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Newgrounds Wiki: Keyboard Shortcuts

Video Player Keyboard Shortcuts

SPACE - Pause / Un-pause

M - Toggle Mute

F - Toggle Fullscreen

0-9 - Jump to 0-90% of timeline

Left and Right Arrows - Previous and Next video in playlist

Up and Down Arrows - Adjust Volume

< and > - Frame by Frame Stepping

Launch our in-page video player by clicking the play button in the bottom left corner of any video thumbnail.


Audio Player Keyboard Shortcuts

Left and Right Arrows - Move forward and back in song (on listen page only).

Launch our in-page audio player by clicking the audio thumbnail instead of the title text.


Art Viewer Keyboard Shortcuts

< and > - Step between individual pieces of art in a multi-art project.

Arrow Keys - Move art around while zoomed in.

Launch our art viewer by clicking a piece of art on the art view page or in your feed.