Still incredible all these years later, I remember when this premiered and I was blown away. Still am!
Hello Newgrounds! I missed you.
I finally have the opportunity to show you LUCKY DAY FOREVER. Completed 2011, premiering at last online NOW, right here on Newgrounds!
"Prole 514 dreams about winning the Great Lottery. The lottery winner is transformed and allowed admission into the elite White society, where everyone is beautiful, young and happy and people spend their carefree lives solely on fun and partying. One day, 514's wish comes true... but was this what he really wanted?"
Thanks for all the great feedback and reviews, kind and less kind alike! Yes, I do read them all.
Still incredible all these years later, I remember when this premiered and I was blown away. Still am!
I can't believe what I was missing, 12 years later and still is Impressive. love the Ed Harrison score, Immersive and mood setting.
Its been years since ive watched this, and its till as great as the day it came out <3
It's been 10 years. I saw this back when I was in college and it's every bit of an awesome social commentary that I remember.