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+++The Zombie Survival Crew+++

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-08 14:00:52

im betting on mutants created when bush starts a nucular war with america

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-08 14:44:53

i can see it involving bush in some fashion.Maybe he gets a new friend and its a monkey from some foreign place.The monkey has some sort of monkey cold and because bush's DNA is almost identical to a monkies he'll catch the disease and then allow it to pass from human to human through bites. :D

i havent seen many post on vehicles.What civillian vehicle would you want most.

And dude im done fighting with a 14 year old.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-08 16:42:22

At 6/7/05 08:47 PM, barrboy101 wrote: Sorry to disturb ur rampant arguing lost chances but hav u done my sig yet dont care if u hav or not just wondering.

shit...i forgot...

This too will pass.

Memento mori

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-10 13:46:06

howinteligent do u rekon the zombies are i meen are they "bub" inteligece or normal zombie inteligence

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-11 09:36:19

Well we dont really know only until it happens and guys cmon keep posting we gotta keep this club alive.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-11 10:31:14

wathcing new dawn of the dead at the mo im thinking the shoping mall isnt a good idea

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-11 11:18:31

At 6/11/05 09:36 AM, barrboy101 wrote: Well we dont really know only until it happens and guys cmon keep posting we gotta keep this club alive.

This club has no problems keeping alive. I was away from the BBS for 9 days. It was fine when i got back.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-13 19:44:05

Ok i trust u clansman i just dont want it to be deleted its a good club. Anyway do you think zombies have the strenght to weild weapons and stuff??

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-13 20:11:38

okay im back... 28 hours in a car with a little demon child brother sucks ass...

as i was reading up what i missed i noticed something someone i think vegeton said the best plan is no plan well no it isnt unless your suicidal. thats not the smartest thing to say. well my method of transportation would be a stolen bike (mine, well mine is no longer, um... no longer in one piece) my reasoning is this a bike is quiet uses no gas and can go plases a car cant as for the gauging of wepons i think its a great idea
oh yeah hey gabe how come your book is green?

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-14 05:21:14

A smart aspect mattman i think i bike would have to be the the best transport especially a mountain bike

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-14 13:41:25

bikes good but a bit unpretected and if u fuck up and fall off
well thier aint no extra lives here kido

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-14 14:47:36

bikes are unarmoured and zombies can grab you and rip you from your bike if your not careful though...

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-14 14:49:19

At 6/13/05 07:44 PM, barrboy101 wrote: Ok i trust u clansman i just dont want it to be deleted its a good club. Anyway do you think zombies have the strenght to weild weapons and stuff??

well, it's not the strength they need, they need the brains. zombies have no brains really....their whole brain is focus on getting food and killing. not on language, or anything. so the chance of weilding weapons is small.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-14 15:06:42

zombies in george a romeros film used simple wepons like rocks and stones and bub used a gun either way best just to run

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-15 11:34:12

At 6/13/05 08:11 PM, matttman1 wrote: okay im back... 28 hours in a car with a little demon child brother sucks ass...
oh yeah hey gabe how come your book is green?

thats the colour it was on the stores shelf.
It might be a uk release or something.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-15 11:57:33

At 6/14/05 01:41 PM, sidmyrotten wrote: bikes good but a bit unpretected and if u fuck up and fall off
well thier aint no extra lives here kido

first off dont call me kiddo arschloch

second going through a heavily infested area would be just dumb

third the same concept of falling or hitting something could be added to anything from dirtbike to suv

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-16 10:52:47

YES! i would like to join. im a big zombie fan. i even bought this book http://www.randomhouse.com/crown/zombiesurvivalguide/

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-16 12:53:54

dude i like love zombies, even though zombie MOVIES totally freak me out..

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-16 14:51:52

I havnt been on here for a long time, so i havnt been able to defend myself

I would get her on my bike because Zombies respond to sound

that it why they flock to anyone in a car. (Watch movies, the hero always tells everyone to be quiet (cause zombies hear) once one knows you;re there they all know you're there.

secondly already know how to use a katana I am in the SCA (Society of Creative Anacranism) And that also means i know how to use a Bow an Arrow (seeing as how i am a boy scout and all) I aloready own my katana and i already own my bow and arrow.

Also i would pick my girlfriend up on my bike because she lives a block away and it wouldnt be that hard to put her on the handle bars and peddle away. unlike some people i get a tan from other forms of light than the irodescant glow of my computer screen.

so in answer to your post, i have thought every thing out, and it wouldnt be that hard. I have good aim with a bow, i know how to use a sword, and i have descent aim with a gun. Plus i live near the downtown area, so finding a roof top isnt that hard.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-16 15:44:49

id have to agree with a bike.no fuel.they still kinda go on flat.silent small and highly manouverable.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-16 17:19:49

id like a tank never gona happen but faling that id try and keep of streats maby using sewer system

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-16 17:31:50

If there was a zombie outbreak id get a sludge hammer from my garrage and get on my bike and maby take a gun with (only as a last resort} go to a shop (thats not infested) fill up my backpack with food and med supplys. and go to the military base thats only 10 miles away.

Or if i where to stay at home i would take all my food weapons a raido ect. into my attic and fill my bathub up with watter incase the watter shuts off. then tare down my starecace. then bust a hole through my attic wall so i could make a banner saying i was alive and so i dont get too hot. and just wait.......

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-16 17:58:53

they say one of the best places to be is in a jail because its real secure and built tough so nobody can escape. and plus it has a cafiteria and medical room. and has armored squad cars in the gerage so when the time comes to escape you might be safe for awhile.

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-16 19:26:37

At 6/16/05 05:31 PM, MonkeyShooter wrote: If there was a zombie outbreak id get a sludge hammer from my garrage and get on my bike and maby take a gun with (only as a last resort} go to a shop (thats not infested) fill up my backpack with food and med supplys. and go to the military base thats only 10 miles away.

well thats hoping for a lot of good luck and do you own a gun if not find where to get one fast and start practising right away

hey crew what would you do if your girlfriend/boyfriend (in not sure if we have any female members) was turned how would you deal with that would you kill him/her or just run like hell?
tell me what you would do

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-16 20:01:07

even tho its your loved one i would still kill them. The person you knew before isnt that person any more. But put it this way. what if you where infected and you where with your family what would you do to keep the safe? would you kill yourself? or not tell them and when the time comes tell them to run?

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-17 01:21:44

At 6/16/05 07:26 PM, matttman1 wrote:
At 6/16/05 05:31 PM, MonkeyShooter wrote:

:: hey crew what would you do if your girlfriend/boyfriend (in not sure if we have any female members) was turned how would you deal with that would you kill him/her or just run like hell?

tell me what you would do

Well... that kind of a toughy --- I have come up with 2 possible scenarios

Sceneario 1)
If my gf was bitten and she was slowly infected and is changing very slowly i would wait it out until she got close to the end, when she would be in pain, she more than likely would understand her plight and ask me to put her out before she turned on me (cause she doesnt want to be a zombie). I would have to think it over, i dont really like killing people... (non-zombi-fied ones)but i would want her not to sufferany more and probably end up ending her pain.

Scenario 2)
If my gf was bittin to death I would shoot her in the head before she got back up for her sake and mine. But if she changed instantly i would probably run away at first, let it soak in, and recolect and regroup, return and stop the Bizzaro Eliz in her tracks.

It's pretty much like this, once the sparkle of life that i love so much fades away into a zombified meat puppet... its head is coming off.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-17 01:23:10

i forgot this

At 6/16/05 05:58 PM, MonkeyShooter wrote: they say one of the best places to be is in a jail because its real secure and built tough so nobody can escape. and plus it has a cafiteria and medical room. and has armored squad cars in the gerage so when the time comes to escape you might be safe for awhile.

You've got to keep in mind, if something cant get in, you cant get out. If the "plague" happens to slip into your fortress.... you're all fuct

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-17 14:10:35

if my girlfriend had been bitten i'd be there until the last moments if i was in the position where i could stay with her then id try end her suffering after unless she asked to go before.if not id comfort her, get her somewhere comfortable she can pass away without any hassle from zombies and something that'd allow her to take her own life before she changes when im gone.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-17 14:16:51

oh and although a prison would rock if it were empty no offence to your suggestion but theres no way im going near a prison that had convicts in it because your either going into somewhere ripe with murderers and rapists.they've been let out because of the infestation they'll still be pretty close by or the guards are just going to shoot anyone trying to get in because by the time anyones trying to get to some sort of sanctuary im sure the news will have told everyone whats happening and how anyone might be infected but not turned yet.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-17 15:29:57

At 6/17/05 02:16 PM, gabriel_johnson wrote: oh and although a prison would rock if it were empty no offence to your suggestion but theres no way im going near a prison
