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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2004-12-22 00:11:03

At 12/21/04 11:33 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 12/21/04 11:26 PM, happytreefriend89 wrote: I think gods an ass because if you look around the world and history. you'll see gods been messing up quite a lot. so maybe he's not an ass...he's a lazy bastard.
Dont mistake the gift of free will with laziness.

p.s I clean my room without being asked.
Arnt you just the cutest little thing.

you just have a explantion for everything don't you?

I said the clean room thing because, you said I hate god because my parents make me clean my room. (you spelled aren't incorrectly, isn't that cute)

you know something? I don't care anymore as long i'm happy in life I don't care what happens when I die. i'll go to hell (if its even real, which i think it's not) and I would accept it. so i'm going to bed, night-night.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-22 03:37:43

I reply to more intelligent posts later.

At 12/21/04 11:29 PM, AndrewWiggin wrote: I don't want to get flamed but isn't the whole idea of this clud kind of.........umm....ironic?

What about it do you find ironic? A church is a church, in any form and in any location.

At 12/21/04 11:33 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
p.s I clean my room without being asked.
Arnt you just the cutest little thing.

Ahahaha I actually burst out in laughter from that comment. It's always the stupid things that make you laugh :-)

At 12/22/04 12:11 AM, happytreefriend89 wrote: I said the clean room thing because, you said I hate god because my parents make me clean my room.

I believe he is well aware of that fact. He was just stating that he doesn't care that you clean your room, because that wasn't the message he was trying to get at. He was saying that God punishes people because they do things they should not be doing, and He everyone needs discipline. What good parent doesn't discipline their child in any way?

(you spelled aren't incorrectly, isn't that cute)

Oh dear Lord, he made a typo! Have mercy on his soul *rolls eyes*

Do you realize how many grammatical errors you make that I could pick on, but I choose not to because there are more constructive things I could be doing.

you know something? I don't care anymore as long i'm happy in life I don't care what happens when I die.

What you don't understand is that God is a way to help you reach true happiness. As soon as you can share in the happiness of the Lord (which I don't think I've even tasted), then other things really won't matter.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-22 11:36:50

That was beautiful. Well done brine.

I wonder if the person who said the idea of this club was ironic even knows what ironic means¿? Because, I don't get what he wanted to say.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-22 12:03:37

At 12/22/04 11:36 AM, inevitability wrote: That was beautiful. Well done brine.

Because, I don't get what he wanted to say.

Me Neither... and thank you :-D

Response to NG Church 2004-12-22 12:04:47

Hey, Inev'y man, you seem good with the art of computer, can you make me a sig pic with my name in that sweet "Halo" looking font of yours?

Response to NG Church 2004-12-23 13:35:26

Why's it so dead all the sudden?

Response to NG Church 2004-12-23 15:25:37

At 12/23/04 01:35 PM, brineshrimp wrote: Why's it so dead all the sudden?

Maybe it was the rapture and you were left behind...

Wait, that would mean me too!! -Runs in circles in panic-

-Yawns a bit and falls asleep on the couch- zzzzZZZZZzzzzzz

Seriously, I don't know. I guess some people have jobs and such. Capn has been pretty busy. And also, There is not much to say I guess¿?

On a side note. I am working on my next Flash animation thingy. I will need voices for it. So yeah. I know it is completly out of the subject, but is just to make this post larger.


Oh yes, I am home alone too. Yay!...


Response to NG Church 2004-12-23 18:22:02

OOH OOH i'm good at voiceovers!!!

Response to NG Church 2004-12-23 22:54:47

At 12/21/04 11:29 PM, AndrewWiggin wrote: I don't want to get flamed but isn't the whole idea of this clud kind of.........umm....ironic?

...i'm not sure what u mean but its just like any other club. just because it deals with stuff that everybody doesnt believe in doesnt mean its "ironic" its just a place were christians come to dicuss......religious stuff...

Response to NG Church 2004-12-23 23:06:39

At 12/20/04 10:59 PM, Alias_Longhorn123 wrote: Fuck God.. You guys are only christians because you're parents are and their parent's were and so on and so on

i'm a christian because i want to be and i believe what the church and my parents have said about god and i have gotten everything i've ever asked god for at the best time i could have it. and i think ur the one thats gonna be screwed when u die. and i bet u ur parents arent christian either and there parents werent and so on and so on.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-23 23:28:25

At 12/23/04 01:35 PM, brineshrimp wrote: Why's it so dead all the sudden?

Temporarily. I promise.

DC is banned till Christmas and I feel too stupid to post right now :-)

At 12/23/04 03:25 PM, inevitability wrote: Seriously, I don't know. I guess some people have jobs and such. Capn has been pretty busy. And also, There is not much to say I guess¿?

Yeah, busy doing nothing. There are things to say but I right now if I say anything it will sound stupid. Don't worry... I bet this thread will be great soon.

On a side note. I am working on my next Flash animation thingy. I will need voices for it.

Awesome. What style are you doing this time?

Response to NG Church 2004-12-23 23:36:02

I hope this post makes it to the next page. I wanted it to be emphasized.

I have a favour to ask of every active member in this church and everyone who wants to be more active.

As you all know, Christmas is arriving and I highly doubt many of us will have time to post on Christmas day. With that said, I'd like all of you whether good writers or not, to write something tomorrow and post it on Christmas Day. Anything will do really.

Miracles you've heard of or uplifting stories you've seen. Sermons about anything, or your favourite prayer. Reasons you believe in God or something uplifting and motivational.

Christmas is JESUS' Birthday! He is the reason why this thread is even existent! Christmas has been so commercialized in North America, that it's hardly even recognizable as a religious holiday... but it is one. Give Jesus a gift of love on Christmas, and try to contribute to this church. If you don't, that's absolutely fine, but at least do something privately to remind yourselves that Christmas is the day our Lord was born.

Spread the Good News.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-24 00:32:42

hmmm....christmas IS jesus' b-day so y is it Xmas? if its an abbreviation y not Amas or Qmas? huh?

Response to NG Church 2004-12-24 01:51:39

At 12/24/04 12:32 AM, Draciel56 wrote: hmmm....christmas IS jesus' b-day so y is it Xmas? if its an abbreviation y not Amas or Qmas? huh?

why do we call a chicken a chicken and a spoon a spoon, why not call a chiken a spoon and a spoon a chicken?

When the hell did I become level 10? I level whilst being completly inactive, that's how much I rock ! ^^

Response to NG Church 2004-12-24 03:48:22

well y not Cmas? and my church just brought up that ppl are taking jesus out of christmas. like too much santa and frosty instead of jeesus himself

Response to NG Church 2004-12-24 03:51:18

At 12/24/04 12:32 AM, Draciel56 wrote: hmmm....christmas IS jesus' b-day so y is it Xmas? if its an abbreviation y not Amas or Qmas? huh?

yeah i always wondered that...

The fab king.

Used to be Darkness.

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Response to NG Church 2004-12-24 15:17:36

At 12/24/04 12:32 AM, Draciel56 wrote: hmmm....christmas IS jesus' b-day so y is it Xmas? if its an abbreviation y not Amas or Qmas? huh?

I actually consider it wrong for people to shorten Christmas into Xmas, because you're taking the Christ out of it. Believe it or not, however, this has been done since the 16th century and it really has nothing to do with anti-Christianity, or laziness.

"The Greek word for Christ is Xristos. The shortening of Christmas to Xmas has been common since the sixteenth century, with the "X" often symbolizing a cross."

Hope that helps! Try not to start using Xmas though, although the X used to symbolize a cross, these days Christians see it as taking away from the glory of Christmas.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-24 15:22:22

At 12/24/04 01:51 AM, DivineJoic wrote: why do we call a chicken a chicken and a spoon a spoon, why not call a chiken a spoon and a spoon a chicken?

Ahahaha, I just noticed your name and your sig! That's hilarious, I wonder if DC has seen it yet. And I don't feel like looking up why we call a chicken a chicken and a spoon a spoon, because I'm sure they were just derived from Greek or Latin words, or other words used by people who first started living in English countries. You can apply that to almost any English word, but abbreviations like Xmas and n00b happen for a reason.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-24 17:53:35

Do you have to be Christian to join? My dad is Christian so I go to church and all that shit, but my mom is Bahai and so am I. I think I'll have some good stuff to say, but if you guys are afraid of muliple veiws I'm cool with that.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-24 17:57:36

At 12/23/04 11:36 PM, CapnJack wrote: Christmas is JESUS' Birthday!

When you want to show owner ship with a name that has S at the end you still add the extra S because you are saying that there is more than one JESUS. Shame on you; therefore, it should be JESUS'S!

Response to NG Church 2004-12-24 19:43:27

At 12/24/04 05:53 PM, Tuppaware wrote: Do you have to be Christian to join? My dad is Christian so I go to church and all that shit, but my mom is Bahai and so am I. I think I'll have some good stuff to say, but if you guys are afraid of muliple veiws I'm cool with that.

well....i'm not the one to make that choice but I think u should have to be christian to join but not to state ur opinion. thats what i think.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-25 03:46:39

At 12/24/04 05:53 PM, Tuppaware wrote: Do you have to be Christian to join? My dad is Christian so I go to church and all that shit, but my mom is Bahai and so am I. I think I'll have some good stuff to say, but if you guys are afraid of muliple veiws I'm cool with that.

Everyone is welcome to post there opinions on this thread, as long as you do in a civil and knowledgeble manner. I don't know what Bahai is but I'm always interested in learning something new, and even atheists are free to post here if they're curious. However, be aware that there are sermons and this will remain solely a Christian topic, so if you post your opinions, we will likely rebut them.

Post at your discretion. We might eventually convert you :-P

To Draciel56... I believe as a church we cannot really close our doors to anyone

Response to NG Church 2004-12-25 03:51:34

At 12/24/04 05:57 PM, _Rob_ wrote:
At 12/23/04 11:36 PM, CapnJack wrote: Christmas is JESUS' Birthday!
When you want to show owner ship with a name that has S at the end you still add the extra S because you are saying that there is more than one JESUS. Shame on you; therefore, it should be JESUS'S!

My apologies. I never really got that rule... I haven't learnt grammar in years! But if you really want to play the Grammar Game, the word ownership is one word... but thanks for bringing it to my attention that I spelled Jesus's wrong

Response to NG Church 2004-12-25 04:18:19

Merry Christmas christians. Even though I usually hate you today I shall be nice ^_^

Response to NG Church 2004-12-25 06:38:14

:-) Much appreciated. Hope your Christmas is merry too!


Response to NG Church 2004-12-25 07:07:29

At 12/25/04 04:18 AM, Dobio_Claus wrote: Even though I usually hate you today I shall be nice ^_^

I won't
Jesus didn't acend into heaven, it was aleins playing with you.
I could see the strings.


Response to NG Church 2004-12-25 08:06:21

Its Christmas so I'll make this short. Today I wont be posting any Sermon or and happy, sweet speeches. I'm only going to ask you a few questions.

Today is Jesus's birthday, when you woke up you ran downstairs and ripped open your presents. But why did you get them? Isnt today Jesus's birthday?

Ask yourself: What have you givin to Jesus on His birthday? Did you even give Him anything?

Response to NG Church 2004-12-25 08:11:55

At 12/25/04 08:06 AM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: Ask yourself: What have you givin to Jesus on His birthday?

Some extra nails, he only got 3.


Response to NG Church 2004-12-25 08:23:02

At 12/25/04 08:11 AM, Enoll wrote: Some extra nails, he only got 3.

There are lines Enoll, even the dumbest mother fuckers like you can see them. You have just crossed the most defined line that we have. I have just sent a bunch of emails to various mods telling them about the problems we have had with you.

Do not enter our Church again. Do you understand?

May God have mercy on your soul.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-25 08:25:35

At 12/25/04 08:23 AM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 12/25/04 08:11 AM, Enoll wrote: Some extra nails, he only got 3.
There are lines Enoll, even the dumbest mother fuckers like you can see them.


Do not enter our Church again. Do you understand?

I'll just sit outside and draw penises all over it.

May God have mercy on your soul.

HAH!, i don't want god's mercy!
I deny his love.