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School of sword 2

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Oppose your hidden enemy with the sword in your hands to thwart his malevolent plans!

This part is even more difficult than the first ( http://www.newgrounds.co
m/portal/view/307447 ), so if you are not familiar with the controls, better first train in the preceding part. I am curious to know how far do you get in the game and whether you are able to beat the main foe. Maybe the keyboard controls (see training) are more convenient than mouse?
Thanks for all your helpfull comments!

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I won the game. It wasn't that hard, I won Hernando and he didn't even hit me once! It took me only 2 days, I don't understand why people say it's so hard ;)
The game is really fun and the battles are truly intense. Thanks for making such a great game, there is no other game I can think of with intense sword battles.

Thunder-Hawk responds:

Thank you, Stav!


Dude, the day I'm writting this review, is the day when I beated the game, for first time in years, and I mean years, trying and trying without results.

Is a great game with a great difficult, you made a very nice game, congratulations.

Thunder-Hawk responds:

Congrats! Good to read such review. This game isn't one of the easiest, I know, but would you play it so long if it was easy? :)
The best tips how to beat it again and again:
1) In order to block properly, it's important to distinguish clearly between individual attack types when the opponent is hauling off.
2) Try dodging - it's faster for counter-attack.
3) See the in-game tips.

ok but .........

but too hard so seven


but master Kozel is really easy to beat, I mean, defeating Jean is harder than defeating kozel. The girl at the entrace at the mountain is realy tough, and hernando's hechman is really easy, but, you are weakened because of the girl, so, i can't beat him


i spend my time searching for the ultimate game that was one was pretty good good flash it would be better if u convereted the episodfes into movies that was pretty difficult that being said it might jusy be the controls

Credits & Info

4.43 / 5.00

Apr 16, 2006
2:12 AM EDT