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God's not real and religion is fake

62,317 Views | 314 Replies

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 20:54:48

OMF...lol i wasn't going to say god I swear! Anyway..your dumbass topic doesn't deserve to be embellished by my reply but i will anyways. Your just saying all your shit because your too emo to go to church and follow the smart people. Just to busy waiting for enough blood to come out you little wrist cutter. and I'll bet you spent like 2 hours trying to think that up while typing r e a l l y
s l o w l i k e t h i s.


BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 21:02:48

At 9/17/07 07:06 PM, Name-Goes-Here wrote: Religion is one of the most phony, yet interesting, human topics ever. Here are 6 things that prove that God does not exist and that every religion is wrong (in the last reason).

1. If God is supposed to protect us from evil and is supposedly omnipotent (everywhere at any given time) and omnibenevolent (the ultimate in good), why doesn't he save us from the present evil already?!
2. If God already knows the future and created us in his image, then humanity is destined to know everything He knows and we will not have the true free will we have. An example is this very post. I don't know if I will get lots of hate from religious nuts or not so I'm posting this to see the reaction. If I knew what the reaction would be, like "God", I wouldn't be writing this.
3. If God is omnipotent and not everyone believes in Him, He would do a better job gathering believers.
4. Why would a supernatural being create a universe? Because He was bored to death? He can't desire it because the concept of desire is subjectively human.
5. Ma and Pa told me that God meant to make us imperfect. Why the hell would God make us imperfect if He, according to the Bible, expects so much from us as individuals. They never gave me a straightforward answer, or even a relevant one.
6. Religion is very inconsistent about the idea of God and what He wants from us (if God can even feel desire). So that also proves, not only the non-existence of God, but the inaccuracy and incorrectness of many, if not all, religions.

Now I would love to stick around and watch the discussion unfold, but I have a Rush concert to catch in an hour. See ya. I respond to your comments later.

atheist fucker GTFO we seen this topic more than a million times
and by the way plz keep that mouth away from God. And stop making a whole new topic and go to a older one and voice your opinion there instead of MAKING ANOTHER GOD DAMN FLAME WAR!!!!!!


instead just voice your opionion gradually.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 21:10:49

At 9/17/07 09:02 PM, whiteweirdo wrote:

instead just voice your opionion gradually.


he can post this topic, it's what he believes. It's what I believe too, anyway.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 21:12:24


speedycat sure is speedy!

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 21:14:17

Where the hell is heaven anyways...

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 21:23:00

Join the atheist army if you're on my side.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 21:23:01

At 9/17/07 07:09 PM, LightandDark wrote: what about Buddhism? the only religion (as i know of) that doesn't have a god to worship?

Buddhism is not a religion, it is a philosofy (is that spelled correctly?).

He who takes the advice of a n00b is more n00bish than the n00b himself.

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 21:23:09

At 9/17/07 09:12 PM, KillerCRS wrote: CAPTAIN OBVIOUS TO THE RESCUE!

Captian paradox more like.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 21:27:22

At 9/17/07 09:14 PM, SuperKusoKao wrote: Where the hell is heaven anyways...

Im pretty sure its not in hell

He who takes the advice of a n00b is more n00bish than the n00b himself.

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 21:41:38

At 9/17/07 09:14 PM, SuperKusoKao wrote: Where the hell is heaven anyways...

In another plain of existence.

Common sense isn't so common anymore

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 21:46:47

1. Because bad things will happen to both good and bad alike. The way of the world.
2. God may know the future, but there is always free choice and the ability to change that future. As for major events they are pretty much set in stone.
3. Free Will.
4. Don't know. Never says. That doesn't necessarily disprove the existence of God. All it does is show that you are a condescending jackass.
5. That seems like a personal problem and an issue with your parents.
6. The Bible is inconsistant, true, but its major goal is pretty straightforward.

Seems like another rambling from a teenager who is just angry at the world.

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 22:19:55

At 9/17/07 09:51 PM, Electric-Bla wrote:
At 9/17/07 08:46 PM, LordJaric wrote: No, that was just stupid.
No, you're another user who's been here for five months and think's you run the place.

I never said that, I just didn't find it funny.

Common sense isn't so common anymore

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"

Fanfiction Page

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 22:22:47

Religion does more harm then good. And I don't believe in god. Hell proof could be the fact that there was a church collapse a few weeks ago that killed everyone inside...

Burn the land and boil the sea

You can't take the sky from me

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 22:25:51

Well how about this? Who the hell does god think he/she/it is,that he can just send me to hell because I didn't believe in him,even tough I barely harmed anyone,or did anything bad?
And the people that took a WIIIILD GUESS and choose to believe in this religion get to heaven because they won the religion lottery? Hell,I don't wanna waste my sundays on going to church! I've got lots of other things to do with my short human life.Like having fun,and thinking reasonably.
I won't bow down to a god who is playing a galactic RPG with his powers........

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 22:42:46

God is real, Religion isnt fake, and Armegeddon is coming, following Armegeddon is Paridise, No death, No Sorrow, No pain, nothing thats bad. In order to survive Armegeddon you have to get baptised as a Jehovahs Witness, never smoke, never get drunk, and never look at porn or marry someone who celebrates everything. If you ask why you cant celebrate PM me or say Why? and I'll answer it but I recommend you to PM me but you can go to partys like Anniversary's, Family get togethers, I forgot the other one, Oh yeah alo Graduations. The ones you cant Celebrate if your a Jehovahs Witness are: Holloween, Christmas, Haunakkah, Valintines, Birthdays, 4th of July, you know any holiday but I'm not sure about April Fools, I'll ask to see if we can do that if I dont tell you PM me or do those messages its goin to be in ENTRY 3 so do that soon and I'll tell you why Jehovahs Witness's cant marry a person who Celebrates or if Jehovahs Witness's could or could not celebrate April Fools day but I'm not going to answer the Question on here so one more time PM me or see on my messages.

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 22:46:23

Wow ,then God will have about 10 humans in his "paradise" where you cant celebrate,cant watch porn,can't play Video Games and so on and so forth.........some fucking paradise........

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 22:48:05

So in otherwords,by gods will,the entire Newgrounds can go fuck themselves as much as he/she/it cares.........

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 22:49:53

Ashford Pride ownz you

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 22:53:44

I have a question for all christians on this thread that I hope you can answer. According to the bible we all evolved from one man and one woman,Adam and Eve. Now the bible clearly states incest is a sin,but we were all born from just these two people,meaning that everyone is related and we have commited the sin of incest. Are we all going to hell now?

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 22:57:49

At 9/17/07 07:12 PM, KerfuffleMach2 wrote: Another thing that disproves the bible. Dinosaurs.

Moses put them there to test our faith.

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:03:31



Anyways,if there wasn't any Eva and Adam,there were max 4-6 humans that could have started making the whole race,so this means the next poster could have a 60% chance that he/she is my looooong lost Brother/Sister

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:06:02

At 9/17/07 10:53 PM, placeboelectra wrote: I have a question for all christians on this thread that I hope you can answer. According to the bible we all evolved from one man and one woman,Adam and Eve. Now the bible clearly states incest is a sin,but we were all born from just these two people,meaning that everyone is related and we have commited the sin of incest. Are we all going to hell now?

Adam and Eve was God's chosen people to reside in Eden. God made more man and women on the Earth so that his blood-line will continue to eventually make what us Christians think is God in human flesh. If evolution exists, which I do think it does, God used it to prevent incest to be an issue. Many variations but, that's what I come to an be understanding it.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:10:34

congratulations, dick face. you have successfully spent all that time writing something that basically shows all of the other aithiests how much you agree with them. thanks for making a huge difference in the world. thank you for telling us, Christians, how more pathetically desperate you are to get us on your side than you were a few minutes ago. good job.

BBS Signature

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:10:53

At 9/17/07 11:06 PM, Vercades wrote: Adam and Eve was God's chosen people to reside in Eden. God made more man and women on the Earth so that his blood-line will continue to eventually make what us Christians think is God in human flesh. If evolution exists, which I do think it does, God used it to prevent incest to be an issue. Many variations but, that's what I come to an be understanding it.

OK,OK.....so you are saying that God brought,say,1000 pair to the World.....there could still be a #% chance you are my long lost relative :/ .......
And if you are saying that God didn't care about incest until some time,why the heck did he came up with it anyway?

Well whatever,the Bible isn't a good source for prooving/disprooving god anyway....

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:16:12

Let me take a shot at striking down Christianity in one shot.

God loves all, but if you're a fag get the fuck outta my paradise.


Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:18:57

At 9/17/07 07:30 PM, Infinite-one wrote: It's not so much a "religion", but a way of life.

Buddhism is a Religion!

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:26:53

I love how all these angsty wannabe-rebels seem to think that Christianity encompasses every religion on Earth, and that pointing out the inconsistencies in the propaganda of an ancient regime looking for control somehow disproves God. The religious teachings of the people who wrote and rewrote the Bible and the religious teachings of Jesus are very very different.

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Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:27:50

At 9/17/07 11:10 PM, Tekken9292 wrote:
At 9/17/07 11:06 PM, Vercades wrote: Adam and Eve was God's chosen people to reside in Eden. God made more man and women on the Earth so that his blood-line will continue to eventually make what us Christians think is God in human flesh. If evolution exists, which I do think it does, God used it to prevent incest to be an issue. Many variations but, that's what I come to an be understanding it.
OK,OK.....so you are saying that God brought,say,1000 pair to the World.....there could still be a #% chance you are my long lost relative :/ .......
And if you are saying that God didn't care about incest until some time,why the heck did he came up with it anyway?

Well whatever,the Bible isn't a good source for prooving/disprooving god anyway....

It was written in the Holy Bible that he allowed men to live 100's of years old, it documents the names and, generations of that kind of people, like Shem. Methusela, Issac all of which was part of the blood line of Christ, as a chance of me being your #% cousin not likily biblically, God allowed certain men to create nations of themselves, (more then one bride) the closest thing I have in common to you in blood is being a human.

Story of Sodom and Gomorrah is a good example of why incest pissed God off. I really don't think, God created that but, man was the creator of incest.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:30:04

Oh OK,I get it I think.

Response to God's not real and religion is fake 2007-09-17 23:30:58

At 9/17/07 11:27 PM, Vercades wrote:
Story of Sodomy

FFixec that part for you.
