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NG Church

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Response to NG Church 2004-12-27 16:07:03

At 12/27/04 12:56 AM, CapnJack wrote: The blind man blindly believed in Jesus (no pun intended), and because of His faith, He could see.

This is interesting. Because it wasn't after the Greek civilization and philosophy that people tried to understand God. To make God fit into a concept. But they forget that God can't be defined. Why¿? Because he is unique. You define something because it already exists. You define a human being because there are a lot of them. You define an animal, an atom. Etc.

But how do you define something that is so great and unique¿? Is impossible. And that's the problem. When our civilization's way of thinking, and actual reasoning comes in contact with God. We try to show that all has a purpose and all makes sense. But, we really can't. And we must accept it. Not everything is going to make sense. But it is faith what allows us to keep going.

For example. In the Bible there was this guy who was picking up wood on Sabath. They captured him and put him in jail. But no one knew what to do about it. There was NO LAW that would tell them what to do. Not even Moises knew what to do. So they went to God and asked about it...

What would be the logical outcome¿? For us, as Humans and according to our concept of Justice. The guy should be let free. After all, There was no law about picking up wood or anything like that on that day. But what was God's answer¿? To kill the guy.

And what did the Hebrews do¿? "Why God¿? He is innocent...." No. They killed him. Blindly. No questions, no arguements. They just obeyed. Why¿? Because for them God is God. He is who he is. We try to gain so much knowledge and to "win" arguements that in doing so we forget what matters most: God is God.

We require of Faith, Hope and Love. And we leave those a side most of the times. Some say that Faith can't be blind. That there must be Knowledge behind it, but aint that a human thing¿? To want to explain everything¿? To want to give everything a logical outcome¿?

What did Jesus said to Thomas anyway¿?
What does Hebrews 11:1 says anyway¿?

We are to be light in this world. We are to show with our lifes, with our behavior, actions, thoughts, words, looks...etc. With everything we are that we are light. We are to be a reflection of the one who saved us.

Sometimes is better to lower your head and remain quiet. And let yourself be humiliated than to speak up and deny our Lord with what you may say. Remember that aren't the words, but the attitude. Aren't the words, but the attitude of your heart what the Lord observes.

One may say that we are defending the Lord. But is that true¿? Or are we defending ourselves¿? Our pride¿? Our Ego¿?

Finally, Remember Ephesians 6:12 before engaging into any arguement. Remember to read the word, and see what the fathers of the church did in their time. Did they argue with people¿? Did they tried to explain everything to them¿? Try to convince them¿? I see Pable, and I see he goes from city to city. He preaches once. Some people mock him, some just don't care. And others start to follow him. And that's it. He didn't try to argue agaisnt the Greeks and their knowledge. All he did was to preach about God, and his son Jesus.

If they wanted to accept it. Welcome to the family. If not, that's their problem. Remember, is not our fight. Is the Lord's. He is the one to Judge. To defend us. And in the given time we will see the reward. But only if we actually deny ourselves and decide to follow him. Let yourself be humiliated. Be hurt by other's comments. If you can defend the Lord in a way that will glorify him. Then do so. If not, then remain quiet. I am tired of seeing Christians do more harm to our Lord's church by trying to defend themselves than to proclaim his word.

Like someone said a while ago:

"I can't believe in that God that you say has redeem you all,
Because you don't behave like redeemed"

Let's be light, not darkness.


Response to NG Church 2004-12-28 16:29:13

I was banned for a day, but I'm back and I want to reply to your post, inevitability... I have to do that later on today however.

Me and Strauss resolved our conflict over e-mail.

Why is the NG Church so... inactive right now??? :-(

Response to NG Church 2004-12-28 16:34:20

At 12/28/04 04:29 PM, CapnJack wrote:
Why is the NG Church so... inactive right now??? :-(

becuase its christmas break and people have lives :-P

Response to NG Church 2004-12-28 18:11:24

At 12/28/04 04:29 PM, CapnJack wrote: Why is the NG Church so... inactive right now??? :-(

Very, very busy. I cant even reply now as I have to leave./ But I'll talk later tomight.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-28 19:10:27

At 12/28/04 06:11 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote:
At 12/28/04 04:29 PM, CapnJack wrote: Why is the NG Church so... inactive right now??? :-(
Very, very busy. I cant even reply now as I have to leave./ But I'll talk later tomight.

ill miss you!


Hey, what do you guys think god looks like?

just a random floating spirit?????

just a little cloud????

like you and me?????

Response to NG Church 2004-12-28 22:19:12

At 12/21/04 09:20 PM, brineshrimp wrote: My pastor was talking about how his daughter is his most prized possesion, how if he lost everything and still had her, he'd still be happy...

I realize that what I am about to say might be a little out of context, but this reminds me of the story in the Bible about this man who had everything that you could want back in his time and he was very faithful to God. He prayed every day and gave thanks for all that God had blessed him with. Then one day Satan said to God that that man only loved God because God gave him so many great things, so God told Satan that that was not true. Then to prove it God sent plagues down apon the man, had soe warriors come and kill all of the man's family and servants, and basically took away all of the man's things. However, the man remained faithful to God and still loved God. The man also said something along the lines of, "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away."

Then God told Satan, that the man still loved him, so God replaced all that he had taken away from the man, seven-fold.

I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend to be one of those deaf-mutes.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-29 00:23:58

At 12/26/04 09:47 PM, Strauss69 wrote:
At 12/26/04 09:38 PM, Enoll wrote: Jesus and Mary had sex on a regular basis.
That's a true fact.
Mary wrote about it in her notes.
hahaha, that's funny as hell.
I'd swear at you, but it won't help because I can see you're just a very confused person.

That wasn't a joke, it was true.
I hope it ruins your religion.


Response to NG Church 2004-12-29 00:44:24

to: Enoll

:Posted: 12/29/04 12:23 AM

At 12/26/04 09:47 PM, Strauss69 wrote:
At 12/26/04 09:38 PM, Enoll wrote: Jesus and Mary had sex on a regular basis. (lie)
That's a true fact. (lie)
Mary wrote about it in her notes. (lie)
hahaha, that's funny as hell. (ya so funny cause its a lie)
I'd swear at you, but it won't help because I can see you're just a very confused person. (yes enolll is a very confused person who thinks Jesus annd Mary had sex)

:That wasn't a joke, it was true. (lie)
I hope it ruins your religion. (go f*** yerself bitch)

what the fuck man!!! that is fucking gay! fuck u enoll!!!! Jesus and Mary did not have sex! Not The Blessed VErgin Mary or Mary Magdeline!

Response to NG Church 2004-12-29 01:53:05

At 12/28/04 04:34 PM, jamie_mcguire wrote: becuase its christmas break and people have lives :-P

Not me :-). Actually I've been out a lot... but it can't be that difficult to make a quick post once a day.

At 12/28/04 06:11 PM, -DivineCrusader- wrote: Very, very busy. I cant even reply now as I have to leave./ But I'll talk later tomight.

I know the feeling... I have too much to do right now.

At 12/28/04 07:10 PM, jamie_mcguire wrote: Hey, what do you guys think god looks like?

I don't know why people have physical expectations of a spiritual being. Considering He is all-powerful, He could really long like anything or anyone He wanted to. I don't think He can be explained with our terms.

At 12/29/04 12:23 AM, Enoll wrote: That wasn't a joke, it was true.
I hope it ruins your religion.

It wasn't true and I don't think it would ruin our religion.

At 12/29/04 12:44 AM, Vegeta9090 wrote: what the fuck man!!! that is fucking gay! fuck u enoll!!!! Jesus and Mary did not have sex! Not The Blessed VErgin Mary or Mary Magdeline!

Relax, please. You are sort of in a (cyber-)church, and swearing mindlessly isn't going to bother Enoll, he'll just find more reasons to laugh at this church that way. Just ignore him if he bothers you. This thread will only last if we take the comments of those who mock us "with a grain of sand".

Response to NG Church 2004-12-29 02:11:02

Relax, please. You are sort of in a (cyber-)church, and swearing mindlessly isn't going to bother Enoll, he'll just find more reasons to laugh at this church that way. Just ignore him if he bothers you. This thread will only last if we take the comments of those who mock us "with a grain of sand".

yah i get it... but it just pisses me off when peple make fun of our relig... but thats true... there are people like him who do this kinda thing...

Response to NG Church 2004-12-29 04:30:29

At 12/29/04 01:53 AM, CapnJack wrote:
At 12/29/04 12:23 AM, Enoll wrote: That wasn't a joke, it was true.
I hope it ruins your religion.
It wasn't true and I don't think it would ruin our religion.

It would probably just be another one of those
many things in the bible that contradicts the other bits
and the parts where it says women are lesser beings
than men.

Relax, please. You are sort of in a (cyber-)church, and swearing mindlessly isn't going to bother Enoll, he'll just find more reasons to laugh at this church that way.

Cyber church?..HAHAHAHAH!
That's so incredibly lame.
Jesus told people to worship in private and
that it was a sin to meet with other christian groups
in public and openly preach your beliefs.

Looks like you're all comming to the flaming hole right
along with me.
i'll be waiting.


Response to NG Church 2004-12-29 17:01:23

At 12/29/04 04:30 AM, Enoll wrote: It would probably just be another one of those
many things in the bible that contradicts the other bits
and the parts where it says women are lesser beings
than men.

Or it would alter our idea of premarital sex unless He was married. The primary reason I don't believe he was married is because that would mean He probably had a kid, and that would make the kid the Son of the Son of God, which just didn't happen. Besides, if I'm not mistaken, He would have committed adultery by having sex with a non-virgin and we know Jesus is perfect.

Relax, please. You are sort of in a (cyber-)church, and swearing mindlessly isn't going to bother Enoll, he'll just find more reasons to laugh at this church that way.
Cyber church?..HAHAHAHAH!

A church is really just a body of Christians coming to worship and speak about their Lord. Cyber refers to a virtual network, so any gathering of Christians on the internet is inevitably a cyber-church.

Jesus told people to worship in private and
that it was a sin to meet with other christian groups
in public and openly preach your beliefs.

No, He didn't. He founded the church on His apostle Peter, and its essential for those who need guidance from other Christians, or Christians who just want to learn more about their faith. Did Jesus not say "when two or more gather in My Name, I will be there"?

Looks like you're all comming to the flaming hole right
along with me.
i'll be waiting.

Not according to our religion.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-30 10:06:48

I doubt anyone, especially you, could answer questions about god or God or gods. Where does your divine knowledsge sprout forth? From a book! I've read a lot of things and some was innocent misrepresentation and others were lies. Humans cannot answer questions of the divine because their information may come from such dubious sources as evil ethereal beings or from such perpetrators as stupid humans.

Response to NG Church 2004-12-30 10:34:20

At 12/30/04 10:06 AM, thelordofcheese wrote: I doubt anyone, especially you, could answer questions about god or God or gods. Where does your divine knowledsge sprout forth? From a book!

I love this guy.


Response to NG Church 2004-12-30 14:00:13

At 12/30/04 10:06 AM, thelordofcheese wrote: I doubt anyone, especially you,

Especially who? Me? Us?

could answer questions about god or God or gods.

You do make a good point; however, I don't think the point of this church was ever to answer "divine questions", but to help Christians come together and grow stronger in their faith.

Where does your divine knowledsge sprout forth? From a book!

Precisely. To be perfectly accurate, it comes from many books. Thousands of years of prophecies, divine knowledge, and miracles have been documented in the many books of the Bible. Therefore, there is a Christian perspective to the entire universe, and we can only attempt to answer questions from this perspective.

Humans cannot answer questions of the divine

We can attempt to use reasoning and ask for guidance so that we may formulate the best possible answer that we can. Truth is, there are many questions concerning morality that we cannot know the answer to, but that doesn't mean we should just give up! Never, for if we didn't use our God-given ability to reason, we'd be in a greater slump than we are now.

because their information may come from such dubious sources as evil ethereal beings

For all we know, maybe humans are evil beings and our entire sense of morality is skewed. Through faith I can tell you this: God is good and He loves us. Through logic, I can tell you this: If God created us with authority over Earthly things, and sent us His only Son to redeem us of our sins, then God loves us. If God is Supreme, His idea of good is truly good, and therefore He is good. Both faith and logic give me the same answer.

or from such perpetrators as stupid humans.

One man's concept of stupidity may differ from the next. If you're trying to say that some humans are stupid, it might be so, but you'll find flaws in any institution.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-02 17:58:45

Hello and blessings to all.
First of all - Merry X-Mas and Happy New Year.
Second of all - My cousin, inevitability, showed me this thread and I find it interesting.

I'm also a Christian and would like to join the NG Church.


Response to NG Church 2005-01-02 21:28:19

At 1/2/05 05:58 PM, Marcapasos wrote: First of all - Merry X-Mas and Happy New Year.

You too :-)

I'm also a Christian and would like to join the NG Church.

That's great but it's been somewhat inactive for the holidays :-(

You're welcome here anytime though.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-03 00:20:42

At 1/2/05 05:58 PM, Marcapasos wrote: Hello and blessings to all.
First of all - Merry X-Mas and Happy New Year.
Second of all - My cousin, inevitability, showed me this thread and I find it interesting.

I'm also a Christian and would like to join the NG Church.



I am on vacations. So I am staying with my cousin for a few days (Also with my grandparents). Anyway, I wanted to show him what I had done here at NG lately. The last time we saw eachother he help he out with the production of Rage and encourage me with -Epic-. We just saw Spiritual Warfare and Love.

I showed him this forums because I wanted to check if there was answer to my last post. But as it has become usual, there wasn't. But it's all good. I had been working on my next flash (Named: GiD) but I won't be able to continue working on it until I return home. I will need voices by then, I hope my cousin and some of you guys help me with it. It might be controversial but I hope to get a point across.

Anyway, Welcome to the NG Church! I started talking about me, me, me...as usual. Sorry about that. XD. Anyway, welcome and I hope you stay on NG this time. Since there seems to be a greater reason now. Oh yeah. And you wont be surprised by the content of this message because you are reading it right now as I write.


On a side note: Don't you just love the short flash that appears when you blame something? The music is so catchy. Specially when you whistle!.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-03 18:05:07

At 1/3/05 12:20 AM, inevitability wrote: I showed him this forums because I wanted to check if there was answer to my last post. But as it has become usual, there wasn't.

Yeah, I think everyone's been vacationing. Did you read my e-mail?

But it's all good. I had been working on my next flash (Named: GiD) but I won't be able to continue working on it until I return home. I will need voices by then, I hope my cousin and some of you guys help me with it. It might be controversial but I hope to get a point across.

That sounds cool, can't wait to see what you've got!

On a side note: Don't you just love the short flash that appears when you blame something? The music is so catchy. Specially when you whistle!.

lol, I rarely get that, but it's pretty cool.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-03 20:54:41

I'm having trouble for forgivness...

I wish I could forgive to people... but I can't and it the same kinda way I do not except anyone to forgive me... what shoud I do to change that?

Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-03 22:44:21

Posted: 10/19/04 07:22 PM

At 10/19/04 05:28 PM, -Blitz- wrote: Weren't there two judgement days already?

Very good question!

The one where the world was flooded,
that wasnt judgement day Noah was spared and so were the animals.In the true judgement day all christians will go to heaven and the rest will suffer under the antichrist for 7 years you will then wish you were a christian after hell on earth for 7 years you will spend eternity in hell. Check out divine crusaiders signature "The lafe of fire".

This isnt true. All the TRUE cristians will be raptured to heaven.

The people left behind are not condemed.

Because it says in revelations:There will be two witnesses that will speak of god. And it says the Anti christ will destroy all beleivers.

some people who didnt make it WILL change there lives and live for christ. This is punishment for the people who didnt get there lives straight. Not condemnation.

Animator for hire. Check out the stuff I have on the portal and the forums. If you like something, send me a message.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-04 00:51:22

At 1/3/05 08:54 PM, Snowy_Beast wrote: I'm having trouble for forgivness...

I wish I could forgive to people... but I can't and it the same kinda way I do not except anyone to forgive me... what shoud I do to change that?

That's a good question, it is often hard to let go of grudges. I sometimes find it difficult to forgive people when they do something against me, but there are a few points I want to bring up. The first one is, we are all humans and we will all make mistakes... good people can do bad things. Since we can't really put ourselves in another person's place, we may never know why they did something, but in their exact position, we probably would have done the same thing. If most people would do the same thing under the same circumstance, we shouldn't hold it against that person.

The second point I need to bring up is what do you gain by not forgiving a person? You'll always feel better and never be happy. It will stop you from being compassionate like Jesus wants you to be. You'll be happier if you learn to let go. Ever heard the expression "time heals all wounds"? If someone hurts you, the pain will eventually go away, so you shouldn't still be angry at that point.

If nothing I said is convincing and doesn't make any sense to you, I have a passage from the Bible that might. Remember, if God will forgive you for even your greatest sins, you must forgive others for their smaller ones.

I hope that helps.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-04 01:13:55

Hey everyone!

We're getting popular.

Just thought you guys might be interested in that.

God bless =)

Response to NG Church 2005-01-04 05:07:13

At 1/4/05 01:13 AM, CapnJack wrote: Hey everyone!

We're getting popular.

People talk about Hitler alot too, that doesn't mean he's


Response to NG Church 2005-01-04 05:55:00

At 1/4/05 05:07 AM, Enoll wrote: People talk about Hitler alot too, that doesn't mean he's

actually hitler is popular...not in a good way, but he's still popular.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-04 09:57:23

At 1/4/05 12:51 AM, CapnJack wrote: ...
I hope that helps.

You made some good point.... but there's few things I still can't find the strengh to do.... you made ur-self clear, however I can't totally forgive someone... what I'll do is do like it never happens. But deep inside of me, I still hate the person for that action... and with time I stop haiting him, but he's still not forgiven.
I know it's a problem.... and I'm still trying to find a way to figure it out,
What's for God.... He took a lot of things away from me... a LOT. So I'm not totally in favor of him. He even if he did many things for me... he took so much away that I can't turn to him.
I don't know if it makes sence to you what I'm saying... but I tryed to explain my-self.

Sig made by MuffDiver102

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-04 17:08:07

The Rapture: Points of View.

How many of here belive in the Rapture¿? (Before or at the middle of the Tribulation)

Do a small description of what you believe with happen (If it will be at the middle of the Tribulation, Starting or what?)

Now think about the following questions if you believe in the Rapture:

1) You are saying that our Lord Jesus will come two more times then¿?

2) One more for his Church and another one for everybody to see¿?

3) So the primitive church was waiting the Second Comming... But there is still one more to happen¿?

Response to NG Church 2005-01-04 21:38:18

I wanna join the club

I am a church goer and im really taking this seriously.

Animator for hire. Check out the stuff I have on the portal and the forums. If you like something, send me a message.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Church 2005-01-04 23:46:01

At 1/4/05 09:57 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: I don't know if it makes sence to you what I'm saying... but I tryed to explain my-self.

I understand you, but when you're talking about not forgiving people, is it for big things or small things? It's easy to see why people hold grudges for big betrayals, but if you're holding on to the small things, then I think there's something wrong. So, from what you've said I'm assuming that you believe in God, but you're angry at Him, because of what He took away from you. Is that right?

At 1/4/05 05:08 PM, inevitability wrote: The Rapture: Points of View.

The Rapture is a relatively new term to me... I only heard of it after joining this church. I can't really answer your questions, but I believe it says in the Bible that the only One who knows is God, so I guess I'm just going to wait and see.

Response to NG Church 2005-01-04 23:55:36

At 1/4/05 05:07 AM, Enoll wrote: People talk about Hitler alot too, that doesn't mean he's

The more we're talked about, the more Christians on the BBS will see this church and possibly be interested in joining. I think we need it right now...

At 1/4/05 09:38 PM, Xcyper33 wrote: I wanna join the club

That's all it takes to be part of it :-)

Welcome to the NG Church! Even though I think the only person who has the authority to say what I just said is our founder, but he's missing right now.....

I am a church goer and im really taking this seriously.

I'm glad because most people are too busy to post here. I haven't seen a sermon in the longest time... not even a copied one lol. That's okay, even with a lot of active members missing, I still have high hopes.