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Pixel Day 2018 Winners!

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January 23rd was our third annual Pixel Day, a celebration of classic gaming and PC aesthetic. The community participated with pixel art, pixel animation, pixel games and chiptunes. Here are the winners!

First place in each category will receive $100 and three winners in each category will receive Steam keys for Iconoclasts.

Top Three Art

Top Three Music

Top Three Games

Top Three Animations

Thank you @RealFaction for co-judging and @Luis for assisting with the art selection! Art is our biggest category and we had a ton of impressive entries. I want to just shower so many of you with prizes.

Thank you @puppiesandanime for the rad Pixel Day Logo and Iconoclasts for the gorgeous site skin and Steam keys!

Most of all, thank you everyone who participated in Pixel Day, even if you just came to watch and listen! This has been a really fun event to host each year and I think it has potential to draw massive crowds in years to come. We're gonna keep working to promote it further and further beyond NG, so lots of people come here to hang.

For Pixel Day 2019 we're already assembling a panel of guest judges. You can expect Tribute Games founder / programmer JF Major as games judge, DJ Cutman as music judge and a tentative Paul Robertson judging animation. @Jazza will be making Pixel Day the theme of his January Draw with Jazza contest and may become the overall art judge, or judge with a panel of guest pixel pros since the category will be huge.

Animation has been our smallest Pixel Day category each year which is ironic considering this January we saw Elvis & Dimmi and Black Crystal, two of the greatest pixel animations in the history of NG, arrive in the same month as Pixel Day. This category has great potential and I'm hoping to see it thrive in the coming years!

Other News

@IvanAlmighty is organizing a Philly Meetup on March 3rd! I don't get out much nowadays so I'm hyped. Come say hi!

If you made a web game for Global Game Jam 2018, tag it "ggj2018" to be included in our collection.

Many of you have noticed NG has been having performance issues this month. For the past two weeks we've been dealing with increased load on the servers. When you visit NG you may sometimes see a grey screen asking you to wait a moment while we check your browser; this is to ensure you are human. When we're in this mode, NG is actively blocking over 1000 bots and site performance returns to normal but it's not an ideal way to be. We've been making a bunch of performance upgrades and are working on additional solutions to the bot menace, including some updates that just launched and appear to be helping a lot so far.

As always, your support is greatly appreciated. Our January funding goal is within reach; maybe you can help us get there!

Pixel Day 2018 Winners!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-29 18:00:59

Congrats to all the winners! Good shit all around again

sicko mode

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-29 18:06:44

At 1/29/18 06:02 PM, RealFaction wrote: @TomFulp Woah that was fast! :D Yeah that's a good art list for sure. Congrats everyone! Dude, you got THE Paul Robertson finally for Pixel Day?!?!? YES!!!!

Paul is still tentative, schedule permitting but I'm hoping it will work out! I think it would encourage a lot of people to take a stab at the animation category if they knew he was watching.

Let me know when your stream video is up!

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-29 18:16:18

Congratulations to everyone that won. I'm very happy my game won 3rd place for pixel day and am happy people love the work me and my crew out into it and can't wait to get you the update as soon as it's done.

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-29 18:37:21

Huge congrats to all the winners, and there was an absolute wealth of incredible retro goodness on offer! I am truly honored to be in the musical Top 3 with my submission. Can't wait to dive into Iconoclasts, too!

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-29 19:49:37

It feels more like a bittersweet win, considering black clover and Elvis & Dimmi both came out this month and were incredible and could have easily been winning submissions.

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-29 20:02:33

Pixel Day this year was wonderful, and that's definitely a worthy Top 3 when it comes to audio. Those were my personal favorites so it was really cool to see them win! It was really fun this year, and I'll be returning to submit next year as well!

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-29 20:03:14

Congrats to all the winners! Pixel Day was a great time to celebrate but it's kinda sad it was over but hopefully looking forward to new submissions and newcomer pixel artists alike participating here.

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-29 20:20:13

Loved what I saw for Pixel Day, and I had a good time participating! Wonderful stuff, folks!

Hey Tom, just curious, any updates on the user/movie/game page updates, or have the site attacks eaten up most of your NG time?

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-29 20:59:28

At 1/29/18 08:27 PM, RealFaction wrote:
At 1/29/18 07:49 PM, gatekid3 wrote: It feels more like a bittersweet win, considering black clover and Elvis & Dimmi both came out this month and were incredible and could have easily been winning submissions.
It's a shame they didn't enter for Pixel Day, and don't you mean Black Crystal? :P I messaged the guy about it but he didn't seem to check his PMs when I suggested he enter, but definitely would have placed. It's an amazing animation. You did great though! Good job :D you've improved a lot!

Yes, i do mean Black Crystal, the anime Black Clover is stuck in my mind because of how funny the main characters scream is.
Also thank you.

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-29 23:33:19

Congrats to the winners and many thanks to all contestants and judges) It was a paradise to eyes and ears

"Please don't tap on the glass. Penguins can see and hear you alright. They just don't care."

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-29 23:55:40

Congratulations to all the winners! Your submissions really were amazing and I enjoyed it all the way!

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-30 01:47:14

Congrats to the winners!!

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-30 04:50:55

Congrats to all the winners! It was a great celebration of retro aesthetics. I was really impressed by lots of brilliant submissions. 1st place? Woah! I'm so excited! @TomFulp @RealFaction thank you guys for this amazing event! You're the best!

Paul Robertson will be judging next year? Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!!! I might consider to make an animation. But who am I lying to? I know that it'll be a game and you know it as well :P

I noticed those performance issues you're talking about. They were annoying me for the last few days. Hope you'll be able to get rid of this bot menace soon.

Keep up the good work!

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-30 05:23:44

Congrats to the winners! So much great art in particular, Massive amounts.

Looking forward to seeing how the next year turnover turns out with such great names in place too! And good to know about what's been going on behind those gray screens regarding performance. Been wondering if that meme emoticon is the best one to present to visitors in that bot-check phase too, seems kinda mocking...

The latest: Hexa #98 (Jun)

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-30 07:31:46

Fantastic choices! Congratulations, everyone!

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-30 08:18:09

Congrats to all the winners!

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-30 09:44:41

At 1/29/18 08:20 PM, LDAF wrote: Hey Tom, just curious, any updates on the user/movie/game page updates, or have the site attacks eaten up most of your NG time?

The site issues have pushed everything back but things should be getting back on track now, performance improved a lot after last night's updates.

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-30 13:53:59

Thanks for Pixel Day, and congrats to the winners. My pic has been sitting half finished on my laptop for ages as I couldn’t figure out how to deal with all the fish. I only persisted because I saw the Pixel Day deadline coming ‘round, and I feel glad for it. Iconoclasts can help me procrastinate over my next pic, now.

I was mainly following the art submissions this year, with all the big names (+ makopudding’s back, jeez). There’s a wealth of entries of different styles and ideas - I’m tempted to attempt a dumb animation for next year. I noticed the community turnout for these are both positive and encouraging, and that Tom and RealFaction are chuffed with their “child” and planning for the future. That’s a great template for a contest, and I’m glad you guys have found it successful.

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-30 18:01:10

Congrats Everybody! i had a fun time checking out the retro styled pixel games, Man... i wanna get my ol Gameboy again...


Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-30 19:41:07

Congratulations everyone! It was fun to be a part of pixel day this year, and super fun to see what everyone else could share as well!

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-30 22:49:17

Congrats to all the winners for pixle day we'll deserved and some very nice stuff

As for performance issues yes I have noticed it also hope it gets better in time and with changes



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-30 23:36:13

wow thanks!!!

Come join music competitions on Chips Compo and hang on our Discord!

Good artists copy. Great artists get banned from the Audio Portal.

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-01-31 13:27:33

Great work everyone! It's been a great Pixel Day. Shame there weren't more animation entries, but the pixel art category was a competitive one.

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-02-01 12:45:31

Congratulation's to everyone! I really had a blast and I enjoy seeing everyone great work.

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-02-02 15:04:50 (edited 2018-02-02 15:05:23)

Congrats to the winners!, Pixel day shows a lot of potential, and that's an awesome pannel of judges for next year.
Both Elvis & Dimmi and Black Crystal were pretty refreshing to watch, and I was also anticipating Iconoclasts which made for a nice coincidence!

Pixel Day 2018 Winners!

BBS Signature

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-02-02 20:48:42

Congrats to the winners!

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-02-03 17:36:12

March already?
It would be nice for these events, if we had a year, or at least a few months to plan a trip for.
I rarely take vacations as it is, but I'm sure myself and the rest of the band would love to make a trip out there to see y'all.
Personally, I would. But this is very last minute. We live in the northern clutches of Canada.

Free albums every month! Use our stuff in your stuff! Contact us if you need music, voice over, or artwork for your submissions! Our Profile and here's Our Song Library

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-02-04 11:38:55

At 2/3/18 05:36 PM, AnalogByNature wrote: March already?
It would be nice for these events, if we had a year, or at least a few months to plan a trip for.
I rarely take vacations as it is, but I'm sure myself and the rest of the band would love to make a trip out there to see y'all.
Personally, I would. But this is very last minute. We live in the northern clutches of Canada.

This was meant as a more local meet for folks in the area, I'd honestly feel a little bad if someone flew out for a night of bowling and drinks but I don't want that to stop anyone. We'll definitely give a further notice for future plans/meets; local or otherwise.

Response to Pixel Day 2018 Winners! 2018-02-06 16:09:46

Congrats to the winners!!!