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Orgin of your username?

22,846 Views | 361 Replies

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-07-27 15:14:01

my name

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-07-27 15:35:34

I have a scar going across my neck. Kind of looks like a hickey though

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-07-27 15:37:19

My AIM and old yahoo mail name.

Sad I know.

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-07-27 15:51:01

11 year old "randomness" ugh

The New Signature By Orange Beef

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-07-27 16:08:02

I actually got my username from a heroin addict from Scrubs

"So... I heard your mum puts out"

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-07-28 04:20:15

* Where did your username from?

The Lotus flower..

* Does your username have a huge epic story behind it?

Not really, it was just a turn of pace from what it was before, and the beginning of a new life.. From a hectic past, full of so much uneasy behavior, to something I could manage a bit more.. least most of the time.

* And does anyone really care?

Probably not, I remember a few said I should have it changed to this back when my alias was different, but that was a while ago now.


BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-07-28 04:42:13

At 12/16/07 10:16 PM, Pinballwize0 wrote: * Where did your username from?

It comes from an old game called Ragnarok Online.

* Does your username have a huge epic story behind it?

Indeed it does, and I will explain it shortly.

* And does anyone really care?

Maybe, but I highly doubt it.

So what's your username's story?

Well, in the game, Bongun is a monster, however he is one of the few that has a back story. I've just always found his character and story to be interesting.

Respect, it's what I do...Then again, so is UberCream's job.

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-07-28 04:44:13

From the comic Crash and Bass @ fragile-minds.com

He's basically a enemy from Megaman

XBL GT: SleepyB 408

I Xbox 360 Club I MLB Club I

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-07-28 04:48:25

There is honestly was no good reason for this name. It was my old GT but I changed that to my new title. I wish I could change it but I can't. There is no reason to have a mod change it right?

Hero to the world.

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-07-28 06:24:22

My user name consists of my first name, and my middle name.
Unfortunately, the story isn't all that epic, and if I were you I probably wouldn't care either.

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-08-09 17:30:40

I just chose this username because I always add "Guru" to the end of my usernames. The "portal" does not refer to the game, but the flash portal here on Newgrounds. The "The" is for added effect, because "PortalGuru" wouldn't sound so hot.

Thanks aplenty to Phobotech for the great user icon.

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-08-09 17:32:26

Im Tired, and used to be a paperboy...

Read sig for details.

*No longer PaperBoy, due to a technicality involving a 'missing' energy drink, I am now TiredBoy...

General Forum

The Funniest BBS Typo

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Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-08-09 17:33:12

The level 1 icon is a plunger.. I don't want to deposit.

You gonna do it? Come on. Fill me up! Come on! Fill me up! Yeah! Good job!

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-08-09 17:33:25

Well, I think mine is pretty much self-explanatory at this point.

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 16:13:22

Was trying to get the username Erty, but it was taken by an empty user (asked Wade about this, the PM was sent like in Mars or something).
So I just added -sProductions to it.


BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 16:14:27

I came up with mine when I was 11 (it was for a different website) and it stuck for some reason. I'm not sure why I thought it was a good idea to use it for this website considering I've been given a pretty ample amount of shit from it (even by Wade once), but it stuck and there's no point in trying to get it changed or anything.

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 16:22:01

Theres a restruant near me called Toby's. But I don't know why I added the zero...

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 16:29:50

Well, for All you Star Wars fans out there. You should Know that Jek Porkins was the RED-6 X-wing pilot in a new hope. he just didn't want to eject, but then blew up in the result of a Hot Fart.

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 16:36:05

I wanted something that would make a statement. My username is meant to suggest that religion is nothing more than a means of control.

It was also the first original name I could find that wasn't already taken. I hate adding numbers to usernames.

BBS Moderator - Feel free to send me a PM if you have a problem!

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 16:37:24

I used to be Blackqat back in 06 but then I was like
why does everyone like 7 so much
fuck them I'm changing my name to something witty
something like

420 blaze it faggot

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 17:36:54

1.Zelda faces of evil.

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 17:40:22

I got mine from Megaman 2 and the guys from Fragile-Minds.com. They have a sprite comic called Crash N Bass. Its pretty funny and thus my name was concieved.

XBL GT: SleepyB 408

I Xbox 360 Club I MLB Club I

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 17:41:47

My favorite cereal + my occupation. I would love to tell you the riveting tale of how I came to the conclusion of the username you see now, but I really must be going. Some hoes are trapped down at ToucanSam's crib and I gotta bust them out. Peace.

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 17:43:01

sonic is cool and sonic was taken so i made it sonic10

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 17:53:30

Well, I've always liked the name Metallix, but simply Metallix was taken already. So I added this extra shit based on my favorite game character ever, Meta Knight. Might ask an admin for a name change, but I can't say I care enough at the moment.


BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 17:53:34

Well, my name is quite old, and a little embarrassing

It comes from a time long ago, a time 2 weeks before the release of Halo (the first one), and it also stems from a time when Pokemon cards were all the rage.

My username stems from the word "Halo" and the word "Holographic", pasted together, to make a pronunciation of "Ho-Low". I then tidied it up, and made it symmetrical, to become Hoeloe.

It did end up to be quite a good username, although I have slight misgivings, since when I made this name, I had no idea what a "hoe" was.

Too late now, though. I'm known by this name in various places, it would be stupid to change it.

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 18:00:49

My friends say Nickapassa, like saying what's up nick.

What is life with no creativity?

Nickapassa on the web!

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 18:13:10

SJL are my initials, and i wore a lot of "life is good" when i was little, so i slapped it on the back.

MuyBurrito's epic thread takeover! Like latin music? Check this out!

Quote of the Week!

"I was raped as a child" ~ Twilight

BBS Signature

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 18:43:31

I have NO FUCKING IDEA on how I came up with ScorchedMoose.

Weed makes you do crazy things.

Response to Orgin of your username? 2009-09-30 18:47:44

1. I love Metal Gear Solid (Snake)
2. My Name is jacob
3. it rhymes

I wanted it to be Jacthesnake (cause that's what i use for everything else), but it was taken. :(

|Foxes Club| |I VOICE ACT.|

PSN ID: jake-thesnake_ng XBL: SFC Fox Paw

BBS Signature