xd lol
While Assassin Pokemon Initiative (A.P.I.) is long gone, one person vows to kill all Pokemon. That person is Strawberry Clock. 13 years later, Pokemon cast their spell of "Nostalgia" on everybody. Now everybody else loves those filthy little bastards.
Strawberry Clock doesn't fall for that crap. All Pokemon WILL DIE.
Thanks to Cyberen for the StrawberryClock 3D Model, and SilverClock for the StrawberryClock sprite.
xd lol
Next time someone wants to kill you, just say that you're cool now. Works at least 0 percent of the time.
Gotta kill 'em all
If anyone wants to relive the Pokémon Slaughter awesomeness, I managed to recover the site on Wayback Machine. I think this might work.
Here's the link. --> https://web.archive.org/web/20001215213400/http://www.newgrounds.com/assassin/pokemon/menu.html
All Glory to the Hypnotoad!