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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 07:56:02

At 1/4/05 11:55 PM, CapnJack wrote: Welcome to the NG Church! Even though I think the only person who has the authority to say what I just said is our founder, but he's missing right now.....

Missing?! I was on a seven day ban. But no matter Xcyper3, you are welcome to join.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 17:03:34


Text: Psalm 20

There is someone speaking in this last hour. It started in our spirit long ago. It’s more than our history, It’s something that is real---- it’s down deep inside, It’s more than just a memory. It’s like a voice from Jesus our Saviour, It’s like we’re in the presence of His power, and we are----It’s the Holy Ghost and Fire.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

God spoke it and there was light and He devided it from the darkness.

God spoke and there was a firmament which He called heaven.

God separated the land from the water by His spoken word.

He spoke again and grass and trees of every kind covered the land.

He spoke lights into the firmament and devided the light from the day and birthed seasons, days, and years.

He spoke and life filled the waters, fowls filled the air, whales and all living creatures and creeping things occupied the creation.

And after all was ready and in abundance for us-------God created man and He said to His Son, "Let us make man in our image.

He formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into is nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Who is this God that has always existed?

Surely-------He is God the Father
He is God the Son &
He is God the Holy Ghost

Six or seven thousand years ago you would have heard more about Him than you are hearing today.

Man was dependant upon Him then.

We don’t need Him now------because we have learned to take care of ourselves-----(sort of like the people of Babel.)

His ways are old fashioned-----Wye, we live in the 21st century------things have changed.

And that is 100% correct------But God has not, nor shall He ever change.

Who is He?------He is the great I Am, He is the same yesterday and today and forever.

1. He’s God
2. He’s Elohim-------------------God our creator and
3. He’s Jehovah------------------God, our Lord
4. He’s El Shaddai---------------Almighty God
5. He’s El Elyon-----------------Most High God
6. He’s Adoni--------------------Lord
7. He’s El Olam------------------Everlasting God
8. He’s Jehova Saboth------------Lord of host
9. He’s Jehovah Jireh------------God, our provider
10. He’s Jehovah Rophe------------God, our healer
11. He’s Jehovah Nissi------------God, our banner
12. He’s Jehovah M’kaddesh--------God, our Sanctifier
13. He’s Jehovah Shalom-----------God, our Peace
14. He’s Jehovah Tsidkenu---------God, our
15. He’s Jehovah Rohi-------------God, our Shepherd
16. He’s Jehovah Shammah----------God, ever present

If God is all these things that I have just mentioned, (and He is and much more), whatever happened to Him?

Where did He go?

Why are people lonely, sick, and diseased?

Why are so many bound and possesd of evil spirits?

And the list goes on and on----------Whatever happened to God?

Let me help yu with that question.

We no longer trust Him 100%------Beliefs have changed--We all have our openions and our doctrines.

Every week I hear some of the most ridicluious ideas that I have ever heard.

Ideas and openions about what God allows or does not allow in the lefestyle of a christian.

Of course, they always line up with the lifestyle of the person doing the talking.

Ideas about doing whatever you want to and still being saved.

Ideas about having any kind of life threatining habit you wand and it’s o.k.

I mean, now days as a whole, it’s eat, drink, and be merry because tomorrow you might die.

God forbid! And no wonder He’s sometimes hard to locate.

He said there is only one way and He inspired men of old to write it down so we could read it and know that way.

The question shouldn’t be whatever happened to God-----but whatever happened to mankind?

Listen to me:

1. 6 out of 10 Americans believe Satan is only a symbol and not real.
2. 47% of Christians believe the same thing.
3. 1 out of 4 Christians believe it doesn’t matter what religion you are because all are alike in that
they all lead to God.
4. 31% of Christians believe Heaven can be earned.
5. Daily horoscope reading is equal among Christians and non-christians.
6. Only 51% of Christians would make it illegal to distribute pornographic material.
7. 35% of Christians believe it is o.k. to bend the rules to get what you want.
8. V. McGee estimates that 75% of the members of the average church might not be genuinely
9. Billy Graham states that 80% of those who make a salvation decision in his crusades are already on a church roll somewhere.

The question that God is asking in this hour is, I believe, two fold:
#1. Whatever happened to America? and
#2. Whatever happened to the church in America?

Where did we loose it? When did we become so weak and unconcerned?

How did we get to be so self-centered, self reliant, and uncaring?

74% of Americans will steal from those whe won’t miss it.

64% will lie for convience as long as no one is hurt.

93% of Amiricans say they alone decide moral issues, basing their decisions on their own experience or whims.

84% have violated a law they felt to be inappropriate.

Only 30% say they would be willing to die for their religious beliefs for God.

And America could ask today whatever happened to God?

And dare the church to be curious?

God is still the same------He changes not.

People have changed------and all to fit their fancies.

Whatever feels good---do it!

We are worried too much in these last days that we will be asked to:

1. Come to church too often
2. Stay too long
3. Do too much for someone else
4. Be too honest about our tithes

And it is this modern day, unthankful, undressed, and unprepared church that constantly asks the question, when things don’t go the way we want, "Whatever happenen to God?"

Remember------God gave His all.

We must have what we say we don’t need and don’t have time for----We neen revival!

Come on America------Come on Church------It’s not about who we think we are and it’s not about whe we want to be.

It’s all about who God was and who He still is:

He is God the Father
He is God the Son
He is God the Holy Ghost

Fill your body, soul, and spirit with Him and blossom

*Written by Michael Davis*

Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 17:41:54

Hey guys sorry I havent been that active on Newgrounds lately, I have had a bad stomach virus for the past 6 days or so... Im back now and I should be active, looks like the club is still holding up which is good, and as it should be!

I have been meaning to tell everyone, have really gotten a chance, but I went to church on Christmas Eve it was by far one of my favorite service... We got to hold candles and say some prayers... it was really fun, everyone sang, which doesnt sound fun, but we had all these instruments and bongos going, it was intense and enjoyable!

Did everyone enjoy their Christmas Eve Service or the Sunday before or following Christmas???


Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 17:52:27

At 1/5/05 05:41 PM, jamie_mcguire wrote: Did everyone enjoy their Christmas Eve Service or the Sunday before or following Christmas???

My Preacher outdid himself. He gave a Sermon about giving Jesus the present of being a better person and Christain. It was so good. I also rang the bells for my church that night.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 19:08:35

At 1/4/05 11:46 PM, CapnJack wrote:
At 1/4/05 09:57 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: I don't know if it makes sence to you what I'm saying... but I tryed to explain my-self.
I understand you, but when you're talking about not forgiving people, is it for big things or small things? It's easy to see why people hold grudges for big betrayals, but if you're holding on to the small things, then I think there's something wrong. So, from what you've said I'm assuming that you believe in God, but you're angry at Him, because of what He took away from you. Is that right?

Kinda.... he took everything away from me.... even a part of my faith!
What's for forgiveness, It's for Big thing.... I will act normally with the person, like if I had forgiven him/her but... deep inside; it grow and my hate stay strong

My question is... what shoud I do when turning to God isn't enought?

Sig made by MuffDiver102

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Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 20:09:41

Put your trust in him and how bad anything gets he will be there for you.

Animator for hire. Check out the stuff I have on the portal and the forums. If you like something, send me a message.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 21:05:18

At 1/5/05 08:09 PM, Xcyper33 wrote: Put your trust in him and how bad anything gets he will be there for you.

but isn't there any other way?

He took from me my familly, my best friend, and now my happyness

I'm not in a good mood towards him at the moment.....

Sig made by MuffDiver102

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Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 21:06:41

At 1/5/05 09:05 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote: but isn't there any other way?

What page did you ask your question? I missed it and have no idea what your talking about.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 21:11:48

At 1/5/05 09:06 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 1/5/05 09:05 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote: but isn't there any other way?
What page did you ask your question? I missed it and have no idea what your talking about.

Basicly... I need some help to forgive people... I keep everything inside.... and I never totally forgive people for "big" thing. I do act like if I forgived them, but inside of me, I still hate them for what they've done.

How to help me forgive,

Sig made by MuffDiver102

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Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 21:15:16

At 1/5/05 09:11 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote: Basicly... I need some help to forgive people... I keep everything inside.... and I never totally forgive people for "big" thing. I do act like if I forgived them, but inside of me, I still hate them for what they've done.

I'm not going to sugar coat it man, thats one if not the hardest thing a person can do. You'll struggle with it your whole life. Its our nature to hold grudges, and very hard to let something go. The best thing you can do is to just try and get over it. I truly dont have a satisfactory answer for you, you'll have to deal with that. But dont kep it in, go talk to a counsiler or you can im me if you want.

But forgiving is very, very hard. Espacilly if it was a bad offence against you.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 21:18:58

At 1/5/05 09:15 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
I'm not going to sugar coat it man, thats one if not the hardest thing a person can do. You'll struggle with it your whole life. Its our nature to hold grudges, and very hard to let something go. The best thing you can do is to just try and get over it. I truly dont have a satisfactory answer for you, you'll have to deal with that. But dont kep it in, go talk to a counsiler or you can im me if you want.

But forgiving is very, very hard. Espacilly if it was a bad offence against you.

I didn't really knew what I was looking for by saying all this in here.... I dunno, I tough that, maybe.... maybe you would have a formula that would help... but even if I knew what you were about to say, I thank you for saying it... it's best to hear from a third party

Sig made by MuffDiver102

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Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 21:19:18

Attation all NG Church Members

This is an invation to join The Alliance. Its a private board made by QuikFox, Wazup190, and Mr. Reaper and they have been nice enough to allow me to invite you to join this board. Its a really fun place to hang out. All members are members of NG so you will at least have an idea of who the people there are. I think each and everyone of you will enjoy this fourm. I hope you join.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 21:21:03

At 1/5/05 09:18 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote: I dunno, I tough that, maybe.... maybe you would have a formula that would help...

I know my answer sucks, but there is no simple way. Only you can decide if you want to forgive who harmed you.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-05 21:28:07

If you don't get past the hurt, mistrust, and anger you feel for a person it eventually consumes you and creates a bitter human being where there once was a loving soul. You have to develope the will to do it though, no one said it was easy. Rely on your inner strength, and push on.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-06 01:59:25

At 1/5/05 05:41 PM, jamie_mcguire wrote: Did everyone enjoy their Christmas Eve Service or the Sunday before or following Christmas???

I didn't even go to the Christmas Eve Service :-(. Our church had a midnight mass that I really wanted to go to, but I was at a family Christmas party and just when I was saying bye to everyone because I wanted to leave, a whole bunch of them talked me out of it. Only reason I decided not to go is because it would have been too much trouble for my mom to take me, and I had no other way of getting there...

At 1/5/05 08:16 PM, Tal-con wrote: I know many Christians who doubt God's existance, but stay Christian so they may celebrate Christmas w/o guilt.

That's silly, a lot of atheists celebrate Christmas without guilt.

Hi everyone, I'm back =)

When I first read that, I thought you said "I'm black" lol.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-06 07:03:24

At 1/5/05 08:16 PM, Tal-con wrote: I know many Christians who doubt God's existance, but stay Christian so they may celebrate Christmas w/o guilt.
That's silly, a lot of atheists celebrate Christmas without guilt.

Funny how alot Christians celebrate halloween without guilt.


Response to NG Church 2005-01-06 08:21:00

At 1/6/05 07:03 AM, Enoll wrote: Funny how alot Christians celebrate halloween without guilt.

I dont celebrate halloween.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-06 09:01:49

At 1/6/05 08:21 AM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 1/6/05 07:03 AM, Enoll wrote: Funny how alot Christians celebrate halloween without guilt.
I dont celebrate halloween.

And you also don't represent the large percentage of
christians that do.


Response to NG Church 2005-01-06 09:06:46

At 1/6/05 09:01 AM, Enoll wrote: And you also don't represent the large percentage of
christians that do.

Apparently not

Response to NG Church 2005-01-06 10:48:02

At 1/6/05 09:01 AM, Enoll wrote:
At 1/6/05 08:21 AM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 1/6/05 07:03 AM, Enoll wrote: Funny how alot Christians celebrate halloween without guilt.
I dont celebrate halloween.
And you also don't represent the large percentage of
christians that do.

most real christians dont. i dont celebrate it the only thing i like aboute it is usually they have some cool horror movies on tv.

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-06 13:53:40

At 1/6/05 09:01 AM, Enoll wrote: And you also don't represent the large percentage of
christians that do.

But he does resemble alot of them.. i'd say about 99.9% of my church don't celebrate Halloween.. ;)

"Actually, the server timed out trying to remove all your posts..."


Response to NG Church 2005-01-06 18:28:09

At 1/5/05 09:19 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: Attation all NG Church Members

This is an invation to join The Alliance. Its a private board made by QuikFox, Wazup190, and Mr. Reaper and they have been nice enough to allow me to invite you to join this board. Its a really fun place to hang out. All members are members of NG so you will at least have an idea of who the people there are. I think each and everyone of you will enjoy this fourm. I hope you join.

Funny I was talking about forgiveness; I wish I was honestly and trully welcome there ^^
I know I'm not... and it's alright I guess

Sig made by MuffDiver102

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Response to NG Church 2005-01-06 20:02:45

k,this has nothing to do with watever youve been talking about but latly i've been seeing shows that insult the christan religon extremly and noone does anything,and just recently i saw a pop-up that said 'horny cathlic girls'im not the best christan but there shouldn't be whores like britny spears wearing crusafixes in their videos.im the only one i know who sees somthing rong with this.

(i wanted to say more but i forgot at this time)

Response to NG Church 2005-01-07 16:28:01

At 1/6/05 07:03 AM, Enoll wrote:
Funny how alot Christians celebrate halloween without guilt.

why would there be some guilt involved???

Response to NG Church 2005-01-07 21:31:19

At 1/7/05 04:12 PM, Tal-con wrote: Look, up in the sky, it's Tal-con !! the Typo Translater (T.T.T.)
No offense Steve, i just felt i needed to translate that =)

sorry if I offended by "translating" it.

thats fine,but wat did you mean when you said theres born again christians?

Response to NG Church 2005-01-07 21:46:29

At 1/7/05 09:38 PM, Tal-con wrote: That's what i call Christians who actually believe in Jesus with their whole body, mind, and soul. It doesn't matter if you go to church or celebrate Christmas (by opening presents anyway, there are other ways to celebrate it) in my eyes, but those who actually care about Jesus and his teachings i call "Born agains".

thats what i forgot to say,i wanted to say that im sick of all this santa clouse and easter bunny crap.durring the holidays i herd almost nothing about jesus

Response to NG Church 2005-01-07 23:23:49

At 1/6/05 09:01 AM, Enoll wrote:
At 1/6/05 08:21 AM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 1/6/05 07:03 AM, Enoll wrote: Funny how alot Christians celebrate halloween without guilt.
I dont celebrate halloween.
And you also don't represent the large percentage of
christians that do.

You're probably right, but Halloween is actually a Christian holiday with pagan influences.

At 1/6/05 01:53 PM, IWantSomeCookies wrote: But he does resemble alot of them.. i'd say about 99.9% of my church don't celebrate Halloween.. ;)

I'd say about 99.9% of my church do, which is my entire church minus a fraction of a person. The priests encourage us to do it in the most Christian way we possibly can.

At 1/6/05 07:25 PM, TheLameSauce wrote:
"let the dead be dead"

I don't believe I've ever heard that, and as far as my limited knowledge extends, we should pray for those in purgatory (who are indeed dead!)

At 1/6/05 08:02 PM, Steve_the_Scorpion wrote: pop-up that said 'horny cathlic girls'im not the best christan but there shouldn't be whores like britny spears wearing crusafixes in their videos.im the only one i know who sees somthing rong with this.

You shouldn't be judging who should and should not wear a crucifix, but I agree with you otherwise. There are people who argue against this stuff, but we cannot opress the free will of those who want to ridicule Christianity. Therefore, let them do as they please, and don't worry about it.

At 1/7/05 04:12 PM, Tal-con wrote: No offense Steve, i just felt i needed to translate that =)

Haha, Tal-con that was unnecessary. If you got it, I think we can too :-P

At 1/7/05 09:38 PM, Tal-con wrote: That's what i call Christians who actually believe in Jesus with their whole body, mind, and soul.

Is that what Born Agains really are though? I've heard that they were some crazy cult like the Jehovah's Witnesses or something. I call it a cult because I can't bring myself to call it a religion. Tell me more about Born Again Christians if you know anything else...

At 1/7/05 09:46 PM, Steve_the_Scorpion wrote: thats what i forgot to say,i wanted to say that im sick of all this santa clouse and easter bunny crap.durring the holidays i herd almost nothing about jesus

Leave those commercial things to the athiests with their Christmukkah and that garbage. There's nothing we can do about it except for "raise Hell", and I don't think we want to do that... lol.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-08 15:17:03

ok i saw a speciale on television aboute the rise of the church of satan and it is becoming a huge thing wow now they even count it as a real religion on like insurance and stuff its sad to think that peepl have gone so low and away from god guess i am just a lucky one to have pulled out of occult stuff.

The names Food, WillPostForFood.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-08 21:59:10

At 1/8/05 03:17 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: ok i saw a speciale on television aboute the rise of the church of satan and it is becoming a huge thing wow now they even count it as a real religion on like insurance and stuff its sad to think that peepl have gone so low and away from god guess i am just a lucky one to have pulled out of occult stuff.

Well, I congratulate you on that, but I'm having problems with Christianity itself... I believe in God and Jesus, of course, but Christianity was never mentioned in the Bible and some Christians believe that only Christians can be saved. Even worse, some Catholics believe that only Catholicism is the way to salvation, and you can't be anything else... I'm Catholic but I don't see how that could be the case if there have been other miracles from other Christian denominations, like Orthodoxy... Anyway, I'm just blabbing on now about something completely off-topic...

I find it odd that people could worship Satan, if they know God exists, and from all the sources available they are living their lives in vain and ignorance.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-09 14:33:58

At 1/8/05 03:17 PM, corupthamster1 wrote: ok i saw a speciale on television aboute the rise of the church of satan and it is becoming a huge thing wow now they even count it as a real religion

Thats really depressing to hear stuff like that. Some people are so dumb. But its their souls and God did give them Free Will. Its a shame to see them use it like this though.