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<x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x>

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Opening post contents:

i) About
ii) How to Join
iii) Games: Tournaments and Exhibitions
iv) In-thread discussion
iv) Conduct and Rules



Over three years ago I began a chess club here (link), and it fell in to disregard when my plans to maintain it were disrupted. This club is a revival effort. With the advent of userpages, it is possible to have a central and updatable page right here on Newgrounds. I have created an account called chessclub for this purpose. It will be the key organizational point for all planned activities outside of NG.

The purpose of this club is to bring the chess players of NG together so we can match wits over a game of chess, discuss tactics, moves or what have you, as well as inspire non-chess players to learn how to play. An eventual goal is to have enough active members so that one can easily find a willing opponent right here from NG to compete with at almost any given time. Another goal is to hold regular, organized tournaments, possibly with prizes.

If you're interested, please read on:


First off, anyone is welcome, so long as you make sure to read this opening post. I highly encourage you non-chess players who stumble across this to give it a shot and learn to play, it can be a very rewarding experience.

Technically, you don't have to go through a process to enjoy this thread. Feel free to start or participate in a discussion in this thread. However, if you plan on networking with people and getting some chess games played with NG members, you should register on the chessclub userpage (please read the following first).


There is only one crucial piece of information required for registration, and that is your username that you use with an external game site that hosts chess, so we know who you are there and on NG.
Currently, this club is going to chiefly use the sites:



So your first task will be to sign up for at least one of these sites (I recommend both). If you already have an account there, it is okay to use that but it would be preferable if you had "NG" somewhere in the screenname. It's also handy to start a new account that you use only with this chess club so that your progress here can be more accurately tracked. These recommendations are only optional, of course.

Extra information, such as your AIM, MSN, or other IM contacts would be very handy as well.

Once you've gathered what information you need, please click here to register. Be sure to remember to list which chess-sites your screenname is associated with.

The list generated from registering users will also serve as our memberlist, so to speak, so you can find and connect to other players, and update your friends' lists on your pogo and/or Yahoo accounts.

If you need to change/update your registry information, simply register again and PM me so I can delete your older entry.



The execution of these events will likely vary quite a bit as we progress with this club. The main component of each one will be handled by separate news posts made by the chessclub account. I envision the process to go something like this:

The structure of each tournament (e.g. Round Robin design, points, duration, time limits for the games, etc.) will be discussed amongst members here in this thread and/or via instant messenger. When it is agreed upon, a tournament registration page will be posted by chessclub where people announce their participation, and depending on the nature of the structure, what times would be best for them to play, which chess site they prefer, etc. This registration period will either be left for a certain amount of time or terminated by a participant cap.

The tournament organizer(s) will compile the list and create a schedule of matches, which will be posted on a different chessclub news post. Matches may be scheduled at specific times or left up to the opponents to organize between themselves before a certain date. When a game or series of games is finished, the winner of the match will post a comment saying that they won, or the loser can say they lost. (Conflicts should be rare, as we're hoping to attract honest members and the sites both have move-history logs by email, and Yahoo actually logs wins/losses).

When all games have been played or the predetermined duration period is up, the organizer(s) will compile the comments and announce winners. What prizes may be in store will depend largely on the success of this club. Establishing an inter-club leaderboard and ranking system is a likely venture.

Exhibition Games

When there isn't a tournament on, you may simply want to challenge a fellow NGer to a game. For this purpose, a Game Request post has been set up on chessclub, and you can simply scroll to the bottom of the comments to see what users are available to play. Granted, this may not be highly populated in the club's young period or during certain times of day, but I expect it to pick up.

Please follow the instructions in the post before advertising a game: link.

(Of course, you can arrange games in this thread too. But the userpage thing might work better if you'd rather not rifle through this thread looking for advertisements. If using this thread turns out to be more efficient, we'll scrub the news post idea).


Though it's the chess club, it doesn't necessarily always have to be chess related, though discussion should not tangent too far off that line for too long a time. Besides playing, there are many things to discuss, if you're stuck for things to say.

Tactics, favourite pieces, favourite strategies, famous players, famous games, the history of chess... there are also many variants of chess aside from the standard play. Basically, I'm trying to say to try and keep on topic, but don't feel you MUST mention something about chess in every post.

As far as posting goes, of course regular BBS rules apply.

Since I'll likely be the primary mod in here, please acquaint yourself with my BBS policies if you haven't already.

A note: please don't bump this thread constantly if you're advertising for players. Post ONCE, and post how long you plan to wait and where you'll be waiting. Try IMing members, or using the chessclub Exhibition Games post.

As for playing games on the external sites:

- If you're caught spamming or being disruptive in any of the room or lobby chats, I'm going to count that as "raiding" and treat it as if you did it here.

- Pulling any wiseass moves during a game in order to try and gain an unfair advantage in any sort of way will get you banned from tournaments and will likely cause other players to avoid you in any other sort of game. Just play fair, and be vigilant WHEN you play.

I believe that is all. Any amendments or announcements will be made on the chessclub blog, so check there often if you plan on being an active member.

Cheers, and good luck.

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 01:10:19

I would like to join this club, I've been playing chess since I was a little kid. Recreationally of course, will you take me Zerok. I know we've had our problems in the past.

Gooch for MOD 09'

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 01:16:41

Ive registered and im ready to play. Cant wait untill more people join.

The Filmakers Club / Above the ignorance

....Go Ahead. Stare....

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 01:19:15

At 7/15/08 01:10 AM, g0t wrote: I would like to join this club, I've been playing chess since I was a little kid. Recreationally of course, will you take me Zerok. I know we've had our problems in the past.

Soon as ye read the opening post, I can't stop you from registering!

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 01:22:17

Well is anyone up for a game, I'm currently trying to avoid talking to my girlfriend so this will give me something to do.

Gooch for MOD 09'

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 01:30:10

At 7/15/08 01:28 AM, IzzyDude wrote: I'm registered. This is gonna be great. :)

I hope so. I'm going to play g0t for one game then get some shut eye.
I've got work tomorrow, but don't let that stop you guys from pairing up.

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 02:06:05

Sweet, g0t and I just had the first club inspired match! And now he an Armorall are playing. I deem this a success even if that's all that comes of this. =D

At 7/15/08 01:33 AM, NickScott wrote: Why the <x>?

To make it stand out, I guess.

... yeah I didn't close the tag FUCK YOOOOU goodnight folks.

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 02:20:34

Success, Zerok and I had our first club inspired match. He won after I went on the offensive, playing defensive can really make the game. Kudos to him for besting me, you're in my grudgebook Zerok, the fall of my bishops shall not go unpunished!

Also, me and armorall are now playing, everyone come to intermediate > green acres if you're up to play.

Gooch for MOD 09'

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 02:26:35

I saw you post a thread on general about this like a week back, look interesting.

I play chess in real life, and i'm damn good at it. Count me in!

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 02:31:18

Lol armorall you got pwned

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 02:32:19

Hmm, I'm already registered with yahoo anyway as 'Gagsy10' so I may just leave it as that, I don't intend to really play much at all, more just for practice I suppose, but I'll see how it goes anyway.

[I've been wandering round but I still come back to you]

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 02:32:41

Can I join? I just happened to read the first post, I play chess in real life, and I've registered on one of the websites.

I would have registered on the other one, but it wouldn't let me. Age, maybe?

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 02:47:43

I g0t pwned...

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 02:50:51

Anybody who wants to play on Pogo go to Intermediate-Green Acres.

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 02:52:44

I'm at;
W: 3
L: 1
D: 0

To my defense, Zerok is good. Although I feel like I dropped the ball somewhat on the game between Zerok and I.

Gooch for MOD 09'

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 03:31:22

I've registered, NG_MissingNYC@yahoo.com, just for this, my aim is on my page here.
im gonna go play in yahoo for a while

DevourerJay~Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 03:34:08

You know I would take the time to join this club if one of you would not mind teaching me how to play chess.

"Target is going to be flooded with desperate NGers now."LoKoCoCo lol

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 04:00:03

At 7/15/08 03:34 AM, The-word-destroyer wrote: You know I would take the time to join this club if one of you would not mind teaching me how to play chess.

Ill teach ya, just sign up and join intermediate-green acres on pogo

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 04:12:56

Ok, I have been playing chess for many years. I have not played in months, but I would absolutely love to play you.

My username on yahoo is OpethNG@yahoo.com. I just made it.

PM me if you want to play. I would preferably like to play Zerok, but anyone else that is experienced on some level is welcome to play as well. I like challenges.

PM me for AIM if you want.

And just like that....he was gone...

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 05:39:57

I left my details on the account you mentioned. I like chess, I'm not a very good player, but I like the game, and I wouldn't mind improving. So I'll join.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 05:50:25

Well, I joined the old version, and I love to join to the new version.

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 07:21:31

Alright, signed up on Pogo.

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 07:34:47

I've signed up to pogo for ages now. I would rather recomend this site for a chess club as it is a chess site.

Member of the Newgrounds Chess Club W - 10 / L - 3 / D - 2

Compliments to Mr. Congeniality on the sig. =D

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 07:37:18

At 7/15/08 07:34 AM, CrUiZ3R wrote: I've signed up to pogo for ages now. I would rather recomend this site for a chess club as it is a chess site.

I was actually going to post that link.

How about we add this link to the two links in the OP? What do you say, Zerok?

Also I plan on signing up on all these sites eventually but not right this instance.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 07:45:39

I'll play both in RHP and Pogo. Sign me up. I would liek to play other people instead of the n00bs I always play.

Member of the Newgrounds Chess Club W - 10 / L - 3 / D - 2

Compliments to Mr. Congeniality on the sig. =D

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 07:48:25

At 7/15/08 07:45 AM, CrUiZ3R wrote: I'll play both in RHP and Pogo. Sign me up. I would liek to play other people instead of the n00bs I always play.

Sweet, i'm about to sign up in RHP.

Play you in an hour?

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 07:48:49

At 7/15/08 07:45 AM, CrUiZ3R wrote: like


Member of the Newgrounds Chess Club W - 10 / L - 3 / D - 2

Compliments to Mr. Congeniality on the sig. =D

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 07:50:47

At 7/15/08 07:48 AM, smc316 wrote:
At 7/15/08 07:45 AM, CrUiZ3R wrote: I'll play both in RHP and Pogo. Sign me up. I would liek to play other people instead of the n00bs I always play.
Sweet, i'm about to sign up in RHP.

Play you in an hour?

Sure. My username is the same as newgrounds. Just waiting for the validation e-mail to arrive.

The e-mail is a lie!

Its been ages since i've been there. Wonder if anythin has changed

Member of the Newgrounds Chess Club W - 10 / L - 3 / D - 2

Compliments to Mr. Congeniality on the sig. =D

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 07:54:36

At 7/15/08 07:50 AM, CrUiZ3R wrote: Sure. My username is the same as newgrounds.


But there is a problem, i've already validated my account and it says i'm gonna need your email.(I think)

My account there is called


And that will also be my name on the two sites in the OP.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to <x> Newgrounds Chess Club V2.0 <x> 2008-07-15 08:18:02

Double post, disregard the last post I made.

The two of us are playing so far its pretty equal but he has the upper hand.

Just an update.

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature