sonic solos base form they would need blue kaioken to stand up to base sonic bc speed feats etc
WARNING! this movie has special effects, so make sure you are in a BRIGHT lit room, so no seziures will come :
My 5th movie submitted to newgrounds. The fighting is far more advanced that that of Sonic v.s Knuckls and was my last movie submitted by usign Swish 2.0
1) When certain parts of the movie stop, press the arrow in the corner of the screen to play.
2) Please, if you don't like DBZ or Sonic...Just don't watch
3) There a couple of sound glitches, but I think this wsa one of the first movies to have shadow given an official voice.
sonic solos base form they would need blue kaioken to stand up to base sonic bc speed feats etc
Ahhh,before DB Super was a thing.
Usual things like Girl sees world,boy meets alien from another world...Hedgehogs meet Super buff alien humanoids called Saiyans. Typical stuff.
I love this I love how you made it a bit interactive and gave you the option of who would win the fight instead of just picking who. I love how you added each of the characters moves and the beginning where it said why are they fighting I started saying i dunno and then it said it lol
nice sonic green eyes back their
Wow this was one of your earlier submissions?
Jeez what a mess glad to see you got better