Newgrounds Background Image Theme

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Great idea

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Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 18:40:52

At 11/10/03 06:34 PM, MrRombie wrote:
i'll link my .tk to his site so the new offical site is: ngrpg.tk, its a start but the .com sounds good. I just made a little sound up kinda like a sound u get when a bad guy appears or something bad happens!
Do you mean when you click on www.ngrpg.tk it will go to my site?


When i update/change somthing will it change it for www.ngrpg.tk ?

Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 18:44:32

lol in 7 days we had 450 post. Man this is going to be one awsome game.

Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 18:49:32

This topic is the fastest growing topic on the flash forms.

Heres the site:


Thanks limp for the form link, and the web-site URL.

Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 20:36:23

Heres a background i just made, maybe we could us it? maybe.

I didnt post the picture on newgrounds becasuse the quality would be so horrible.


but heres a screen shot on what it is. Please click the link though.

Great idea

Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 20:39:33

watch as the great idea slowly gets less and less interesting to you, observe exhibit A


its been tryed, just make sure you dont get any crazy freaking sweds in your group

Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 21:03:03

At 11/10/03 08:36 PM, MrRombie wrote: Heres a background i just made, maybe we could us it? maybe.

I didnt post the picture on newgrounds becasuse the quality would be so horrible.


but heres a screen shot on what it is. Please click the link though.

That's a pretty sweet pic man! I'm guessing that the resolution is 600X300 right? If it's not, could you resize it to fit? I will use that pic as a background for the cutscene I'm working on, or maybe we can use it for the battle screen background. Anyways, it looks pretty sweet. I'll make sure to put it to good use. By the way, could you e-mail me the .fla in case I use it in the cut scene that I'm working on for the game? Thanks.

Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 21:12:58

Here's A cool bad guy, I call him Mr. Smiley. What do you think?

Great idea

Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 21:26:09

At 11/10/03 09:12 PM, ViciousMonkey wrote: Here's A cool bad guy, I call him Mr. Smiley. What do you think?

Reminds me of Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas, awsome pic, i hope we see more from you.

Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 21:34:49

At 11/10/03 05:52 PM, maakkleine wrote:
At 11/10/03 05:47 PM, MrRombie wrote: Sorry man, putting you on the co-authors right .....now.
it's alright, just wanted to make sure and to limpnoodle: do a bit of both, we may use them both, what instruments are you planning to use???

Co-author? Maakkleine, I know that it wasn't fair that you weren't put under graphics, but I don't think that we need any more co-producers at the moment. I mean, MrRombie and Thewaste have been with this topic since the beginning and have helped organize so much (not that I'm saying that you haven't helped out.) Also, MrRombie created the site, started doing some of the graphics early on, and helped mantain order and Thewaste has helped mantain order as well as creating the map, story, some visuals and many other aspects. I'm not saying you can't help out or anything, but these guys have contributed more and I think that we have enough for now. Ii hope you don't get mad at me for this, I know I said I would make sure we got your name under graphics, but I was a bit hesitant about making you co-producer. Besides, if I make certain people co-producers, more and more will want to be one and will probably fight over it. You are still welcome to help out man, and I hope that you still decide to. On a side note: can you forget about the matrix drawings for the moment? We probably will have a matrix level, but if there is one then it will be made WAY later on in the game. Thanks again.

Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 21:50:11

Should I think up a name for my character? It's harder then I thought to make him at a 45 degree angle... this is what i have so far, let me know what you think:

Great idea

Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 22:39:41

Ok, I finished the 45 degree angle of my guy... So what do you think?

Great idea

Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 22:44:51

I think I deserve to be in the credits. I made the BAdass Toad, The M-bot, and my other mech. If you dont want me to be up in there, fine but I think im helping out and will do so in the future. :)

Great idea

Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 23:32:56

Heres what I think of when i hear about the dark force taking over the portal.
it was drawn real quick so just bear with me.

Great idea

Response to Great idea 2003-11-10 23:49:50

Seeing as noone is posting.... Ill post my Badass Plant for the Mario Level.
How is it?
Now i really gotta do some of my Fwaqing work. See you all later tonight.

Great idea

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 00:20:24

This is all im gonna post for a while now, cuz I gotta get back to schoolwork. but I will check in occasionally. while im gone id appriciate everyone to read the whole message, as it mostly concerns everyone. well. cept for the stuf bout rydogg, wheeee!

At 11/10/03 04:32 PM, Ry-Dogg2009 wrote: Sry I haven't posted anything but I had to sleep and go to school... damn it! I read what thewasteofspace posted on page 13 about me being usless without flash and I'm just gonna say now I don't know if I should: download it for 30 days and keep working with the unappreciative asshole,

Hold up... Appriciation and reality are two different things here, and if you dont mind im trying to keep things realistic. So here it is:
1) No. Theres no way you can do graphics without Macromedia Flash or Freehand.
2) i APPRICIATE you getting Flash and using it for the trial, and i APPRICIATE you posting ideas and graphics for the game. But once you get the trial, and 30 days are up, what then? do we leave with your half-finished graphics in the game, or accept the fact that you were only here for a month.

Heres some more realism. This game is not going to be finished in a few days -- in fact, with this many people its going to be HARD to orginize. Its going to be HARD to share graphics. Its going to be HARD to put the game together. For that, I dont assume this game will be finished for months.

thewastofspace is a waste of space and an asslicker... maybe I'll get over it maybe not... And good bye to all of you that dont try to put down kids.

You think I got my name 'Thewasteofwebspace' for nothing? I earned it! But an asslicker? Come on... dont get your hopes up. Why are you taking this so hard. Your drawings are good for a 12 year old, but it will take you more than 30 days to learn how to make proper, game quality graphics in flash. If you cant accept that, then I personally dont welcome you here.

Ruthless. Please send me the games movement engine. Im at thewasteofwebspace@hotmail.com. From there,

-I will be able to set everyone things to do. That means backgrounds (you kno, the puzzle pieces), charicters, npcs, items, buildings... while thats happening,
-I can get the scripters to improve and tweak the code for our own use,

We also need
-someone to produce a short battle system that works. If it is good, it will be reviewed by the people on the board, and if they like it, it will be used, and they will get the titled of "battle movement engine scripter/creator" on the credits. For now you do not need graphics from the game to do this... just make it up!

-Slacker -- I really like your charicter. and i appriciate the amount of detail. But we only need something small (around 30 by 50px) for the movement charicter -- so theres no need for you to spend your youth making eleborate charicters, as much as we luv em. :D

-A big thanks to Rombie for all his website work, and everyone else for contributing to it, such as the domain name. And thank everyone else for all the work, ideas, images, flashes, and all the other stuff submitted. I (for one) read everything and look at everything carefully, so dont ever think we dont notice.

Ive also noticed :
-Alot of people are fighting for credit. Let me tell you all now that none of you deserve credit for anything. Why? Because we dont have anything yet! Its all ideas and concepts! So when the game is finished, THEN, we can argue about credits. Im sorry but its true. You have all done brilliant amounts of work on this thread, but without a game, how can there be credit for anything?!

Lastly, we are working the wrong way around. We cant make teaser screenshots, or even trailers (which i have dibs on by the way :P), or anything, because the game hasnt even been started. This are things you do near the end of the game because they are fun to do and its a good way of finishing the production. Please, for now lets keep to the work. Even I myself have been slacking off and im sorry... but truth be told most of us have school as well, and chilling out, giving ideas, making pictures ... its all fun things to do, but the other half means work -- and if you dont wanna work, ur waisting everyones time.

We are going to make the best fucking RPG Newgrounds has ever seen damn it!

TheWaste (aka. Asslicker) :P
(PS - So much work has been put into this thread. I dont wanna see it waisted. so im sorry for bringing about harsh reality and doom-talk, but we cant keep dreaming of a game if no ones willing to make it.)

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 01:47:10

At 11/11/03 12:20 AM, thewasteofwebspace wrote: -Slacker -- I really like your charicter. and i appriciate the amount of detail. But we only need something small (around 30 by 50px) for the movement charicter -- so theres no need for you to spend your youth making eleborate charicters, as much as we luv em. :D

Ok, I redid it really tiny... but my question is now: Is it too small? Should I remove even more details?
It might have been copied smaller and less detailed from the .fla format... so I can send it to anyone who asks...

Great idea

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 01:47:51

Im fully 100% deicated to this project, im going to work my ass off making grafix for the game. ill make some more backgrounds for the battles and cutsecnes or whatever we need them for, right now.

If you want me to make any right now tell me and ill do it.

Im also working on the puzzle pices (lol) too, ill post a basic idea on what they need to look like. So other people can start making there own for the game.

Oh, as for the web-site, it sucks ass, i hate it, so im thinking of making one for the site myself in flash if i cant find a good free one. So if anyone knows any free sites, post it here, and ill take a look at it.

-MrRombie (thewaste's asslicker) ^_^

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 01:50:04

At 11/11/03 01:47 AM, SlackerSoHa wrote: Ok, I redid it really tiny... but my question is now: Is it too small? Should I remove even more details?
It might have been copied smaller and less detailed from the .fla format... so I can send it to anyone who asks...

send the .fla to me at, sic_of_life_0@yahoo.com, i wanna see if he works for the puzzles pices. (dont want to make a million pices, and find out they dont fit)

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 02:22:18

At 11/10/03 05:17 PM, maakkleine wrote:
Teaser poster perhaps????
Perhaps this could be what you want, this was rushed, very rough!!! I have no idea how to make the quality better...

You could export the image in Flash. File>Export>Export Image

what I do is I draw in Flash, then paste it in Paint, then saveit : as a JPEG, but it don't look good, what should I do????

PS, is this any good????

Yeah, That's a very good scetch! I'm impressed!


Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 02:23:39

At 11/10/03 08:39 PM, luckoftheirish wrote:

just make sure you dont get any crazy freaking sweds in your group

Lol, hope that wasn't intended to be directed @ me...

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 02:28:27

Just a question: Can we use my battle engine as the temporary battle engine?

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 02:42:18

which one was that? page? ...damn im so lazt, im so lazy im going to stop writing this messa...

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 02:43:42

AHAHA PH33R MEH 1337 BAT!!!!!11!!!!1!!!!

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 02:54:06

Like I said, dont waste effort on the spare stuff like promotion. I know site making is mad fun, but why bother when theres no game to promote ;)

theres not much u guys can do till we get the movement engine. so everyone bitch at ruthless :D

and I dont really wanna call it temporary, unless we intend to start from that and tweak it to our satisfaction. comments neone?

the waste

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 02:57:27

ps - slacker - nice charicter - its exactly what i was thinking. it would be perfect if the perspective (ie: how small he zooms out) was a little better. Like, you dont hafta make his feet so small dood ;) im sure all u hafta do to fix that is 'distort' him.
otherwise, i luvvit :D

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 03:54:55

Ok, first of all I think your perspective sucks. A 45 degree angle is a bad idea. It would be alot easier for the artists just to draw everything straight on. And you'd have to put it that way for the battles anyway. And second I think it should be "Black & White Town" instead of "Madness Town".

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 04:47:15

At 11/11/03 03:54 AM, ViciousMonkey wrote: Ok, first of all I think your perspective sucks. A 45 degree angle is a bad idea. It would be alot easier for the artists just to draw everything straight on. And you'd have to put it that way for the battles anyway. And second I think it should be "Black & White Town" instead of "Madness Town".

Dear Vicious.
I advice you take these steps to resolve your problem.

1) Read every single post on this thread to understand why we are doing things the way we are, and not listening to the first guy who has a problem with it.
2) Understand that this is the Newgrounds RPG -- containing popular newgrounds charicters, ie: not your stick charicters.
3) Go away.

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 05:06:16

I have a save script, where you save it as a cookie.

Want me to post it?

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 05:23:32

blamtastic. post it when u can so I can break it open :D

Response to Great idea 2003-11-11 09:24:52

Ok: The 45 degrees angle looks good, correct me if I'm wrong, but it's alot harder to code, let's say a tree in the center of the stage, then the character can be either behind or in front of the tree... Dont you have to use z coordinates or something? A birds-eye view camera is easier to code, but looks crappy(Stick RPG)
