The Tutorial Collaboration '07 is coming, so keep an eye out for it. If you have any suggestions for it, please PM me, you will be credited. Thanks for all the support, it means a lot to all of us.
Need more help? Visit Chaz's awsome Tut Collab Forum for more help :)
The Tutorial Collab 06 is one of the biggest tutorials, ever. With over 600 Pages, 55 Tutorials and 16 Authors, it tops even the great Ultimate Tutorial in size.
These people made this behemoth Collaboration possible:-
West-End-Pro, Pyromaniac, Chaz, Re2deemer, BlanBlan, Nuggs, dEltaluca, Saza, DrRobot, DannyIsOnFire, LesPaulPlayer, DingoEatingFuzz, JD77, Possesed, Capt*inChu, CMProductions, Penboy and Depredation (Me).
Although the Tutorial is mainly flash based, there's something for everyone, it also includes parts on Adobe Photoshop, FL Studio, Flash, and Swift 3D (To be completed soon). From Simple to Advanced, Frame Actions, to 3D Action scripting, Drawing Bushes, to Drawing Faces. There is a Tut for all levels.
And if you want to support the collab, you can use one of the awesome Tutorial Collab Sigs and Desktop Backgrounds. Simply go to the 'Extras' Section, and it's all there for you. Take a look at the thread:-
And the alpha:-
For more Information on the collab :).
So take a look around, read some tutorials and review and vote :). We can 100% guarantee, that you will learn somthing.
, Depredation, and The Tutorial Collaboration Team.
nice tutorial
Newgrounds Tutorial Error
and other people who are getting NaN, there is a fix:
On the first frame of the whole movie type in "_root.totalmoney = 0;", not just stop();.
What it actually does is that, the var and instance name of the dynamic text is "totalmoney", there it detects (Checks all frames) and Writes "0" onto the text box as the code is so soft we can modify it so if one hits a button the text changes.
A really helpful tutorial.
Here is a fix to get the gold coin to work correctly.
On the first frame of the gold coin put
_root.totalmoney = 0;
instead of just