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Guitar Hero Gang

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Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-10-28 11:18:51


GH3 is out (in america)

damn americans :P

ah well....1 month to go...

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-10-30 00:46:08

ok so i have guitar hero 3 and i think i can beat dragonforce on expert but im just having a problem with its opening intro, after that i think its smooth sailing.

for the intro its like impossible for me. i can get my fingers on the buttons in time no prob but it keeps failing me before i get half way through it. I dunno if im just not lifting my fingers fast enough to clock in the green hammeron every time or what, but its becoming a pain in my butt. its really hard to tell which notes im missing.

anyone who's managed to get through the intro please can you give me some tips to get through it a little easier. please and thanks.

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-10-30 03:01:28

At 10/30/07 02:52 AM, RageOfOrder wrote: Hold green, strum at a steady pace (the right pace is key....) and just hold the other buttons as necessary. Should be easy if you get the strum timing right and your hand can stretch far enough.

Dammit. GH3 isnt out in Australia yet. I have to wait until the 7th of November. THATS LIKE A FREAKING WEEK! :D

I do the hold down green thing for songs with that but I have a problem getting all the notes. My hand is too small. I just can't reach the orange button while holding down green. It pisses me off when I see videos on YouTube of guys doing it naturally. Do you have any tips for me?

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Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-10-30 03:33:56

At 10/30/07 03:19 AM, RageOfOrder wrote:
I guess you could work on finger flexibility excercies or something. Sometimes angling your wrist a little different can make a difference.

I do angle my wrist for "Monkey wrench" and I can manage to get every not 90% of the time. And its not that I CANT reach them, its just that its not very natural, it takes some concentration. For the bits like the bridge in Jordan, I just can't do it. It might have something to do with skill as well. I dont know, I just can't.

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Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-10-30 18:12:12

At 10/30/07 12:46 AM, narf109 wrote: ok so i have guitar hero 3 and i think i can beat dragonforce on expert but im just having a problem with its opening intro, after that i think its smooth sailing.

for the intro its like impossible for me. i can get my fingers on the buttons in time no prob but it keeps failing me before i get half way through it. I dunno if im just not lifting my fingers fast enough to clock in the green hammeron every time or what, but its becoming a pain in my butt. its really hard to tell which notes im missing.

anyone who's managed to get through the intro please can you give me some tips to get through it a little easier. please and thanks.

its easy, tape a penny onto the green fret and concentrate on hitting the rest, then when the intro ends, pause it and take the penny off (seriously)

and BTW, i have officially done all my goals on GH2, THE LOG IS MINE!!!
now to wait till the 23rd November D:

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-10-30 23:15:54

I finally found a Guitar Hero club!!!! Took long enough...

I just bought GH3 yesterday, and it is S W E E T.

I'm the best GH player in my town, I won a contest and got $20! yay :)

check the sig.

Generic sig shit goes here.

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-10-31 17:36:45

At 10/30/07 07:26 PM, RageOfOrder wrote: Can't pause online.

:: Congrats man. I hate to gloat, but GH3 is awesome. And I'm sorry for posting so many spoilers in the other thread :P

oh i didnt know it meant online, well i guess practice mode is the way to go

and dnt worry about it man, i skipped past them anwyays, the only thing i know about the game is the setlist, and that raining blood's mosh 1 is HARD

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-01 19:31:37

At 10/31/07 07:21 PM, RageOfOrder wrote: I can beat mosh1 without star power most of the time now. But I'm still 7,000 points away from that fifth star, and it's the only career song I have left to 5*

am i correct in thinking you dont get star-ratings for the boss battles?
BTW, cliffs of dover has already been FCd...most people are predicting # of the beast to go next. just thought you'd like to know
isnt mosh 1 just fast descending quads? if so i shouldnt have too much trouble with it. i have to admit ive never heard raining blood before :(
7000points off, thats easy, 3 3-note chords under SP with a 8x combo and youre there :P
do you have any GH3 FCs yet? if so, what ones?

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-02 13:03:35

today is a great day for me, for I F I N A L L Y beat Raining Blood!!! Yay

Cliffs of Dover was too easy after beating that, and The Number of the Beast was also kinda tricky.

But now, I'm stuck on One. i can get about 85% into the song, but then the solo comes and totally rapes me. Ugh.

Generic sig shit goes here.

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-02 13:07:01

At 11/2/07 12:20 PM, RageOfOrder wrote:
At 11/1/07 07:31 PM, theguitarhero2 wrote: 7000points off, thats easy, 3 3-note chords under SP with a 8x combo and youre there :P
Problem is, I can't get that close consistently. I'm usually about 20,000 points off. Depends how I do on the mosh section, and if/when I have star power.

do you have any GH3 FCs yet? if so, what ones?
Just the two easiest ones.
When You Were Young, and
My Name is Jonas

I'll worry about FCs though once I finish my five-stars and actually play through all the bonus songs
there's still a good 15 or more tracks I haven't touched.

i FC'd Bulls on Parade, When You Were Young, Before I Forget (that one sucked :P) and Story of my Life on Hard. I'll worry about Expert when I beat it.

Generic sig shit goes here.

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-02 22:38:31

Picked up GH3 today. Cool stuff.

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-03 05:14:00

Got a question about the secret co-op songs. Can you unlock them by playing them on XBL with a random person if you wanted? Do you have to go through all the other songs on the playlist on co-op first or can you just get to those songs right away?

Sig by THEJamoke Contributor to PONIES: The Anthology 2 and Anthology 3 Go watch them now!

BBS Signature

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-03 10:54:30

At 11/2/07 08:26 PM, Hycran wrote: Do you use 2 or 3 power ups to take him out?>

get a whammy/broken string and use it when lou has those long line of green notes....insta-win

Raining Blood has ALMOST been FCd (not by me)
the stats on said near FC were:
1028 note streak

and in detailed breakdown:
1233/1247 notes hit
7/7 SP phrases hit
4.138X avg. multiplier

DRIZZLE 1 100%
MOSH 1 100%
VERSE 100%
MOSH 2 100%
DRIZZLE 2 100%
FLOOD! 95%

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-03 11:41:27

i beat expert a couple days ago, but im still frustrated on the Dragon Force song. my fingers are holding down the buttons for too long or somthing. I swear i hit every note on time in the "they're hammer ons" part and i can't spot which ones im missing. but it fails me b4 i get to 3%, its pissing me off.

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-03 12:52:14

I got Guitar Hero III on the first day it came out!

BBS Signature

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-03 13:30:06

My favorite song on GH3 so far is "Lay Down" by Preistess. (I'm only on the fifth level right now).

How 'bout'choo guys?

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-03 17:52:53

(sigh) This is what happens when you don't play Guitar Hero for a while. I picked it up, thinking "Oh yeah, this'll be easy"...yeah, I practically suck at Expert now. Or maybe it was just me trying to play Number of the Beast on that level, I don't know. All I know is I really need to get back into the groove of GH-ing. Shit, I can barely do the 8th tier songs on Hard. Actually, I can't even beat Raining Blood or One (fucking solo).

But, allow me to share a little monolouge I had when trying to get all the Co-Op songs in one night with my buddy. We were doing One (he was Lead, I was Rhythm) and we were starting to fail and get really cramped up in the hands from playing non-stop.

He's like "Use star power!"
Me- "We don't have any!"
Him- "What the fuck?"
Together, at the moment we fail- "FUCK!!"

98%. Fucking Metallica. So damn close.

Fun game, though. Although, they replaced a few songs on the list, it's overall a great set list and I enjoy the fact that it's actually Zach de la Rocha and Axl Rose singing the song instead of some random guy.


NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

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Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-03 18:12:14

At 11/3/07 01:30 PM, Twone wrote: My favorite song on GH3 so far is "Lay Down" by Preistess. (I'm only on the fifth level right now).

How 'bout'choo guys?

i've always liked dragon force but its not fun to play. I haven't tried all the bonus songs but i like Dopes song on there. My fav is The battle vs Lou song. I wish i could play it on quick play. Is there any way to do that? I haven't completed all of the co-op stuff, can you get it that way?

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-03 21:15:29

At 11/3/07 05:52 PM, StevensA wrote: I can't even beat Raining Blood or One (fucking solo).

I always fail at the solo.

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-04 00:46:54

I just got the meet your maker achievement after beating some person online. It sounds rare from the description, but I might be wrong. Anybody know if it's something to be proud of?

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-04 01:27:26

At 11/4/07 12:46 AM, Freelance-Magician wrote: I just got the meet your maker achievement after beating some person online. It sounds rare from the description, but I might be wrong. Anybody know if it's something to be proud of?

It's supposed to be, but there's a lot of issues with the achievements. I think people were earning that achievement even when they were losing the match. It's pretty common now. I got it while playing someone who was so bad at the game they just quit halfway through the first song. Other achievements are fucked up too. I was fucking around on easy mode and I played through four songs with the standard 360 controller. I got bored went back to the expert career screen and I unlocked the "Get a Guitar Already" Achievement. You're supposed to beat an entire hard or expert career to earn it.

Happy with what you have to be happy with

you have to be happy with what you have

to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have

BBS Signature

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-04 01:01:29

Wow. I just got Guitar Hero 3 for my Wii today, for my birthday...wow. That is an awesome game, it's the first time I've ever really played GH, unfortunately. Knowing you all as experts of rock, I have a question....Is it a good sign or a bad sign if your nose bleeds after your first rock out? I hope it's a good thing.

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-04 21:19:49

Raining Blood is still a bitch on Hard. Doubt I'll beat it for a while...makes me wonder about expert, though...<shudders>

Anyways, beat Medium because I was bored and fed up with hard. Got Lou, everyone else unlockable, a few alternate costumes, and all the songs. Yes, including Through the Fire and Flames. First time through on Expert, I managed 61% of the notes hit (pratice mode, if you didn't figure that out by now). I doubt I'll be able to beat that for quite a long time. Of course, I'll laugh if I beat that before I beat Jordan on GH2. Or if somebody FC's it. (fat chance)

My only gripe is the difficulty spike. At first, it's cake walk, but when you get to the lower tiers, you're like, "What the fucking hell?!" That, and I hate how some areas that should have HO/PO don't. TTFaF on Hard is a good example. "They're Hammer-Ons", my ass.

Oh well, still a fun game.

NG Mafia, Pokemon Club, Userpage.

sig by Turkeybean

BBS Signature

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-04 21:35:22

I feel like a fukkin G when i play the metal on expert. how sattisfying.

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-04 22:32:27

At 11/4/07 01:27 AM, Jercurpac wrote: It's supposed to be, but there's a lot of issues with the achievements. I think people were earning that achievement even when they were losing the match. It's pretty common now.

Yeah, I lost against someone on live for my first game and I got that achievement.

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-05 13:06:37

oh man, i so beat GH3 on expert today......finally...
man, one took forever to beat, and the lou fight took even longer

as for my fav song, lay down is a pretty good song. that, knights of cydonia, and one are my fav songs on gh3.

Generic sig shit goes here.

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-05 18:26:44

apparently on the XBOX version there is a glitch where if you enter the unlock all cheat you unlock all the achievements it triggers, and they stay there...
also the 'beat career w/ a dualshock' just have a dualshock in and choose career, expert, it SHOULD just give you the achievement

as for online play, how cocky do little kids get when they pick TTFAF, 'oh youre going down' *fails in intro* 'you got lucky'
FUCK OFF aaargh

as for the meet your maker, be careful, people can take it from you, but it is glitched...

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-05 18:42:20

At 11/5/07 06:26 PM, theguitarhero2 wrote: as for online play, how cocky do little kids get when they pick TTFAF, 'oh youre going down' *fails in intro* 'you got lucky'

I hate kids who purposely pick a song that they can tell that you hate just by the song that you pick.

Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-06 01:51:51

At 11/6/07 01:46 AM, Hycran wrote: This of course makes the jump from hard to expert that much more painful. I'm starting to feel even worse for the casual people :(

I actually think that is a good thing. The transition between hard and expert on GH1, 2 and 80's was incredibly small. I think it will be good for those who haven't played Guitar Hero before and get number 3. For me and other "pros" :D it will be a little bit pointless. I remember back when I tried hard mode, it was such a huge step, it took weeks to beat the first 5 songs. I guess if its more smooth, it will be an easier transition.

Anyways, I don't know if GH3 is actually like that yet since it doesn't come out here until tomorrow. I can't wait to get it.

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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Response to Guitar Hero Gang 2007-11-06 14:29:10

At 11/6/07 01:51 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
At 11/6/07 01:46 AM, Hycran wrote: This of course makes the jump from hard to expert that much more painful. I'm starting to feel even worse for the casual people :(
I actually think that is a good thing. The transition between hard and expert on GH1, 2 and 80's was incredibly small. I think it will be good for those who haven't played Guitar Hero before and get number 3. For me and other "pros" :D it will be a little bit pointless. I remember back when I tried hard mode, it was such a huge step, it took weeks to beat the first 5 songs. I guess if its more smooth, it will be an easier transition.

Anyways, I don't know if GH3 is actually like that yet since it doesn't come out here until tomorrow. I can't wait to get it.


the first time i was introduced to GH was on my 18th birthday. (i'm 19 now). I got GH2 for it and i was able to clear easy and medium within a couple of months, but when i hit hard (and eventually expert), it took me a really long time to beat both, but after that it got easy. the same was for GH1 & 80's. However, i was pleased with the difficulty in 3 because i actually failed a song in the 5rd tier (before i forget, i believe) and it took me 3 weeks to beat it. and don't even get me started on the last tier.

so yea, i think the transition was a little steep, but not too bad. i hope they make GH4 even more of a challenge, it was too easy when harmonix was working on it. good job activision and neversoft! i don't think that they will have much of a challenge, since rock band's gonna bomb.

Generic sig shit goes here.