Frankly, I don't like it
You don't give the plot nor the character any development. The only "story" I'm getting from this is: weird looking guy is standing, weird-looking guy blinks and light shoots out of one eye, weird-looking guy sits on something, weird-looking guy finds something, weird-looking guy does some nom nom nom on something weird-looking, and a weird-looking thing pops out. It'd be helpful if we can get a sense of who/what these things are, instead of just trying to be satisfied with weird-looking things.
The noise was just...obscure. It sounded terrible to the point that I'm not going to call it music (and I'm very lenient on what I consider music). It's basically a bunch of random noises thrown together, with a constant screeching noise that would rank pretty high on a lot of people's Pet-Peeves list. The noise was appropriate for this flash though, because...well it's weird-sounding.
The artwork isn't bad, but again, it's just weird. I'm okay with weird, but you should at least make a good reason for things to be weird.