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Ng Viking Army

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Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-24 04:23:42

At 11/23/08 01:01 PM, DeathNoteetoNhtaeD wrote: Well, the mods just plain don't like him (or so he says). That, or he just doesn't learn. Either way, we don't know for sure.

Well, if they don't like him it is because he gets banned so much, and so they are paying more attention to what he posts and reviews, and so he is more likely to get banned AGAIN if he isn't careful, and another ban will mean even more mod attention, which will lead to an eventual perma ban.
Oh what the fuck am l saying...

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-24 07:27:50

At 11/24/08 04:23 AM, HeavyTank wrote: Well, if they don't like him it is because he gets banned so much, and so they are paying more attention to what he posts and reviews, and so he is more likely to get banned AGAIN if he isn't careful, and another ban will mean even more mod attention, which will lead to an eventual perma ban.
Oh what the fuck am l saying...

True, but I don't think they'll go as far as the perma-ban. There are so many other users I would nominate for that before Sirtom. At least Sirtom has somewhat of a positive impact on the forums. Let's not forget, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be here.


BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-24 19:15:24

Have you guys seen This is England? You should watch it. Really good movie. Probably one of my favourites actually. Its one of those few movies that you dont realize how good it is until you get hit by a really moving moment and you just stop and think "wow... this is fucking awesome".

Also offers still up for PS3 WaW Zombie crew if any of you guys are interested.

I fucking hate euphemism.

BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-24 23:09:43

At 11/24/08 07:15 PM, DasUberCow wrote: Have you guys seen This is England? You should watch it. Really good movie. Probably one of my favourites actually. Its one of those few movies that you dont realize how good it is until you get hit by a really moving moment and you just stop and think "wow... this is fucking awesome".

No, I've never heard of it, in fact. What's it about? I might get to it, but I have to watch American History X first.

Also offers still up for PS3 WaW Zombie crew if any of you guys are interested.

Well, I would, except for that I don't have a PS3, or WaW and have a general distaste for zombies.


BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-25 08:16:11

At 11/24/08 07:27 AM, DeathNoteetoNhtaeD wrote: True, but I don't think they'll go as far as the perma-ban. There are so many other users I would nominate for that before Sirtom. At least Sirtom has somewhat of a positive impact on the forums. Let's not forget, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be here.

Yeah..that's true...

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-26 12:08:24

Hello. Back from my 5 day ban, given to me for +1 spam posting by NEVR. I accept this ban, but I wont change my posting habits, Seeing as I never spam at all. Nothing viking related to talk off, except I found an article in a museum where a viking went on a rampage and killed 53 of his own Norway Vikings... crazy.

- Some more nobles soon. I need to make a list of all the members again, if anyone is willing to do this (I.E check through all the pages for people saying they joined) then please say, and do so. Would be appreciated.

Kind regards -

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-26 12:25:44

Welcome back sir - no pun intended.

Three films you must see before you die:
1. American History X
2. This is England
3. The Ciderhouse Rules

I fucking hate euphemism.

BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-26 12:33:15

At 11/26/08 12:25 PM, DasUberCow wrote: Welcome back sir - no pun intended.

Three films you must see before you die:
1. American History X

Haven't seen. (looks good)

2. This is England

Have seen, was good.

3. The Ciderhouse Rules

Haven't seen (haven't heard of)

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-26 14:43:16

At 11/26/08 02:38 PM, 1337leader wrote: I'll join! If you don't mind that is.

K sure your in.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-26 14:44:34

At 11/26/08 12:25 PM, DasUberCow wrote: Three films you must see before you die:
1. American History X

- Good

2. This is England

- Awesome

3. The Ciderhouse Rules

- Eh.

MrPercie on Dromedary: "smug santa claus face, bringing nicieties to those he likes but shite to those he hates - which is everyone"

Sig by this dude

BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-26 16:29:07

At 11/26/08 12:25 PM, DasUberCow wrote: Welcome back sir - no pun intended.

Three films you must see before you die:
1. American History X

Want to see so bad.

2. This is England

Never seen, and have no inclination to.

3. The Ciderhouse Rules

Same as TiE.

That's "This is England". And welcome back Sirtom.


BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-26 16:34:19

That's "This is England". And welcome back Sirtom.

Thanks, I like to see talks of my imminent deletion when I'm gone. Fills me with happiness.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-26 17:14:47

At 9/21/08 04:15 PM, sirtom93 wrote: Don't mock the 3 gods, Odin, Thor and Freyja.

Thor should be spelled Tor as we do in Scandinavia, and Freyja is a godess (Asynja) of the Vanir race while Frey is the god you're after. He's also Vanir and the brother of Freyja. BTW his names are also Ing or Yngve.

At 9/21/08 04:15 PM, sirtom93 wrote: If your good you will ride to Valhalla on the back of Sleipnir. So let that be your incentive not to be a dick.

It is not on the back of Odin's horse Sleipner that dead warriors are brought back to Valhalla, but on the back of the Valkyries.

I'm all for honouring the Vikings, but please get it right, otherwise it turns into mockery.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-26 17:17:33

The problem of not reading one's posts carefully enough.

It should of course read "on the back of the Valkyries' horses", so sue me!

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-26 17:41:06

At 11/26/08 05:17 PM, vdviking wrote: The problem of not reading one's posts carefully enough.

It should of course read "on the back of the Valkyries' horses", so sue me!

Your the expert. Quite evidently. Admidately I don't know to much about viking and Norse culture, but I love learning about it.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-26 18:02:53

At 11/26/08 04:34 PM, sirtom93 wrote:
That's "This is England". And welcome back Sirtom.
Thanks, I like to see talks of my imminent deletion when I'm gone. Fills me with happiness.

Well, we got on topic about your admittedly frequent bans, and then we went from there to the mods' opinion of you, and then HeavyTank brought up the perma-ban. All associated, and easy to see where we flew off the rails.

And perma-ban and deletion are two different things.


BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-26 23:58:32

At 11/26/08 12:08 PM, sirtom93 wrote:
- Some more nobles soon. I need to make a list of all the members again, if anyone is willing to do this (I.E check through all the pages for people saying they joined) then please say, and do so. Would be appreciated.

Some more nbles? What do you mean?Also, welcome back!

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-27 01:57:49

At 11/26/08 11:58 PM, HeavyTank wrote:
At 11/26/08 12:08 PM, sirtom93 wrote:
- Some more nobles soon. I need to make a list of all the members again, if anyone is willing to do this (I.E check through all the pages for people saying they joined) then please say, and do so. Would be appreciated.
Some more nbles? What do you mean?Also, welcome back!

Nobles are people of higher rank in this army. They are the ones who get to decide who gains entrance to the Army. And to my knowledge, the only ones with that power are Sirtom, Jew, and myself.

And of course whomever Sirtom deems worthy next.


BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-27 02:06:55

At 11/26/08 05:41 PM, sirtom93 wrote: Your the expert. Quite evidently. Admidately I don't know to much about viking and Norse culture, but I love learning about it.

It would be presumptuous to call myself an expert, but I've studied Vikings and Norse mythology since my early teens (i.e. about 30 years now), and I'd be happy to answer any serious questions about Vikings, Norse Mythology and Runes.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-27 07:27:17

It would be presumptuous to call myself an expert, but I've studied Vikings and Norse mythology since my early teens (i.e. about 30 years now), and I'd be happy to answer any serious questions about Vikings, Norse Mythology and Runes.

Was it the Pagans who originally came up with the foundings of Norse mythology?

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-27 08:04:21

At 11/27/08 01:57 AM, DeathNoteetoNhtaeD wrote: Nobles are people of higher rank in this army. They are the ones who get to decide who gains entrance to the Army. And to my knowledge, the only ones with that power are Sirtom, Jew, and myself.
And of course whomever Sirtom deems worthy next.


Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-27 09:24:38

At 11/27/08 07:27 AM, sirtom93 wrote: Was it the Pagans who originally came up with the foundings of Norse mythology?

Norse Mythology had influences from several older religions, and while some of them are somewhat unclear other are easier to spot. Some of the gods of the pantheon like for example Tor, Frey, Njord, Frigg and Ull are symbolical nature forces, and Pagan in their roots. Others like Tyr have distinct attributes that connects him to the Roman war god Mars (who in turn has his roots in the Greek war god Ares). Odin himself may be based upon the Persian deity Mithra, the cult was brought to the Germanic tribes of central Europe by Roman soldiers.

Njord who in the Norse pantheon became something of an side figure, may be the oldest of them all. His origins can probably be found in the Pagan Earth Goddess Nerthus who was the epitome of the life giving Earth.

Both Tor and Tyr is known to have been venerated by Germanic tribes around the Birth of Christ, under the names Donar and Tiwaz, although under somewhat different images. For example the base form of Tiwaz means two-handed, and Tyr as you might know was one-handed.

Odin is a late comer in the pantheon and replaced the older Ull. Odin was more of a king's god, while Ull was the hunters' god. Exactly when he came into the pantheon I can't say right now, but even under the 9th century the three icons in the temples were of Tor, Frey and Ull in many places.

Lastly one has to remember that the religion grew and changed over several hundreds of years perhaps even a thousand, and while some things stayed the same a lot of stuff changed.

Hopefully this answers your question, you want clarifications I might have to break out my books.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-27 11:11:23

Very interesting indeed, many different religious and mythological influences. Maybe people where skeptical of treating it as a religion?

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-27 12:10:24

At 11/27/08 11:11 AM, sirtom93 wrote: Very interesting indeed, many different religious and mythological influences. Maybe people where skeptical of treating it as a religion?

While I believe they were religious I've also understood that they were very pragmatic, the rites were more tradition than religion, but hey it can't hurt can it?. I also believe that most Scandinavians of the Viking era didn't treat the Norse Mythology as a compound religion. Farmers sacrificed to Tor and Frey for good harvests, sailors and fishermen to Aegir and Ran for good weather and warriors to Odin and Tyr for luck in battle.

There were most probably a lot of people who weren't religious at all, namely farmers, hunters and fishermen who lived by their own toil rather than expecting help from the gods. Good insight from you there sirtom93.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-27 15:55:33

A mod said they were going to ban me so this may be my last post for a while. Nobles are in charge.

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-27 18:08:31

At 11/27/08 03:55 PM, sirtom93 wrote: A mod said they were going to ban me so this may be my last post for a while. Nobles are in charge.

Of course, sir. Any particular reason this time?

Other than the fact they hate you?


BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-28 00:10:45

At 11/27/08 03:55 PM, sirtom93 wrote: A mod said they were going to ban me so this may be my last post for a while. Nobles are in charge.


Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-28 11:54:41

Evidently just a threat - check Malachy's post

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-28 12:39:06

At 11/28/08 11:54 AM, sirtom93 wrote: Evidently just a threat - check Malachy's post

Wasn't he just talking about the guy who posted below you, not you yourself? I didn't see anything in there that suggested your ban, only that guy calling Malachy a pretentious fuck, or something like that.

What did I miss?


BBS Signature

Response to Ng Viking Army 2008-11-28 14:28:55

At 11/28/08 11:54 AM, sirtom93 wrote: Evidently just a threat - check Malachy's post

well a ban threat by a mod usually ends in a real ban...l don't think that any mod will tell you that he will ban you just for the sake of laughing at someone else's expense...