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<x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x>

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Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-18 20:26:05

Okay, I'll be poking Pogo and RHP on and off tonight. I'll probably stay up late, unless I drink too much.

I'm already intoxicated, so you guys feel free to take advantage. =P

Also tourney registration will likely go up tomorrow. Check for a PM from Murad sometime over the weekend as a reminder, I appointed him Chess Club Secretary!

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-18 20:34:47

Can I join? I play Chess sort of regularly, but I'm still not very good at it. Corky and vouch for me that I'm fairly active in Clubs that I belong to. I just signed up for Pogo and Yahoo, will be on for a while.

You can't spell FÜHRER without Ü

"You know you fail in life when you fail to end your failure"

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-18 21:13:55

At 7/18/08 08:34 PM, NeonFlame126 wrote: Can I join? I play Chess sort of regularly, but I'm still not very good at it. Corky and vouch for me that I'm fairly active in Clubs that I belong to. I just signed up for Pogo and Yahoo, will be on for a while.

Hi there. Well, I'm on Pogo right now and go to Blue Nile and let's have a match.

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-19 05:33:25

At 7/18/08 07:23 PM, smc316 wrote:
At 7/18/08 04:32 PM, Corky-D wrote: I'm not trying to flame you or such, just be careful of what you do and what you say.
Other than that one time I don't think i've ever denied anyone's undo request.

Honestly at this point, you've kind of lost the argument lol. Just give up and put the tail between your legs and quiet down.

It's a person's prerogative to choose whether or not someone can undo their move. If he doesn't allow you to undo you can't complain, but you can't ask for special treatment.

This is a game of critical thinking, trap-setting and brutal tactics. The entire object of the game is to outwit your opponent. Don't complain about making a "bad" move. It's noone's fault but your own, so in the end there is no reason to really let someone undo their move except in good spirit. You can't be mad at someone for not letting you undo, but then at the same time they have no room to complain if the same happens to them.

I personally let people undo their moves, I feel in exhibition games where you are practicing it's in good taste to keep things mannerly and nice. So I would rather a person beat me with both of us accepting it as a fun and interesting game than one of us getting pissed off over losing a queen to a slightly bad move of the hand.

If you guys want to avoid this altogether just decide beforehand if you are allowing undos or not.


Gooch for MOD 09'

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-19 05:36:42

Its not always your fault.

Say you have a pawn and a queen right next to each other. Teh game has lasted 9 minutes out of the ten and you only have a minute left all in all.

You want to mvoe yoru queen forward oen space so you can win, isntead you accidently press and move the pawn forward in that fraction of a second.

If you make a move and then later say its a bad move then yeah I can understand you not getting the move undone, but if its a pure accident and you ment to mvoe another piece its jsut the other player being a jerk.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-19 11:00:18

I will never, NEVER accept an Undo. And I won't ask you to accept my undo either. Just to make things clear.

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-19 16:38:59

Will be posting registration for the first tourney shortly.

Also, if you want to check out some intense games, take a look at my matches between irondavy and scbaseball15 (not NG people) on RHP. Game IDs 5224601 and 5224600 respectively.

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-19 17:45:05

At 7/19/08 04:38 PM, Zerok wrote: Will be posting registration for the first tourney shortly.

It's up! Read carefully and then register. =)

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-19 22:41:14

Hey guys. The name is djconnect iv been playing chess on and off for a wile now. You could call me a 'weekend warrior'. Just popen in to see whats up. I registered and Im looking to play on yahoo or pogo its 10:41 est I will be on until 11:30

I am a hacker of a Nu-Aira

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-20 12:39:29

At 7/19/08 05:45 PM, Zerok wrote:
At 7/19/08 04:38 PM, Zerok wrote: Will be posting registration for the first tourney shortly.
It's up! Read carefully and then register. =)

Wait, where?

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-20 12:41:13

T'was a slow day yesterday, I only saw like, Shawtrey kicking around. I suppose in all fairness it was a Saturday.

At 7/20/08 12:39 PM, kdfsjljklgjfg wrote: Wait, where?


Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-20 13:11:34

Another suggested idea if things happen to be ridiculously out of hand with problems connecting. Would it be valid if people preferred to connect over xbox live on Chessmaster Live?

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-20 17:11:04

Well I'm ready for the tourney tomorrow! I'm on yahoo practicing now. I proly wont do to good but I will give it my best.

I am a hacker of a Nu-Aira

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-20 21:12:42

I'm on Pogo right now if anyone wants to play me. I'm in "The Blue Bishop".

You can't spell FÜHRER without Ü

"You know you fail in life when you fail to end your failure"

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 00:39:18

Hey guys, it's Gu-rrilla.

I'm posting with an alt because my main is currently banned.

I requested the ban so I wouldn't have any distractions.

I just got back from football camp.

It was hell.

We had three practices a day, and I could've sworn they were like five minutes apart.

I'll be off my ban once Jade lifts it.

I just wanted to let you guys know that I was back.


Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 00:46:31

Good turnout so far, 13 sign ups (not including me).

I might push it back one day, this weekend seemed to be really slow (or the novelty is wearing off? *sob* Isn't chess exciting to you people?!)

At 7/20/08 01:11 PM, kdfsjljklgjfg wrote: Another suggested idea if things happen to be ridiculously out of hand with problems connecting. Would it be valid if people preferred to connect over xbox live on Chessmaster Live?

Well, I don't know how many of our smallish memberbase has access to all that.

I think RHP is a good fallback, though if someone's entire internet explodes... well (that'd trump XLB more than likely though).

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 00:55:24

So, when's the tourny?

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 01:14:51

At 7/21/08 12:46 AM, Zerok wrote: Good turnout so far, 13 sign ups (not including me).

As long as I don't end up againest Zerok, G0t or shawtey within the first two or three rounds I think I might last a bit.

But if I do face any of them off the bat i'm screwed.

I might push it back one day, this weekend seemed to be really slow (or the novelty is wearing off? *sob* Isn't chess exciting to you people?!)

It is very exciting.

But yeah, the novality is wearing off.

The choclate milk lovers crew and the death ntoe club both started off amazingly fast gainning five pages a day, but after the first week nobody posts there anymore.

Thats also how it was for the VG forum only change after the first we week to after the first month.

I think RHP is a good fallback, though if someone's entire internet explodes... well (that'd trump XLB more than likely though).

Didn't Cruiz say we can only play six games all in all on RHP then we needed to pay to play more?

Mabye I misunderstood.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 01:40:01

At 7/21/08 12:50 AM, Shawtey wrote: ive been looking for a good reason to start playing chess regularly again

Well this is IT. Yeehaw.

Tech is online right now, see if you can't hail him.
At 7/21/08 12:55 AM, NotGu-rrilla wrote: So, when's the tourny?

I'm thinking a Tuesday start, or maybe tomorrow night. It depends on the sign up list.

At 7/21/08 01:14 AM, smc316 wrote: As long as I don't end up againest Zerok, G0t or shawtey within the first two or three rounds I think I might last a bit.

It's Double Elimination, so you get at least 2 games, remember!

It is very exciting.


But yeah, the novality is wearing off.

The choclate milk lovers crew and the death ntoe club both started off amazingly fast gainning five pages a day, but after the first week nobody posts there anymore.

Hopefully the interactive nature of this club will keep it from stagnating.

Didn't Cruiz say we can only play six games all in all on RHP then we needed to pay to play more?

Mabye I misunderstood.

No, you're right.

But it's not hard to clear up one spot for an emergency game if something somewhere buggers up.

And I am off to bed. Good night!

I almost put 'good knight' and thought better of it. Whew.

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 01:45:16

Hey I'm back. I'm taking a break from Guitar Hero to come play chess. (My wrist hurt from playing too much anyway.)

Member of the Newgrounds Chess Club W - 10 / L - 3 / D - 2

Compliments to Mr. Congeniality on the sig. =D

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 01:51:11

Yea I like the idea of the club. I like playing but never have a good reason to. This gives me a great reason to play more. I am not sure how good I am verse you guys but I will find out. I do have some basic strategy. A little more playing time and I will get better.

I am a hacker of a Nu-Aira

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 01:58:43

At 7/21/08 01:40 AM, Zerok wrote: I'm thinking a Tuesday start, or maybe tomorrow night. It depends on the sign up list.

Look forward to it.

It's Double Elimination, so you get at least 2 games, remember!

And thats three people i'll lose againest. >.>



Hopefully the interactive nature of this club will keep it from stagnating.

Yeah, once the first toruney starts then this club will get active again.

Plus we've ALMOST beat the orignal club in number of replies.

No, you're right.
But it's not hard to clear up one spot for an emergency game if something somewhere buggers up.


I've already played a bunch of people on RHP.

So wouldn't that mean I won't be able to use RHP in the tourney's? Cause their is no way i'm paying.

I'll just stick with pogo.

And I am off to bed. Good night!

Nightie night.

Anyway i'm on pogo if anyone wants to play me.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 04:27:52

Uhh, can I sign up for the tourney? (I have soccer practice from 9-11 NG time, would that be interfere?)

Just played smc, and both times either one of us lost because of the damn timer. How long do you guys set it for?

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 04:30:54

At 7/21/08 04:27 AM, jew193 wrote: Uhh, can I sign up for the tourney? (I have soccer practice from 9-11 NG time, would that be interfere?)

Post your RHP, pogo and yahoo account names here.

Post that info here as well, otherwise you might as well not be a memeber of the club.:

Just played smc, and both times either one of us lost because of the damn timer. How long do you guys set it for?

One win for me, and one win for me. :3

You can set it for 2 minutes, 10 minutes, a hour or have no timer.

It depends on who sets the table.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 07:03:42

Hey guys I'm on yahoo right now. If you want to play IM me AIM = porto9182

I am a hacker of a Nu-Aira

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 07:48:47

14 signups!

What I'll do is abstain from entering (if we get 16) to act as a stand-in for no-shows. I imagine there will be at least one...

At 7/21/08 01:58 AM, smc316 wrote: So wouldn't that mean I won't be able to use RHP in the tourney's? Cause their is no way i'm paying.

You can only play up six games at a time, meaning once you finish one, you can replace it with another so long as you're not over 6 active games.

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 07:57:26

Alright, I'll enter the tourney. I played against my father yesterday and gave him two beatings. i think I'm getting back in shape now.

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 08:11:55

At 7/21/08 07:57 AM, Racoonmario wrote: Alright, I'll enter the tourney. I played against my father yesterday and gave him two beatings. i think I'm getting back in shape now.

Well, when I first played my father, I was the underdog and I beat him and so as the other fights that we had after it. Well, thanks to my mom's strategies.

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 08:44:32

Hey youngblood, how about a game? I'm waiting at Table 1 in Blue Nile. The password is Newgrounds.

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-21 11:47:14

I signed up, hopefully it's not too late, I'm always away on the weekend.

Yeah, I have a good feeling about this, should be fuunn.

1, 2, 3, Coffee 4, 5, 8, too late

BBS Signature