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+++The Zombie Survival Crew+++

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-17 16:40:48

i have a plan i can use now outdise my bedroom window thers a small extension onto the flat beneath me the roof looks kinda strong if i can get sum botles of water and sum food in my room as soon as the freaky shit hapens i jump onto the ledge and wait for help

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-17 20:04:13

At 6/16/05 08:01 PM, MonkeyShooter wrote: even tho its your loved one i would still kill them. The person you knew before isnt that person any more. But put it this way. what if you where infected and you where with your family what would you do to keep the safe? would you kill yourself? or not tell them and when the time comes tell them to run?

id splatter my brains all over the damn wall

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-17 23:48:10

Well id dont know wat i wud do i just sit there dazed then ide get eaten. I would save my gf if i could but she lives like yonks away so thats like impossible. Then ide eat a potato. Well if the world turns im screwed so im partying hard and enjoying life as much as i can untill that happens

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-19 14:33:33

New question. Where do you think the best place to hold up would be?

I was thinking get to the nearest grocery store. Sneek in, climb to roof, pick off zombies one by one, until the place is ours, then i have shelter and food for a while...

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-19 14:38:27

think of the orignal places, everyone is going to try getting into malls, places where theres food or where the police are...or where the gun shop is. like.....make a sort of fortress under neath a bridge! just bring food and water and ammo. the top of you is secure and if you chosen a good place, you might only have to sort out sides. maybe even have flowing water as well!

This too will pass.

Memento mori

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-19 15:14:15

maby a preserved castle big enough and the walls gona be prety thick

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-20 02:32:25

At 6/19/05 03:14 PM, sidmyrotten wrote: maby a preserved castle big enough and the walls gona be prety thick

Where are you going to get a castle?

(excluding the bed and breakfast down the street from me that is an old castle)

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-20 15:15:34

they seam to be more comon in england :)

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-20 15:33:33

yeah, theres loads of castles in england. but it's a great idea to use a castle.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-20 16:50:45

i think the nerest one to me is yourk castle wich is a dive specialy from leeds but its on abbig ass steep hill wich could be useful

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-21 15:29:30

i still say get on top of a building where the only way down is a ladder (bring one if you dont have one at the location... like a rope ladder) Zombies are brain dead and cannot climb ladders. thats also why they cant use weapons. but yeah... a castle would be nice.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-21 18:56:40

im not so sure about the castle idea cause they were ment to keep out armies by having an army of there own im not so sure 10-20 people could hold one up ya know?
in my opinion its gonna end up kinda like the alamo (for those non familar with american history, the alamo was during texas' fight for independance from mexico around 30 people [i think] held up a church for 13 days [the church needed around 1 hundred people to defend it efficiently] on the last night the church was stormed and every one inside killed.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-21 19:38:57

I'd like to join :)
Well if zombies attack me, I would fight them with my hands, and then shoot myself if they bite me.

Check out my movie (also Rogan's) movie.
HOTM Chapter one, contains House of the Death spoofs.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 09:09:04

yeah i live right beside several castles. check out derry city in northern ireland and you'll get a good idea.its insane the city i live in is surrounded by huge walls with a few gates.http://www.visitderry.com/walls.htm#touring more pics one last picture of about a tenth of the working cannons

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 11:21:03

may i join? i am an obseesed zombie fan although i dont see many zombie movies i do do some reseach...oh and if zombies attacked there would be no rescue so i would go get my girlfriend go to walmart block myself and her inside kill everyone in the store and wait until the zombies broke in... oh and for food i'd make a rooftop sytem to the local food store...

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 11:37:56

some questions to the new person. what weapon are you planning to use? how are you going to get there? what if you girlfriend was bitten? how far away is your girlfriend? is the shop your going to be in secure? lastly, do you know the area?

also, you can join, all are welcome.

This too will pass.

Memento mori

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 14:51:09

i will use the .45 special poolice edition in my safe, i will drive my 86 suburban, if my girlfriend was biten then i would try to postpone the advancement of the disise and then kill her when she was about to turn, my girlfriend only lives 5 mins down the road, yes its secure, and yes i know the area... i;ve been planning..

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 15:11:16

one point, you can't dely the disease....

This too will pass.

Memento mori

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 15:13:42

Hmmm.....i was just thinking about if Compton got infected, would hardcore gansta black zombies be harder than the regular ones?
Although it'd be pretty safe there, with all them guns and everything.

He'd Look Just Like You'd Want Him Too, Some Kind of Slick Chrome American Prince.


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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 15:19:53

point taken but there is a way to dely the desise if you cut off the circulation of the blood streme of the infected limb then the infected person will tur slower.. also i believe if you amputate the infected limb before infection is at an inspotable rate then you can cure the person of the desise or at least get rid of the part of that person that was infecteed... and yes if need be i would chop of my own girlfriend's arm or leg to stop the infection...so ha!...

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 15:44:01

great idea, blood over the walls. 2 words, blood loss....people can die from blood loss you know?

This too will pass.

Memento mori

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 15:53:00

if you burn the wound it will not bleed although it will hurt emesly...

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 16:09:14

if i was biten and didnt have balls to chop infected part of i suopes id find a way to kill myelsf and take as many zombies out as posiable
like leaving gass on and lightng match

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 16:27:42

or shoot zombies down with a revovler, leaving one bullet and then when you feel the change or run out of bullets, blow your head off...

This too will pass.

Memento mori

BBS Signature

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 16:39:11

id like to go down buy geting behind a min gun with millons of zombies coming in a funel towards me and just take out as many as i could before the invetiabal hapend
id ahve a pistol so i could blow my brains out and id like to do it to save the people i loved

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 17:26:24

if i was infected i would strap explosives to me if i had any then i would run out in an infected croud make alot of noise then blow myself up because i would die anyway

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Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 21:20:38

man the infection would be around your entire body in a heart beat. do you think that you could cut off her arm before her next pulse.and if you succeed that immense pain your willing to inflict would probably be the death of her.you can die of shock alone.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 21:21:21

At 6/22/05 04:39 PM, sidmyrotten wrote: id like to go down buy geting behind a min gun with millons of zombies coming in a funel towards me and just take out as many as i could before the invetiabal hapend
id ahve a pistol so i could blow my brains out and id like to do it to save the people i loved

-sidmyrotten i didnt understand a word you said
-and to monkeyshooter dude you live in Illinios where the hell are you gonna get explosives
-to all newcomers please read the other pages its not very fun repeating stuff
-to power_of_morgana i say shoot your gf if shes infected hell shoot anyone thats infected
-ikka man that would be scary huh

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 21:24:58

honestly if i was infected id try keep my self alive and allow the turn. Id only kill myself if turning was seriously painful.

Response to +++The Zombie Survival Crew+++ 2005-06-22 21:51:57

At 6/22/05 09:24 PM, gabriel_johnson wrote: honestly if i was infected id try keep my self alive and allow the turn. Id only kill myself if turning was seriously painful.

then allow yourself to be a braindead being that may end up hurting your love ones? nah, suicide is better...

This too will pass.

Memento mori

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