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Newgrounds Wiki: Blog Guidelines

In addition to the rules outlined in our Terms of Use:

Image uploading in blogs has more loose rules than the Art Portal, however you still may not upload images that present ownership / rights concerns. Examples include posting stock photography or posting art by other artists who have not explicitly made their art free to share and repost. If you are posting art by another artist, please credit the artist and offer a citation of where they have stated their art free to share and repost in this manner.

Photography is allowed on blogs but not photography of naked people or people performing sexual acts.

Your post may not depict a sexually suggestive image of a child (note: this judgement is based on the image alone, regardless of whether you say the subject is 18+). Lolicon and cub art fall under this category. If you appreciate NG's space for adult art, please don't test our boundaries here.

Please don't share adult material on your blog if you are under 18; it's awkward.

You may not promote hate towards a race or sexuality, or celebrate / fetishize hate groups. Please avoid the use of slurs. You might think, "I can use the n-word because I'm black" but anonymous people will use that excuse to try and get away with stuff, so our rule is that if it appears derogatory, we're gonna treat it as derogatory.

Do not use your blog to bully or harass other users.

Please make your best effort to rate your post appropriately. If you have nudity in your post, or your post is primarily to promote and link to adult content, it is best to rate it A.

Don't abuse the @ feature to spam people.

Please do not make suicide announcement posts. If you are having thoughts of suicide, please dial 988 in the US or try this list of International Suicide Hotlines.