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God's not real and religion is fake

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:36:24

At 9/17/07 07:06 PM, Name-Goes-Here wrote: Religion is one of the most phony, yet interesting, human topics ever. Here are 6 things that prove that God does not exist and that every religion is wrong (in the last reason).

1st thing: Religion is a bullshit to control people, becuse they fear death, that dosent mean god dosen't exist.

1. If God is supposed to protect us from evil and is supposedly omnipotent (everywhere at any given time) and omnibenevolent (the ultimate in good), why doesn't he save us from the present evil already?!

Then what would be the point of life ? if god would save us from every little thing of our lives, no he let us free, to do everything, even not believe in him.

2. If God already knows the future and created us in his image, then humanity is destined to know everything He knows and we will not have the true free will we have. An example is this very post. I don't know if I will get lots of hate from religious nuts or not so I'm posting this to see the reaction. If I knew what the reaction would be, like "God", I wouldn't be writing this.

What ? hum... Nobody is sure about that...

3. If God is omnipotent and not everyone believes in Him, He would do a better job gathering believers.

As i said in the first thing, god leave us free. Free to do everything, even to not believe in him. God is not like the religion depicts him, In fact, im not even sure about what he is, im not even sure if hes a "being" or something more complicated.

4. Why would a supernatural being create a universe? Because He was bored to death? He can't desire it because the concept of desire is subjectively human.

Maybe he was bored, a big plain "nothing" is sure boring, who knows if hes human.

5. Ma and Pa told me that God meant to make us imperfect. Why the hell would God make us imperfect if He, according to the Bible, expects so much from us as individuals. They never gave me a straightforward answer, or even a relevant one.

Bible is shit, here we agree.

6. Religion is very inconsistent about the idea of God and what He wants from us (if God can even feel desire). So that also proves, not only the non-existence of God, but the inaccuracy and incorrectness of many, if not all, religions.

Religion is not spirituality, Religion is bullshit, here, we agree again.

Now I would love to stick around and watch the discussion unfold, but I have a Rush concert to catch in an hour. See ya. I respond to your comments later.

Have A nice concert, I am waiting for your comments.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:37:23

We are all in one giant boring test of god that takes a lifetime to complete. It's called "Life" and it is a challengning test. All you have to do is don't do any serious bad crap and your fine and you'll go to heaven. If your stuck in the ghetto well then hey, your test will be faster and you'll go to heaven more quick(as long as you didn't kill anyone ofcourse >.>) So don't do any bad crap, and you pass. Equality, Love, Life. The end.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:38:38

Plus, there are many religions. And all cant be right, but all can be wrong.

Religion is made to make kids "Good" and "Nice". It is just a sotry made to make people better people. But now humans are to intelegent to keep going on with religion and finnaly many people are questioning, and acually THINKING about what is realistic.

Soon, very soon, 30 years tops, religion itself will be a story, where kids will learn about the story of religion and think "What retards!"

And yeah I go to a catholic school, it sucks, but its right next to my house.

I found out that most of the kids dont give a shit. Just the teachers are really "into" it. The kids just go along with it, but they really dont give a shit.

I thought going into this school would suck because i thought all the kids would be all brainwashed, but nope.

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:40:33

You try to disprove some people's beliefs. So what next? Are you trying to convert them to not believe? You can't do that.


Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:40:41

it sucks that i had to go into it, but now i relize it doesnt suck, if you saw i said it sucks then I said it didnt.

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:41:44

At 9/17/07 07:14 PM, PirateSprite wrote:
At 9/17/07 07:11 PM, jkilbane21 wrote: Wow! What an original thread idea!
only good post in thread

thank you for acknoledging that.

I know i spelled that wrong :(


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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:42:58

At 9/17/07 11:38 PM, TrantaLocked wrote: Plus, there are many religions. And all cant be right, but all can be wrong.

The uber-truthness of that statement is so true.

Religion is made to make kids "Good" and "Nice". It is just a sotry made to make people better people. But now humans are to intelegent to keep going on with religion and finnaly many people are questioning, and acually THINKING about what is realistic.

True, when I am questionning about that, I think that religion is total bullshit, made to control people with the best thing to control them: fear.

Soon, very soon, 30 years tops, religion itself will be a story, where kids will learn about the story of religion and think "What retards!"

That's a nice dream, unfortunately, the people are stupid.

And yeah I go to a catholic school, it sucks, but its right next to my house.


I found out that most of the kids dont give a shit. Just the teachers are really "into" it. The kids just go along with it, but they really dont give a shit.


I thought going into this school would suck because i thought all the kids would be all brainwashed, but nope.

Well, they cannot really get brainwashed since they are not really stupid to believe this.

For the one that wonder, I believe in some "entity" called "God" by some but I think all religions are lies, the bible is full of lies, that dosent mean there arent good things to learn from it. But mostly, its crap.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:46:28

At 9/17/07 11:38 PM, TrantaLocked wrote: I thought going into this school would suck because i thought all the kids would be all brainwashed, but nope.

Finaly someone realize just becuase someone is Catholic doesn't mean they believe in the whole thing! I'm tired of people always assueimg I'm a god loving freak because I'm Catholic...

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:47:25

At 9/17/07 11:46 PM, Shawn wrote:
At 9/17/07 11:38 PM, TrantaLocked wrote: I thought going into this school would suck because i thought all the kids would be all brainwashed, but nope.
Finaly someone realize just becuase someone is Catholic doesn't mean they believe in the whole thing! I'm tired of people always assueimg I'm a god loving freak because I'm Catholic...

Because I do not believe in the whole thing I do not define myself as a Catholic.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:47:48

At 9/17/07 11:40 PM, TrantaLocked wrote: it sucks that i had to go into it, but now i relize it doesnt suck, if you saw i said it sucks then I said it didnt.

God >:(


I SUCK at saying things right >:(


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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:49:31

At 9/17/07 11:47 PM, VenomKing666 wrote: Because I do not believe in the whole thing I do not define myself as a Catholic.

You don't have to believe in everything but you can still be Catholic, my school had world religion and me and my teacher find that Buddhsim is the best religion, but none the less were still Catholic...

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Space Cases "You Are Not Alone Video", In memory of the greatest show ever!

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:54:27

At 9/17/07 11:49 PM, Shawn wrote:
At 9/17/07 11:47 PM, VenomKing666 wrote: Because I do not believe in the whole thing I do not define myself as a Catholic.
You don't have to believe in everything but you can still be Catholic, my school had world religion and me and my teacher find that Buddhsim is the best religion, but none the less were still Catholic...

I do not agree to catholism because it IS a religion. I do not need anyone to tell me what I can believe into.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:54:28

At 9/17/07 11:42 PM, VenomKing666 wrote: For the one that wonder, I believe in some "entity" called "God" by some but I think all religions are lies, the bible is full of lies, that dosent mean there arent good things to learn from it. But mostly, its crap.

One question.

Have you studied the Holy Bible ever? If so how long? If not, don't waste your time answering.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:56:27

At 9/17/07 11:54 PM, VenomKing666 wrote: I do not agree to catholism because it IS a religion. I do not need anyone to tell me what I can believe into.

They don't force you to believe in it, Since you have freewill,

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Space Cases "You Are Not Alone Video", In memory of the greatest show ever!

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 00:08:39

At 9/17/07 11:54 PM, Vercades wrote:

Have you studied the Holy Bible ever? If so how long? If not, don't waste your time answering.

One other question, tell me my friend, Have you ? If not, then just go back to your seat whatever whatever was your point.


Oh and shawn, I know that, its more for the principle...

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 00:38:05

At 9/17/07 07:50 PM, laine45 wrote: satanist.......anyways satanism doesnt believe in god so there another religion that he didnt do anything about

I'm not a satanist, I'm an atheist. Those are two completely different things. Atheists don't believe in religion at all. They worship no one. Satanists worship the devil. If you're going to insult me, do it with an education.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 00:42:03

Hey this thread looks kinda familiar imma post in it.

Monster Count: 2999 - Countdown to 3000


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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 01:09:42


to the guy who said if an atheist is good, they will still go to heaven.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 01:17:36

At 9/17/07 07:10 PM, RC-Albright wrote: Rush kicks ass

Too bad you don't live in NY, man. Rush played a kick-ass concert. It was animation, funny acting, drum solos, South Park's "Lil' Rush", pyrotechnics, and dragons rolled up into one evening. And now I'm going to bed. Good night

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 01:32:03

you're a fucking idiot


Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 01:33:19

also, can does not equal will


Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 01:34:23

rush is for dorks


Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 01:36:34

These threads never change.
Seriously, do you think you'll convert someone over NG?
People believe what they want.
I'll live my life free of restrictions, and they can be dictated or lead
through their lives.

We'll never agree on this


Dropkick to the teeth. Solves any problem.

l=(_)(l< 1337

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 01:37:32

At 9/17/07 07:06 PM, Name-Goes-Here wrote: Religion is one of the most phony, yet interesting, human topics ever. Here are 6 things that prove that God does not exist and that every religion is wrong (in the last reason).

Wow, six nonnegotiable reasons. So new.

1. If God is supposed to protect us from evil and is supposedly omnipotent (everywhere at any given time) and omnibenevolent (the ultimate in good), why doesn't he save us from the present evil already?!

Where the fuck did you get this? No, since Adam sinned, we are cursed with his sin. We are free to make our own choices, and also free to suffer for them, and suffer from the choices of others.

2. If God already knows the future and created us in his image, then humanity is destined to know everything He knows and we will not have the true free will we have. An example is this very post. I don't know if I will get lots of hate from religious nuts or not so I'm posting this to see the reaction. If I knew what the reaction would be, like "God", I wouldn't be writing this.

And thats why he doesnt show himself much nowdays. He knows that man will push it off as coincidence and the reaction is mute, so he doesnt do it. An example is this very moment.

3. If God is omnipotent and not everyone believes in Him, He would do a better job gathering believers.

That really doesnt make sense to me. I wont rebutt it, but only because I am not clear in what you are trying to say.

4. Why would a supernatural being create a universe? Because He was bored to death? He can't desire it because the concept of desire is subjectively human.

We are made in his image. Where do you get this shit? Desire was CREATED by him. He has desire as well. Self controll is part of life. It is not a sin to have temptation, but it is a sin to succumb.

5. Ma and Pa told me that God meant to make us imperfect. Why the hell would God make us imperfect if He, according to the Bible, expects so much from us as individuals. They never gave me a straightforward answer, or even a relevant one.

He expects you to sin. That is why he sent Jesus, so that you would have a shot at heaven. Your imperfections are there to test you as a man, even though there are some trials you cannot pass. It is to make you a stronger person.

6. Religion is very inconsistent about the idea of God and what He wants from us (if God can even feel desire). So that also proves, not only the non-existence of God, but the inaccuracy and incorrectness of many, if not all, religions.

Wow, this is the weakest one of all. You said this would be the coup-de-grace!!! I demand satisfaction. MAN made judgements on god, some even outright LYING. Apparently you only go by WORD of MOUTH, otherwise you would know what a CROCK of SHIT half of your arguements are. If you want to disprove all religions, you should at least make an attempt to actually READ the damn LITERATURE.

Now I would love to stick around and watch the discussion unfold, but I have a Rush concert to catch in an hour. See ya. I respond to your comments later.

And I eagerly await your retort. Next time try harder. Have a nice time at Rush!! (or hope you had a good time, depending on whether or not you are back.)

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 01:40:09

None of those statements really made sense.

Also, if there is no god, what happens when we die? If you say IDK, then shut the fuck up and stop bitching about religion.

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 01:42:51

I could give to shits about what happens when I die.
I'll live for now thank you.
So when tyou've wasted the life you know you have
trying to please "God", I'll have accepted and
used his so called gift of life to the fullest.
We're here to live, not serve.
That's religions biggest faults.


Dropkick to the teeth. Solves any problem.

l=(_)(l< 1337

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 01:44:11

At 9/18/07 01:40 AM, LiL-ReEpEr-SnIpEr wrote: Also, if there is no god, what happens when we die? If you say IDK, then shut the fuck up and stop bitching about religion.

Lol, That has to be one of the most simple minded statment i heard in this thread, that makes the most sence!

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Space Cases "You Are Not Alone Video", In memory of the greatest show ever!

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 01:50:48

At 9/18/07 01:42 AM, TheUsed713 wrote: I could give to shits about what happens when I die.
I'll live for now thank you.
So when tyou've wasted the life you know you have
trying to please "God", I'll have accepted and
used his so called gift of life to the fullest.
We're here to live, not serve.
That's religions biggest faults.

Okay...now what happens when you get really old and your on your death bed? Then what are you thinking? Or if you fucked up bad and your in that electric chair? Then what are you thinking? Or you have cancer, and its taking the best of you? Then what are you thinking? Or you get in some sort of accident and you can see your death coming? Then what are you thinking?

Your thinking this: Your whole life is going to end in a matter of seconds, and no matter what you do, you can't do nothing to stop it now - its too late. All the people you love and know, you will leave them for ever unless there really is a heaven or some sort of after death life where you can see them again. Your reputation means shit, whether you are a hard ass and aren't afraid of death, a religious freak and are confident about death, or someone that just takes death as it is. Your life is over, its DONE.

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 01:57:52

At 9/18/07 01:50 AM, LiL-ReEpEr-SnIpEr wrote: Okay...now what happens when you get really old and your on your death bed? Then what are you thinking? Or if you fucked up bad and your in that electric chair? Then what are you thinking? Or you have cancer, and its taking the best of you? Then what are you thinking? Or you get in some sort of accident and you can see your death coming? Then what are you thinking?

Your thinking this: Your whole life is going to end in a matter of seconds, and no matter what you do, you can't do nothing to stop it now - its too late. All the people you love and know, you will leave them for ever unless there really is a heaven or some sort of after death life where you can see them again. Your reputation means shit, whether you are a hard ass and aren't afraid of death, a religious freak and are confident about death, or someone that just takes death as it is. Your life is over, its DONE.

And if that life was all I'd get, I lived hard and enjoyed it.
I made every second count, not wasted it following rules.
If your worried about what comes next, thats nice.
I'll take it head on, with no regrets.
Not wasting my last moments on "what if"s and "if only"s.
God wont save me from cancer or a speeding car.

P.S. We have no death penalty here in Canada.


Dropkick to the teeth. Solves any problem.

l=(_)(l< 1337

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-18 02:00:35

At 9/18/07 01:57 AM, TheUsed713 wrote:
And if that life was all I'd get, I lived hard and enjoyed it.
I made every second count, not wasted it following rules.
If your worried about what comes next, thats nice.
I'll take it head on, with no regrets.
Not wasting my last moments on "what if"s and "if only"s.
God wont save me from cancer or a speeding car.

P.S. We have no death penalty here in Canada.

Your obviously not getting it...you say your all confident now, but when death comes i gurentee you wont be so confident.

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