You seemed better than that...

But I did like you, lol...as stated...

the only difference is that, i was angrier, and got more hurt.

You seemed 'classy', you seemed respectable, you seemed to be nice
Strong, yet not strong enough to walk alone...

Who was the only person that listened to the few problems you chose to speak?

Who was the person that only ever did what was good for you?

Until, about...two weeks ago.

I tried, in all my power, to be there for you, as nothing more than a friend...

Sure, i suffered from emotions myself...

but all i ever did was...sacrafice...to be with you...to talk to you...

Remember, i quit my job to go to schoolies?

But then there was the next night...

I starved for two days to buy you presents i clearly couldn't afford, because you meant that much to me...

You...just never got around to getting me anything, because i meant that much to you.

I talked to you, nonstop, to help you through the Sam dilemna.

Then, as soon as you got over him, as you said you did about...three weeks ago...
you've thrown your legs open to the hottest guy in the vicinity...

Maybe that last one's a bit harsh, but can you say I'm wrong?

I'm not forgiving you for what you've done here...
but I am willing to forget.

I'm not going to be able to see you in the same way now, for sure...
I won't respect you nearly as much...
but, i guess, it might help me stop liking you.

Kelly, You're the best friend I've ever had.

You know that.
I've told you.

Billions of times.

And I know you can live without me.
You have heaps of other friends you can rely on...
but you're the only one I have...
And I don't think I can live without you.

I understand that you're not interested in me.
I get that...
but I beg you to understand that...
I do like you, and though you aren't interested...just...
stop screwing me over...
especially right in front of me...

it's the most painful thing you could ever imagine.

I'm not asking you to forgive me, I'm not listening for a 'sorry', not this time.
And I hope you're not asking for a 'sorry' from me, because you won't get it.
or forgiveness...



I need you in my life.







Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:56:56

want moar!! want moar!!

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 11:59:09

At 9/7/08 11:56 AM, Homosecksual wrote: want moar!! want moar!!

the last might just be the last chapter...

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 12:05:09

So far, this is the best story I've read in newgrounds to date. I think this could be used in a movie as the the plot and stuff. It would be the best (what ever genre it belongs to) movie to see. If this is the end of the story i think you should try to......wait a minute haha im trying to suggest something while im stuck in this same kind of situation which i haven't solved yet.

Well you sure are gonna be one heck of a writer.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 12:07:11

Rion, I say this from the bottom of my heart. You inspire me.
You could say I had the same sort of dilemma, but I couldn't do what you did.
You could actually express all your emotions to Kelly, but I couldn't to this girl I had liked.

I was obsessed with her, for well over a year, and the sad part is, I still am.
I do hide it, everyone thinks it's over, but only my heart knows the truth.
The thing that really shook me down is that she was crazy about me too, but I didn't give her a chance at that time. Possibly the biggest mistake I had ever done, I hated myself for it, and I always will.

When you speak of what your going through, it helps me subside my pain and look into a new light, you give me hope Rion, and I hope for all your life, you become the biggest thing since the Beatles.
Your a great guy, a great person and probably a great friend.

Here is to you Rion.

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 12:14:33

Dude. Youre fucking awesome. No way i couldve said all that. As the guy above said, you inspire me and i really hope things will work out for you. I dont so much feel sorry for you, more than think that you couldve made things simpler and better for yourself. I would do the same with the whole family thing where you just detach yourself.

I admire what you done with shannon (i thought that was a girls name by the way). Totally awesome.

This thread is so good im gonna stick it in my sig. You earned it. Hope things work out and dont hesitate to keep them coming if you have more to say.

I fucking hate euphemism.

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 12:23:41

At 9/7/08 11:59 AM, Rion-hunter wrote:
At 9/7/08 11:56 AM, Homosecksual wrote: want moar!! want moar!!
the last might just be the last chapter...

Did she reply?? You know if you added actual dialog, character development, maybe put it in third person perspective you could have it published or something...

Link to her Myspace?


Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 12:24:54

"An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind." - Buddha

I felt the quote was appropiate....(thank you google)

Ahem, now that you have made your last chapter, (I doubt it is FOR YOU, but let me finish first) Ill tell you what I think now.

Overall, to be blunt, this is pretty fucked up shit going down. I can summarize this story very simply.

You found this best friend in the form of what you had called a slut who seems to want to break her habits, but she cant stop hurting your feelings. Everytime you think you have mended the relationship, she finds a better way to break it up. I know, I know, you think you may be selfish for wanting her for yourself, but I think she thinks you are just another friend whom she has had close relations with, while you previously have had no friends to fall back on.

In other words, without other friends to fall back on, her "betrayal" is more than just jealousy, it is a heart-wrenching feeling like your best friend just left you to die in some gutter but you instead are not gonna die, but suffer through it. You are out of place at home, your only best friend pretty much dumped you, stomped on you, apologized, and then when you turned your back happy, stabbed you with a heated pitchfork in your very soul.

Now....now heres what I think you need to do. You need a vacation, away from everything. Get some time off from work, go to the beach for a few days alone, recollect your thoughts. Get everything that has happened out of your system, right now, by typing out all of your feelings on NG, you still hold every event that has happened deep in your heart. You need to wash it away in the ocean. You need to finally relax, and be happy again.

Once you have done so, please for the love of everything break it off with Kelly. I know, right now, you feel commited, but stop, stop right now. She has broken your heart again and again and again. Try to understand that you need to renew your life and try to earn new friendships. Being alone for so long......I can understand that feeling....

Let it go....

- Jack

If I could name one person I respect.........it probably would be me. oh and the guy who lives here

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 12:31:18

At 9/7/08 12:24 PM, Jackotrades wrote: Let it go....

- Jack

True in most regards. Kelly wasn't a slut until...just after new years, she uttered the words, 'I think I'm over Sam'.
then all hell broke loose.
Secondly, that note was 7 months ago.
things have changed.

At 9/7/08 12:23 PM, MondayN wrote: Link to her Myspace?

Hmmm, I don't think....I'd want her to suddenly get an influx of people trying to add her, saying she's a complete slut... :P she'd know who was responsible.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 12:34:15

There was this boy....

have fun

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 12:38:20

At 9/7/08 12:34 PM, RushGSP wrote: There was this boy....

Mwa ha ha...

At 9/7/08 12:31 PM, Rion-hunter wrote: Hmmm, I don't think....I'd want her to suddenly get an influx of people trying to add her, saying she's a complete slut... :P she'd know who was responsible.

But I can give you a link to a photo of her in MY MYSPACE.
but it certainly ISN'T this link here
And she CERTAINLY isn't the girl furthest to the left...
(random on the stairs :/)

the final chapter is coming.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 12:48:11

At 9/7/08 12:42 PM, shackles1 wrote: she stabbed ya in the back, rion.

eeeh, she's too tall in that picture :P
Kelly's heaps short compared to me.

There's been some heaps inspirational comments regarding this thread, and I'd like to thank you all, again, for going through the effort of reading it all.
This story is obviously, close to the heart, but hearing that a lot of people going through similar problems, and that heart goes out to you.
I wish you all luck.
also, if you click the picture in the link I gave you, you get another shoddy picture of me, trying to drink fanta :P
I usually look better than that.
I swear

it's still coming.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 12:54:07

The Final Chapter.

As it would be expected, our friendship never really recovered. She wasn't really in my life, like I asked her to be, but she was never out of it.
I'd meet her at work, have the odd conversation over msn. Maybe a pic comment on myspace, etc.
But we never really, properly exchanged true words.

Amanda started holding the occasional drinks night at her place, which I was always invited along too. Too these, this guy called 'Geoff' would show up too. At Amanda's 19th, he was dating this girl called Alicia, and at New years, he had cheated on her with one of the girls from schoolies. Since then, Alicia had dumped him, and he'd found somebody else. Kelly.

I found his msn, and, looking out for him, I just gave him a warning about Kelly, briefly explaining our history, and he said he was cool. A week later, Kelly had crushed him too. As well as Shannon.

Kelly, who I had always respected, was...rapidly becoming...something I couldn't really imagine her doing, and it made me feel gross. Disgusted....used, somewhat.

But like all things, time solves all problems.
And in my case, I healed, over time. Moved on, somewhat.

I currently have a girlfriend, Alicia (Lol, Geoff's ex), and, to be brutally honest, she's great.
I made new friends when uni started up, and I have only seen my mother...like...10 times this year, tops.

Life's had been smooth and relatively Kelly-Free until July (5 months after Sam's party) when Kelly gives me an invite to her birthday party.

I could honestly say, I hadn't been expecting it. I knew her 18th was coming up, and I knew she was having a party. Just...an invite for me had been a total surprise.
She didn't know about Alicia at this point in time.

It was interesting...a group of friends and I went to see 'gang-show'...some scout...performance.
Kelly was sitting on my right, Crystal on my left.

Somewhere along the line, Kelly mentioned Geoff.

"Oh, you might not know who that is," she whispers during the performance, to which I frown.
"Ah, I'm currently dating Alicia," was me dropping the supposed bomb.
Kelly fell silent.
"Oh my god, why didn't you tell us?" Crystal questioned.
"Because you didn't ask," I said, while thinking a) why would it concern you, and b) if you started dating a guy, would you tell me? Bzzzzzt, wrong.
"Oh, yeah, because I'm going to ask you everyday, 'hey, rion, are you going out with Alicia?'" Kelly asked rhetorically, and Crystal laughed.
After a few minutes of silence, "are you going to take her to my party?"
"Your invites say 'invite only'," I state.
"that's just so randoms don't show up."
"Oh, okay. Then sure, I will."
"that's good," Kelly stated.
A few minutes later, she lowers her head onto my shoulder.
What the hell.

I sort of squirm until she gets off (lol) and that was that.

We left the performance, and didn't exchange words until her party.

Now, at this point in time, my car...had died.
Its clutch collapsed and destroyed first gear.

So I was in a van that belonged to the family business, when I picked up Alicia and drove the full...thirty seconds from one girl to another's house.

Anyways, in the past 5 months, at the age of 17and ¾, I finally picked up alcohol.
A lot behind everybody I knew.

So I was rather fresh with alcohol at Kelly's party. And it was the first time I had access to pure spirits.
Mwa ha ha, the vodka tricked me.

After a few drinks, I couldn't feel vodka burn anymore, so I was taking the occasional pure swig at the bottle, and it wasn't taking affect, so I took more. Then BAM!
I don't remember a thing afterwards.

And, supposedly, I informed Kelly's parents that the reason I stopped coming around was because she'd slept with a 26 year old...

Kelly wasn't a happy camper :P

So, to go from...sort of an alright...standing to her being shitty at me again...
I guess I wasn't too upset.
In truth, I was laughing at my drunken antics, for a long time.
Supposedly, I apologise for being drunk, every second sentence.

Moving on.

Kelly's myspace bulletins started hosting comments that went on about jealousy and regret. Not directly saying who, or what, towards. But dropping enough hints.

Now, my birthday is in early august, just after hers. Since she had invited me to hers, I felt somewhat obligated to invite her to mine. That's just how I am.

My birthday party was six months TO THE MINUTE after Sam's party.
That's irrelevant, but...I thought it was...interesting.

It also marked my one month anniversary with Alicia...etc.

Kelly and Crystal grouped up and gave me a very interesting present. A photo frame with photos of...Kelly and Crystal ... It was definitely the first thing I'd want. :|

After the party (which was awesome, btw), Kelly's myspace bulletins regarding jealousy and regret became more frequent.

Two weeks after my party, I deleted Sam, Kelly, Ethan (failed to mention him, but he was at Sam's, Kelly's and my party), Jye... Most of them.

I thought it would go unnoticed for a long, long time.
But both Kelly AND Sam noticed on the day.
Sam didn't say much, but Kelly...She did.

The following is the myspace message conversation that ensued.

From: ..K e l l y...
Date: 21 Aug 2008, 08:22 PM

So apparently you have to be 'friends' with someone to comment their photos.

Good one.

Nice to see you've deleted ONLY Sam, Ethan and Tash as well.

From: ..%u042Fion..
Date: 21 Aug 2008, 10:57 PM

You were surprisingly quick to find out, I only did that this morning.

And, yes, I deleted them as well, 'cept Tash, coz he doesn't have a myspace (last time I checked), because...well...
I got tired of pretending.

From: ..K e l l y...
Date: 22 Aug 2008, 12:02 AM

Well, nice to know you tried.
I guess that means all your other friends on your list you're not 'pretending' with.

From: ..%u042Fion..
Date: 21 Aug 2008, 1:07 AM

I guess so.
I guess I don't have to pretend that they're my friends.
They actually go about ways of proving it.
Ethan and Sam have always excluded me from everything, And I just got so sick of hearing about you regretting everything so much, coz that made me feel so lovely inside, that yes.
I took a step I should've taken a while back.
Don't miss me too much now.

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 13:05:10

I hate you.
You're one of the bastard cock-blockers at a party.
Go kill yourself.

Do a barrel roll!

BBS Signature

Response to There was this girl... 2008-09-07 13:08:18

At 9/7/08 01:05 PM, GIRFAN wrote: I hate you.
You're one of the bastard cock-blockers at a party.
Go kill yourself.

a 26 year old on a 17 year old?

And as for theatricals, I'm writing the epilogue now :P