At 11/8/15 05:47 AM, liljim wrote:
It's great that you're passionate about this. I have a question though - are you voting on the content you like regularly? If not, then you're not doing yourself any favours. There's no reason you can't be a part of the monthly voting panel, but you have to have participated in the month that the entries are drawn from (you're talking about the people who have voted in the third person, so I'm making the assumption that you haven't been voting).
I do the best that I can to vote for the animations and games with the monthly voting, on top of reviewing videos or games when I can. But with so many games out there it takes a long time to choose since I don't do a fifteen minute play through and then judge it off of that (I'm no Totalbiscuit). I either play it for two hours or all the way through; with animations I look for something from the title or thumbnail so I instantly judge it which I do apologize.
Also the time that I did review animations they got removed immediately or you have the animators being assholes. One such example was all the admincraft videos that were post up here and getting spotlight. Those are three year old animations being post now onto Newgrounds getting attention! I voiced my opinion on them but were removed because the animator didn't like my opinion. Regardless of being a rant or not and crossing a line, I don't feel an animator should be given special treatment for putting old animation up here and be rewarded for it with banners directing them to their animation or front page status. Other animators are Newgrounds animator posting it here immediately and then youtube for those as well.
With the way that this community acts and how animators have started to rub elbows with the founder has made it difficult for people to judge this content correctly. It has turned into whoever started animating first gets all the spotlight even when they make a pile of crap and those who really have passion for their craft get second place. The news bulletin I just thumbed through it and was going to ignore it but other people in the post were stating The Finger Eater:Contract was really good so I watched it. I was curious about the first place winner and saw the garbage from it. That is why I ranted and raved and also why I don't vote anymore because noone follows a set standard of rules or etiquette when it comes to animation, and if I post a review the animators get indignant or flag my review as abusive.
Down below is the reviews and message that was deleted
I have had my reviews deleted twice by some imaginary line I've crossed when I have followed the rules and guidelines you people have set forth. I never insulted them at all I stated and warned others who would review or watch this that this individual was uploading old videos to Newgrounds and you people are supporting this person for it. I stated that this person had uploaded a video that is three and a half years old and informed the people she had a forth already done.
The only thing that comes close to insulting is that I said she has a forth one she will upload for attention. I placed thought into my review as well when I stated its flaws and that they come from being three years pass the creation of the video, that does not show improvement but someone looking for more ad revenue from you people.
I'm sorry if I didn't space my sentences or use paragraphs but hey a small mistake, also I never stated that this entry should be blammed but not placed into the daily top five because it is a three year old animation and there are individuals who openly upload there videos here for people to enjoy at the same time they place them on Youtube.
The last thing was I never made remarks about other reviews and still my review was deleted because of favoritism. I follow every aspect of the guidelines and still was removed, and if you think I am mistaken then tell me in detail what I missed or mistaken thought wasn't abusive.
I have down below the first review I posted so look at it and tell me if I broke the guidelines you people placed and what guideline was it.
The second one you can say I technically broke the rules by uploading a link but I stated that it was the same video by the same person and told them to look at the time stamp on the Youtube video.
his message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for Admincraft 3 on 10/8/15 at 2:25:53 PM, has been deleted:
Score: 6 / 10
Review: It literally took you three and a half years to upload this to Newgrounds, on top of that you are taking two spots in the daily picks. While on Youtube you were uploading these when they were done which were about five months apart from each other. She has a forth one too that she will upload here to be noticed! I understand a few months apart from each other so you can get Youtube money but three and a half years? Your taking 2015 credit for a 2012 video? The three stars people can go ahead and blame me for being angry or a hater or whatever you want to justify it but the reason is simple. I have already seen this before so it is not new to me, animation is scattered with shots that are paused and positioned so you would not have to animate lip movement, and the only good part was the backgrounds, and those were to simplistic from the nature of the video. Newgrounds needs to check Youtube first to see if the animations were uploaded there and how long ago. So that is may be used in a accordance for people looking to be noticed and place more worthy individuals in the daily picks section. Instead of admiring a three year old animation at the appropriate time it was created.
This is the second time I tried to review this video and was deleted because of what I placed here:
Notice the time stamp, same person mind you.