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Orgin of your username?

22,851 Views | 361 Replies

Response to Orgin of your username? 2008-07-20 23:18:27

origin of my name. wanted it to be reaper6135 like it is on other websites im on but i think it was taken so just started typing in coll reaper related stuff till on of them worked. outcome the-death1. which kinda makes sense if its all words like this the death won. but thats my story and im sticking to it

Response to Orgin of your username? 2008-07-20 23:27:45

I felt mine was the best description of myself. The 7 is just there cuz studmuffin was already taken.


Response to Orgin of your username? 2008-07-21 03:53:09

www.icanhascheesburger.com :D LOLCATS FTW!



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Response to Orgin of your username? 2008-07-21 04:09:07

AIM: ItsMissVicious2u

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Response to Orgin of your username? 2008-07-21 04:10:00

It's my goal in life.

Insert signature here.

Response to Orgin of your username? 2008-07-21 04:48:52

Bedn is that you could i has some cadny ho graet oen

NG WON!////sig by ScuzzFest thank you man!

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Response to Orgin of your username? 2008-07-21 04:53:03

my first chara on Tibia


Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 10:56:57

I was bored.

Because kittens scare me...

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Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 10:59:33

In my country, fushioon is the most common name of them all.

Why does my mind feel so happy?

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 11:00:59

Mine is the combination between my obsession with cars, and my favorite Deep Purple song. I am a Highway Star, 365 days a year! :3

The work, which becomes a new genre itself, will be called...

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Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 11:10:11

My username had no story behind it. I chose Exodus because it sounds cool, and 212 because I need some numbers.

But I looked up in the bible, Exodus 2:12, and it is...

"Looking about and seeing no one, he slew the Egyptian and hid him in the sand."

I may or may not have been high when I made this post.

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 11:17:18

Mine is just my last name, but that is pretty cool if you into history and such, because it is a unique name so I can follow my family all the way back till early in the 1700's.. I've read some pretty wild storys about those people :D

World Famous Kasper Lundsfryd Illustrations


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Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 11:19:17

Was bored and thought of it :D.

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Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 11:30:52

got bannéd >____<

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Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 11:41:26

At young age, I used to play with LEGO alot, and my friend liked my models. And then one of my friends shown me an online game called ROBLOX, which looks alot like LEGO in-game, and I liked it. So the "Master" in my name is because I'm really good at LEGO, and the "Blox" comes from ROBLOX.

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 12:55:52

I got mine from an episode of Fur TV (one of the best shows i've ever seen). Specifically, the first one aired in 2007 (or 2008? I forget. There's only one series of it so far, anyway). One of the lines towards the end simply reads: "Shit hammers!"

I have no idea (nor do I want to know) what a 'shit hammer' could be, or what exactly it might be used for, but it was better than the usual '[insert favourite TV show]ROCKS123' lame names you see everywhere around here. Even more so when you make it sound slightly german, for no good reason at all.

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 13:00:22

well when I was like 6 years old I really liked pirates and thats when I first went on something that I needed a username so I put pirate but that was taken so I put pirate then closed my eyes and taped into the numbers bar on the keyboard and out came 646844 so thats what my name was pirate646844 then latter that shortened to pirate64 and I'v been using it for my user name for most things now.

if your sad just add money!!

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 13:03:42

I got mine from this guy.

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Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 14:12:59

Im a big fan of South Park and I was born in 1992, therefore im southparkfan92

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 14:25:18

Main Character from my video game

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Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 14:52:05

At 12/16/07 10:16 PM, Pinballwize0 wrote: * Where did your username from?

A movie called "A scanner darkly" its a drug from within the film

* Does your username have a huge epic story behind it?

No made it as soon as i saw the film , didnt use it for a year then started to use it !

* And does anyone really care?

most likely no but +1 post count

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 15:55:37

i wanted to put my first names first words (JP). i wanted it to have something related to NG without sucking cock (portal). after some things that are too complicated to say, i made my username: portalwarpedJP.

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 15:59:35

At 12/16/07 10:22 PM, Pinballwize0 wrote:
At 12/16/07 10:21 PM, Sabotage wrote: Sadly, it's the "DaPimp" part that makes it suck.
Agreed, it would have looked better with just CapnCrunch.

Agreed, it would have looked better with just CapnCrunch.


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Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-02-06 16:02:02

I like being called Dr., and I'm a fan of sprites. Thus DoctorSprite, and Doc for short.

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-06-04 07:00:59

i decided one day to study yetiology, from there i learnt many things and became a god in my own right,

*i am now australia's (and possibly the world's) leading authority in the field of yetiology. fans from all around call me the happy yeti (cause i make everyone happy) therefore my user name is happyyeti...

The Happy Yeti

*it says so on my profile

I do Art. I also have a Gaming Site

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Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-06-04 07:01:50

When I was 11, it was a 4 second 'thinking' job. Yep that's about it.

Ahoy there sailor can you do the otter dance?

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-06-04 07:04:08

I thought it soundeded kool, but then i was liek "This name is sooo lame...."


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Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-06-04 07:07:28

The Metallica album/song.

Come crawling faster. Obey your master. Your life burns faster. Obey your master! Master!

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-06-04 07:17:36

basically i got the name from the re animator and added al to re and i got therealanimator. yes..i know it sucks but hey its original.

cherry garcia: its like having an angel cum in your mouth

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Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-06-04 09:21:34

Well, mines pretty obvious but if you don't think so, click my sig

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