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God's not real and religion is fake

62,313 Views | 314 Replies

Religion is one of the most phony, yet interesting, human topics ever. Here are 6 things that prove that God does not exist and that every religion is wrong (in the last reason).

1. If God is supposed to protect us from evil and is supposedly omnipotent (everywhere at any given time) and omnibenevolent (the ultimate in good), why doesn't he save us from the present evil already?!
2. If God already knows the future and created us in his image, then humanity is destined to know everything He knows and we will not have the true free will we have. An example is this very post. I don't know if I will get lots of hate from religious nuts or not so I'm posting this to see the reaction. If I knew what the reaction would be, like "God", I wouldn't be writing this.
3. If God is omnipotent and not everyone believes in Him, He would do a better job gathering believers.
4. Why would a supernatural being create a universe? Because He was bored to death? He can't desire it because the concept of desire is subjectively human.
5. Ma and Pa told me that God meant to make us imperfect. Why the hell would God make us imperfect if He, according to the Bible, expects so much from us as individuals. They never gave me a straightforward answer, or even a relevant one.
6. Religion is very inconsistent about the idea of God and what He wants from us (if God can even feel desire). So that also proves, not only the non-existence of God, but the inaccuracy and incorrectness of many, if not all, religions.

Now I would love to stick around and watch the discussion unfold, but I have a Rush concert to catch in an hour. See ya. I respond to your comments later.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:08:46

I totally agree 100%

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:09:36

you just "disproved" only one religion

great job




BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:09:51

what about Buddhism? the only religion (as i know of) that doesn't have a god to worship?

As you can tell by the snow, I'm Canadian. Battlefield Bad Company 2 Barracks

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:10:37

Rush kicks ass

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:11:13

According to my religion God created the universe and left it to be as it would. He doesn't interfere because to him we're a big science project (thats the simplest I could put it).

Fuck that shit...

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:11:33

I second this and approve of this thread.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:11:57

Wow! What an original thread idea!


BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:12:03

Another thing that disproves the bible. Dinosaurs.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:12:46

Marc M is the greatest animator on Newgrounds fuck you

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:13:01

huh read the bible one he know everthing but he wont focre anything, like the devil.
anther is since the bible left the school eductain everthing went worst why becasue it kept oder and well i have to go

srry abut the word im hrrying

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:13:07

At 9/17/07 07:06 PM, Name-Goes-Here wrote: 1. If God is supposed to protect us from evil and is supposedly omnipotent (everywhere at any given time) and omnibenevolent (the ultimate in good), why doesn't he save us from the present evil already?!

It would conflict with out freewill.

2. If God already knows the future and created us in his image, then humanity is destined to know everything He knows and we will not have the true free will we have. An example is this very post. I don't know if I will get lots of hate from religious nuts or not so I'm posting this to see the reaction. If I knew what the reaction would be, like "God", I wouldn't be writing this.

Knowing isn't doing. He didn't make the future, He just knows of it.

3. If God is omnipotent and not everyone believes in Him, He would do a better job gathering believers.

It's a test of faith.

4. Why would a supernatural being create a universe? Because He was bored to death? He can't desire it because the concept of desire is subjectively human.

Can God even have motives? You seem to know very little about Him.

5. Ma and Pa told me that God meant to make us imperfect. Why the hell would God make us imperfect if He, according to the Bible, expects so much from us as individuals. They never gave me a straightforward answer, or even a relevant one.

Can't judge people if everyone is perfect.

6. Religion is very inconsistent about the idea of God and what He wants from us (if God can even feel desire). So that also proves, not only the non-existence of God, but the inaccuracy and incorrectness of many, if not all, religions.

How so? You're not explaining yourself at all. Where's your facts, man? You sound like a bratty teen trying to rebel against the ultimate authority.

Your questions were terrible. Really. This is one of the worst "OMG RELIGION IS BULLSHIT" topics I've seen in a while.

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:13:11

You know I could answer all of those questions, but in return I'll only disapprove one: If God interfered with our lives wouldn't that be taking away our freewill?


XDeeZeroZero4Two-thousand six.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:13:37

I take it you have seen ZEITGEIST?

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:14:34

Religion has good morals.
They all state the same thing.
But it's not to be taken literally, more figurativly.

If god knew all, he would have been betrayed a million times, he'd pick someone else.
It's like telling a bum to hold $5000 cash while you go buy coffee.


Dropkick to the teeth. Solves any problem.

l=(_)(l< 1337

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:14:43

If creationists only believe the universe is a couple thousand years old. how can we see stars millions of lightyears away if if took the light millions of years to get here?

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:14:48

At 9/17/07 07:11 PM, jkilbane21 wrote: Wow! What an original thread idea!

only good post in thread

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:15:57

At 9/17/07 07:06 PM, Name-Goes-Here wrote: So that also proves, not only the non-existence of God, but the inaccuracy and incorrectness of many, if not all, religions.

And what religion are you, little boy?

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:17:06

You're a complete asshole. Why does it matter so much to you that somebody has different views than you? You're an ignorant cunt, you don't deserve to listen to Rush because the guys in Rush are GODS and you are some angsty teenage twat.

Fuck You.

Every thread I touch, dies.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:20:31

Oh shut up! Nobody cares! Nobody cares about your little 'evidence'. Religion is just a belief. People follow religions so they can make their lives better. And no, people who are Catholic (like me) don't have to go to church every Sunday,and they don't have to follow rules like, 'no meat on fridays' (or whatever :P). It's just a way people choose to live their lives so stop trying to persuade people you moron!

We had some good times, Newgrounds.

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:22:11

I'm sorry it's just people who say stuff like 'religion is not real' just REALLY gets on my nerves.

We had some good times, Newgrounds.

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:23:01

At 9/17/07 07:09 PM, LightandDark wrote: what about Buddhism? the only religion (as i know of) that doesn't have a god to worship?

Confucism dosent worship anything

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:23:27

The only theism that i would go for is that of a non interfering god. If there is a god trying to communicate with us it'd be like you outside and trying to talk to ants. God wouldn't be a kid with a hobby, he would be much more preoccupied with bigger things.

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:24:01

At 9/17/07 07:06 PM, Name-Goes-Here wrote:

1. If God is supposed to protect us from evil and is supposedly omnipotent (everywhere at any given time) and omnibenevolent (the ultimate in good), why doesn't he save us from the present evil already?!

who said, God was supposed to protect us?

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:25:02

I agree. I really have no religion, since I dont know what to believe, but I definately dont believe in god.

Yazar the toot.

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:26:39

just out of the blue but does anyone find buddism a good religion?

We had some good times, Newgrounds.

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:27:37

At 9/17/07 07:17 PM, Bovineoverlord wrote: You're a complete asshole.

Get some balls next time someone insults your religion.

Out of curiosity, is there anything in the Qu'ran (sura too plz) that says 'be nice to nonbelievers'? Only cos I checked (in the actual Qu'ran, in a bookshop) and found nothing at all positive about nonbelievers.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:27:39

have another 9

Ok ok first off that Galileo dude. he said that the earth revolves around the
sun, but that went against the teachings of the church so they placed him
under house arrest until he died. GUESS WHAT?? the earth revolves around
the sun!

2nd Christianity says that god created every thing, but who created god?

3rd Christianity says that you should love every body and treat them
fairly...hmmm lets see weren't the nazis Christian? Also the crusaders who
raped, killed, and looted from tones of people did it all in the name of
"god." Slave drivers that were devoted Christians treated their slaves like
nothing. what a way to follow your religion

4th the whole Adam and eve thing. the bible states that god created Adam and
eve first, but fossil records clearly show that things where on the earth be
for humans.

5th the virgin birth. right...just think about it and you will realize how
stupid that is. how can a virgin give birth?? that just goes against all
science except the type of lizard that can clone itself. if you still believe
in the virgin birth are you implying that Mary was a lizard?
6th Noah's arc 2 of every animal ehhh lets see...a boat that can hold 2
elephants, rhinos, giraffes, hippos, kimono dragons, apes, wolves, and etc.
is just im possible. it would take a genius to design a boat able to do
that and Noah wasn't a genius.
7th again bout the Noah story. god loves you right? well then how come he
drowned everything on the planet except 2 of each animal?
8th Ahhh Noah. A few questions for you too then - where did he get the polar
bears, penguins, etc from? Noah sends a dove out to see if there was any dry
land. But the dove returns without finding any. Then, just seven days later,
the dove goes out again and returns with an olive leaf. But how could an
olive tree survive the flood? And if any seeds happened to survive, they
certainly wouldn't germinate and grow leaves within a seven day period. When
the animals left the ark, what would they have eaten? There would have been
no plants after the ground had been submerged for nearly a year. What would
the carnivores have eaten? Whatever prey they ate would have gone extinct.
And how did the New World primates or the Australian marsupials find there
way back after the flood subsided? Noah kills the "clean beasts" and burns
their dead bodies for God. According to the bible, this would have caused
the extinction of all "clean" animals since only two of each were taken onto
the ark.
9th "Love your enemies."
Well, it's a nice thought. But it seems strange coming from someone who
damns his enemies to hell.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:28:46

buzz off eddy

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 19:30:13


religious people should read every essay on that since I've studied your stupid books and even gone to church and Sunday School.