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Writers Club

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Response to Writers Club 2007-09-22 11:02:41

Okay guys, my new story is garunteed to be awsome.


And yeah, if I mention that in the summary, it's probably get a bunch of reads.

Actually, they're not zombies, per say, but rather mutations based on the fact that when sentinant species move from Tenatera to our world, they die physically outward, but not organ-wise, mentally or spiritually...To be politically correct.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-22 11:16:45

Well, my story is going to be better, because it has a threesome. And of course swords and killing.

But it's an epic.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-22 11:19:44

At 9/22/07 11:16 AM, TheThing wrote: Well, my story is going to be better, because it has a threesome. And of course swords and killing.

But it's an epic.

Genius. Why did I not think of that?

Mostly likely because I'm not really debauched and my mind stays out of the gutter 5% of the time.

But that won't get my story hits, will it? ;)

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-22 11:23:27

lmao Guess I should join this club. ^^

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-22 11:44:26

At 9/22/07 05:05 AM, Phantom wrote:
At 9/22/07 12:50 AM, gunground wrote: On an off topic discussion, Congrats to everyone as we have made a succesful 750 pages. For the 750'th post, I am naming you Leader for the day, So get to posting!
My post is the 750th, and we only 25 pages, not 750...But anyway, as new leader of the day, I order you to judge in the contest you started, and do it soon, we are loosing patience.

Ops I meant 750'th post. My bad. Anyways congrats on the 750'th post, i am naming December Writers club month. The reason I didn't put it as this month is because in December holds the birthday date of a certain member in this clan. I will not rat him out and shall remain loyal (psst, its me :D)

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-22 11:54:42

Story. It won't upload to the damn site, so I figured I'll just post it here.

(It's quite long, so make sure you have 5-10 minutes)

Part 1.

"Alpha squad, do you copy? Alpha squad?" Zack shouted into his radio. "Damn! They're gone." Still not shifting her view from the glowing blue object in the centre of the construction site, Sally said "Sarge? What's wrong?" Zach kept on looking at the ground. "Alpha, the entire squad, they're dead." Brad looked at him with a surprised look on his face. "But...That means we're the only ones left!" he shouted. Brad looked around franticly. "Don't give away our position. I say we just pick it up, and run." Sally said, with a slight shiver in her voice. She put her rifle over her shoulder, cautiously.

"Do we even know what it is?" Brad asked, diverting his full attention to Zack. His round and dark skinned face seemed gaunt and drained of colour in their current situation. "No, but if they've sent five squads to try and get it, it must be important." Zack replied, gathering himself, he said, "Let's just get it. Come on Sally...Sally?" He looked around, "Sally?"

Just then, he heard a scream somewhere above him, it was unmistakably coming from Sally. "Fuck this! I'm outta here!" Brad screamed, dropping his USAS-12 and running away. "Brad! Don't!" Zach shouted, but as he did, he looked around for a split second, when he looked back, Brad was gone. Zach heard someone scream once more, this time a male. In that instant, he ran full speed towards the blue object, attempting to pick it up then run.

But when he reached within full view of it, he seen it as, not the glowing orb he had seen earlier, but the most beautifully carved sapphire he had ever seen. Its glow seemed to be from its exquisiteness, and nothing else. As he gazed in awe of its beauty, his torso suddenly felt cold, he looked down, and three large talons were sticking out of his stomach, bloodied and decorated with organs. He screamed in terror and pain. This was it, he was dead. He tried to fire his weapon backwards at whatever had him, but the gone was instantly gone from his hands. He closed his eyes. And then there was nothing.

Daniel opened the door, it had been a rough night, he had been bottled, booed, and beat up on the way to his flat by an angry fan. "Maybe I'm just losing my touch." he thought, as he picked up a can of Coke, opened it, and started to drink. Just then, his mobile rang, he was in no mood to talk, so he just looked at the number, it was strangely familiar, he thought he would remember it if he ever saw it again, so he hung up.

Not a minute afterwards, his mobile rang again, it was the same number. Daniel was becoming irritated, so he just answered. "Hello?" he said. His reply was gasping, as if someone had been heavily injured, and hiding. "Hello?" he repeated. This time, his reply was a voice, "D-Daniel?" it said. It was undoubtedly that of a female. "Shelly?" Daniel shouted. "What's wrong?" he started whispering. He had not seen his American-born sister in quite some time, since he had rescued her from a burning school a few years ago.

"Help me...13 Waveney Road. He's coming back! No! Please, hurry!" Shelly said, sounding terrified. At the instant where Daniel was about to talk back, she hung up, or perhaps she had been forced to. Daniel threw his mobile onto his bed. Opened a drawer, picked up his belt with his loaded SIG P226 in the holster. He glanced around his room for anything else he might need. He already had his knife on him, he had not taken it out in some time. It seemed that he had everything. But he took a glance at his guitar, sitting in the corner, a pearl-white Gibson Explorer with a modified headstock. He grinned, put it into his gig bag, and put it over his shoulder. He took the lift down to the ground floor. The street was not far away, he could probably make it in about five minutes if he was lucky.

Daniel arrived at the house, tired, and if necessary, not entirely up to fighting. He tried the door, it wouldn't budge. He tried kicking it down. It didn't work, though the noise was probably doing him no good. Finally, Daniel tried shooting the frame of the door hoping to hit a hinge on the other side. After about a minute, Daniel tapped the door, and it fell. As he stepped in, he examined the house, it was small, cramped, but quite clean. Daniel could hear female screaming and slight laughter from upstairs.

He climbed the stairs quickly, but silently, his gun in hand. He could hear faint voices coming from what he assumed was a bedroom, there were sounds of struggling, then a male voice said, "Okay, this is your last chance." and then trailed off into some faint mumbles. Daniel heard the unmistakable sound of skin hitting skin, and a loud "NO!" He heard nothing else except more grunting and a faint tearing, he decided this was time to interfere.

He looked around a corner and spotted two silhouettes walking into another room, one appeared to be held against their will, and tied up, and only partially clothed. When they were directly in front of Daniel, he grunted loudly in his characteristically deep voice, rugby tackled the male, and smashed him through a window at the end of the hall. Daniel had to pull back at the last second to avoid falling out himself.

He looked at his hands and arms, which were itching for some reason, he turned them over to find wounds from the glass all over him. He thought of it as nothing more than an annoyance. Daniel then turned to Shelly. "You okay?" he said, nodding in her direction. "Do I look bloody okay?" she shouted. "I got here, didn't I?" Daniel replied, calmly. Shelly looked to the window. "Is he dead?" she said, not sounding worried in the slightest.

Daniel took a look out of the window, but to his horror, there was no body there. Just after, he heard the door slam shut. "Oh God!" Shelly shouted, now sounding terrified. Daniel pulled out his gun, and aimed down the stairs, but there was no-one there. He started to ease up, when he suddenly found himself unable to breathe, and a tight choking feeling around his neck. It felt like cold metal. He knew and had countered this trick before, Daniel fell backwards, pushing all his weight behind him.

The grip on his neck loosened, and as he got up, he pulled the man up by the neck, and slammed him into a wall. He reached for his gun, but was tackled. Daniel braced himself for impact, but the sudden thud did not come. Then, he realised what had happened. He had been pushed down the stairs. Only one thought went through his mind. And that was the impossibly slim chance that he could save himself through a certain action, but the angle hand to be perfect.

Daniel rolled over in the air, although not completely, only onto his side. He hit the ground with what he felt was the biggest impact he had ever felt in his life. His arm may have been broken, but he did not know, as it had gone numb. His sister's attacker was out cold, or dead. Daniel didn't care. Shakily, he got up and gestured Shelly down the stairs. He spat on her attacker's body, and turned his full attention to her.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-22 11:55:45

Part 2

"Another boyfriend?" Daniel asked, impatiently. "You could say that. He was less interested in me being his girlfriend and more in how much he could boast to his mates how many times he had had sex." In response to Daniel's raised eyebrow, she added, hastily, "Which was zero, as of when you busted in and saved me." Daniel just cleared his throat and put his hands in his pockets. "Well, if that's all you need, I'm outta here." he said, making his way towards the door.

But Shelly stopped him, suddenly. "Also," she said, "Some guy with black hair and a rifle told me to give you this." She handed him a piece of paper with his name written on it. "Who do I know with..." Daniel was about to ask her. But then he realised who it was, it seemed so obvious that Daniel was ashamed that he hadn't figured it out immediately. He started reading.

"I tried to ring you, but your phone was off. Anyway, you're supposed to meet Brian, Cospra and I at the nearby army barracks. You know, near the leisure centre? They've recalled all former soldiers and current soldiers back from the frontlines for a REALLY (this word was in such heavy print, there was a hole in the page) important mission. They lost five squads last time. I'm not sure what this is, but it seems important as hell. Anyway, see you in an hour."


Daniel tucked the note into his pocket after he had finished reading. He was about to walk out, when he just remembered that Shelly was there. He had remembered how much she had wanted to come with him whenever he was assigned a task like this back in his army days. She would never refuse the opportunity, not even now. "Hey, Shelly." he began. "Do you wanna come with me? To the barracks?"

The words had barely been out of his mouth two seconds when Shelly lunged at him and wrapped her arms around him. "So, is that a maybe?" Daniel said, slightly muffled. Shelly laughed, and they took their leave.


"Where the hell is he?" Grave shouted impatiently to Cospra and Brian, the latter reading The Bible quietly. The tent felt awfully large with only three people in it "It's not like him to miss an opportunity like this again." Just then they heard a crunching of leaves and two separate voices, panting. "About bloody time." Grave said, again impatiently. A few moments later, Daniel came in, with a girl that Grave identified as his sister, immediately.

"Where were you?" Brian said, quietly, not shifting his eyes from his Bible. "Complications arose and, were dealt with." Daniel responded, cheerfully, and on the last words glancing sideways at Shelly. "That's fine then." Brian said. But Cospra and Grave didn't seem so amused at Shelly's presence. "What's she doing here?" they both said at the same time. "You don't see him bringing Aoife wherever he goes." Cospra said, pointing to Grave. "Cospra, she's my sister."

Cospra looked like she was about to be sick, then Daniel quickly added, "Just," he put emphasis on the word, "my sister." Cospra turned a bit pink and looked embarrassed. "Oh, right." She seemed relieved, and, if Daniel was not mistaken, examined Shelly's body then gave a rather approving look. He was not the only one who caught this. "Cospra!" Grave shouted, and Cospra was startled. "Sorry." she said.

"Right lads." Brian said, after ten minutes or so of re-introductions and catch-ups. "And lasses. Time to go to the mess hall." They all got up and followed. While they were walking, a voice in an unmistakable cockney accent shouted after them. "Well, well, well, look 'ho it is!" It was female. "Oh God." Daniel and Grave both said, uneasily. Grave even crabbed Brian by the collar. "Hide me! For the love of God hide-!" he began to plead, but soon the voice had caught up with him.

"Long time no see, eh lads?" said Susan McBride. She had attended juvenile hall with Daniel and Grave. And she had the most gorgeous body, and long, blonde hair that Daniel had ever seen on an English girl. The problem? She was a butterface, for lack of a better word. Facially, she looked about thirty, and had a faint yellowish tinge to her skin as a result of starting chain-smoking at eleven. And worst of all, she had the stereotypical British characteristic of bad teeth.

"Hi, Susan." Daniel managed to force out. "'aven't seen you guys in ages! What've you been doin' with yerselves? 'aven't seen you since that Barney in the Juvie. You got out, as I see?" Daniel and Grave glanced at each other, and Grave gave the tiniest nod, only noticeable by Daniel. "Yeah, we did. And you about you, Susan? Never pictured you as the type for war work." he said, but truthfully, this was the exact opposite of what he thought. "Ah, well! A girl has'ta make a livin'! Through whateva means, eh?" Susan's other great flaw was her incredibly annoying voice.

"Well, good to see you again." Daniel said, again, this was the opposite of what he was thinking. "See ya!" she said, loudly, and walked off, giving Daniel and grave suggestive winks as she left. "I'll give you all a fiver if you forget you ever saw that." Daniel turned to the others and said, after several moments of silence. "I bags me Shelly's!" Grave shouted, to general amusement. "Well, let's get going." Brian cleared his throat, and exclaimed confidently.

When they reached the mess hall, it was absolutely crowded. They couldn't even sit down, they had to stand, like 50% of the people there. The Officer of the operation was standing on a stage. "I believe that everyone is here now. So let us begin briefing." The room immediately fell silent at these words. "Now, as you all know, we lost five teams of SAS commandos on the last attempt at this mission. And many of them were better soldiers than you." This stirred the men a bit. "However, whatever killed them has no hope against all of you. You have all been selected because you are all the best at what you do. Some of you have just decided to tag along, and I have no problem with that. But we do indeed need all guns possible. You will be searching for, believe it or not, gemstones. You will recognise them when you see them. Good luck. Form yourself into your own squads of six. And await the transports. Those of you without your own weapons can pick them up in the transports." he finished. And the mess hall started to clear out.

As they left, Shelly questioned, "He said squads of six, right?" Grave responded, "Year why?" then he realised what he meant. "Susan! Susan McBride!" Daniel shouted, following Shelly's lead. The figure they recognised as her came running towards them at once. "Yeah, Daniel?" Daniel gulped, "Er, do you want to come with us?" Again, no sooner were the words out of his mouth, he found himself being hugged. "Right, let's be off, then. Just lemme get my stuff." she said, and winked at Daniel again as she went off. "Here, we better get our stuff too. Shelly, Cospra, go get it." Brian ordered.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-22 11:57:48

Part 3

To Daniel's surprise, they didn't accuse him of sexism. Went off, and got four bags labelled with each of their names. They all pulled their camo over their casual clothes, and picked their weapons of choice. Daniel, a L86A2, Cospra and Brian, L108A1s and Grave, a M82 Barrett rifle. Shelly was given a L85A2 and a bayonet. Susan returned in her fatigues, and much to Daniel, Grave and Brian's (who were considered the gun nuts of the squad) surprise an EM-2 Bullpup. "How the bloody hell did you get your hands on one of those?" Grave shouted. "Well, I found it inna antique shop. Sennit to a couple o' friends, they fixed it up real nice, modded it a little. It's now pending fer becomin' the standard rifle of the British Army." she explained. "Isn't it, like, sixty something years old?" Brian asked, still confused. "Yeah. Still, it 'ad a great design. It can shoot normal bullets now, aswell."

"Bad as you remember her?" Cospra whispered to Daniel. "Not really." he replied. For once, he actually meant it. "Well, let's get going." Brian said, and they climbed inside their transport. It was a Saxon, built for ten people, so it was surprisingly roomy. Their driver had a stammer. "R-r-right then, l-l-let's go." he half spoke half whispered, sounding nervous. "Wake me up when we get there." Daniel and Susan said at the same time. They glanced at each other, shrugged, then lied down.

When Daniel woke up on his own, the rest of the squad were gripping their weapons tightly. "Nearly there?" Daniel asked, sleepily. "Yeah. But get, this one of the other Saxons just got blown up, we don't know why, there was just a bright light for a split second, then it was a wreck." Grave informed him, to his astonishment. "How is that possible?" Daniel asked, bewildered. "We don't know, that's just it. Someone doesn't want us here." Grave responded. "Right, we're here. G-g-get out." their driver said. They readied their weapons and stepped out. They, along with Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, Juliet and Kilo, were going in the south. "Foxtrot Leader, this is Echo Leader, we're beginning our approach." Brian said quickly into his radio.

"Copy that Echo leader. Kilo, status?" A voice replied. "Kilo, standing by, ready to approach." Kilo leader said. "Golf standing by." Golf leader said. "Hotel squad, standing by." The Hotel leader said. But there was no reply from Juliet. "Juliet, what is your status? JULIET!" Foxtrot leader shouted. "We lost an entire squad already?" Daniel shouted. "Looks like it." Brian acknowledged, and shrugged. "And I don't care, we're going in anyway." He added, glancing over at a terrified looking Shelly. "Grave, cover us."

As Grave was walking in the opposite direction, he clasped a hand on Daniel's shoulder, "Be careful, mate." he said, quietly. "Will do." Daniel replied, confidently. Brian started leading them into the interior of a large, unfinished building. All the squads met in the centre, around a large, incomplete room. There was a trapdoor in the centre. All the members of the squads looked down at it.

"So, who wants to go first?" An American private said. "I volunteer my squad." Brian said, and opened the trapdoor. "Daniel, Shelly, Cospra. You're up." Daniel jumped down first, Cospra after him, and after much reluctance, Shelly. Daniel put a Kevlar helmet with a lamp on, for what was the first time in his life, Cospra and Shelly did this also, and switched on the headlamps. They were standing in water. "God, it stinks down here." Daniel grunted, "A sewer, maybe?" Cospra suggested. "N-No." Shelly stuttered. "What makes you say that?" Daniel asked, not shifting his view from in front of him. "L-look!" She screamed, pointing downwards. Daniel looked, and he saw that he was not standing in water, but blood, there were a few bits of flesh scattered around, and rats feasting on them.

"Holy shit!" Daniel shouted, Cospra screamed, and Shelly was too scared to do anything. They turned and ran in the direction of the trapdoor, but when they got there, it was closed, and they could not open it. Daniel used his radio, "Echo leader, this is Echo 2, do you copy? Echo leader? BRIAN!" Daniel shouted. But there was no answer, only static. "Shelly!" Daniel shouted, Shelly looked as though Daniel was going to ask her to go on. "Wait here with Cospra." he finished, much to her relief. "You can't mean..." Cospra began, but Daniel cut her off. "Yeah, I do. Now stay here while I check this place out." Daniel said, forcefully.

"Daniel." Shelly shouted, but it came out as a near-whisper, "Be careful." Daniel looked at her, he had never loved her so much in his life than at this moment. "Will do, sis." he said, and ran onwards. After about five minutes of running, he heard an incredibly loud thud from behind him. He turned around, and held his gun over his shoulder, he then heard a quiet moaning, that sounded almost zombie-like. He made no noise, but what was approaching him was getting near quickly, loud thuds came one after another, not even a second between them. Then, the grotesque shape stepped into the light of Daniel's headlamp, it was a corpse, fresh, by the looks of things, Daniel could still smell the blood, but it was walking, well, running rather, towards him.

Daniel tossed his gun on the ground, drew his knife from his arm sheath, and stabbed it in the stomach as it made a jump for him, quick as a flash, he pulled out his sidearm, and shot it three times in the head. It was still. Daniel cleaned his knife with water from his canteen and sheathed it and holstered his pistol. He picked up his rifle, and said "What the hell is going on here?" Just then, he heard gunshots going off from behind him. He ran, twice as fast as he had come, to the sound. Worried for Cospra and his sister.

When he got near to the underground entrance, he could see one of the creatures attacking them, he aimed at the creature's head, and fired to bullets through its head. It just collapsed on the spot. "So, find anything?" Cospra asked, her gun smoking. "Nothing except another one of these things. Anyway, I have a plan, stand back." Daniel said. He pulled out a grenade, pulled the pin out, held it three seconds, dropped it, and ran. The explosion made him trip. They all climbed out rather hastily.

The instant they had a soldier stepped forward and threw a large explosive down the hole, another slammed the door shut. Another covered it with a metal plate, and another bolted it to the ground. "You guys okay?" Brian asked. "Yeah, fine." Daniel lied. But something was odd, as he looked around, there were corpses all over the ground, some like the creatures he had encountered, some human. About half of all the soldiers that came here were dead. "Those things were up here too, I see." Daniel said, tiredly. "Can I get some fucking help over here?" A medic shouted in a loud, hoarse voice.

Cospra ran over to him, "What happened?" she asked. "One of those things pulled his bloody leg off!" the medic responded. Upon seeing the victim's face, Cospra clasped her hands over her mouth. "DANIEL!" She screamed. Daniel ran over. "What?" he asked, puzzled. But it was already evident what was wrong. The man who was lying there, who was almost dead, who had a bloody stump where is leg used to be, who was covered in blood, and smirking weakly, laughed and blood came out...

It was Grave.

Yeah, you won't get it if you haven't read 2010. But the site's down, so you can't really. At the moment.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-22 12:08:18

Very good, I enjoyed it. however like you said i most likely wouldn't, i didn't get what he meant by grave. Was that the name of the character?

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-22 16:07:57

At 9/22/07 12:08 PM, gunground wrote: Very good, I enjoyed it. however like you said i most likely wouldn't, i didn't get what he meant by grave. Was that the name of the character?

Yeah, that's right.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-22 18:27:41

At 9/22/07 11:19 AM, Centurion-Ryan wrote:
At 9/22/07 11:16 AM, TheThing wrote: Well, my story is going to be better, because it has a threesome. And of course swords and killing.

But it's an epic.
Genius. Why did I not think of that?

Mostly likely because I'm not really debauched and my mind stays out of the gutter 5% of the time.

Mine's out of the gutter, too (usually). It's just that since I'm doing requests, I have to follow what the requester wants. If they want sex, I give them sex. And I can't help that I watch a lot of porn; I'm a bubbling pot of hormones.

Also, the sex is just an additive; you don't really need it, but it makes the story more "fun".

But that won't get my story hits, will it? ;)

Nope. Sex sells, especially on the internets.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-23 00:04:34

so december is writers club month? how about starting next (or this?) december, we should fill general with awesome story threads, if we get the permission of mods of course, for our own safety.

also gunground, contest winner and rules recap next page if you can.

1housefan, i have a feeling you have been playing kingdom hearts lately.


ooh and news that nobody cares about:

i have to write a report about safety in science class over the weekend for a make up assignment. when i finish it, i might post it. (probably not though)

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-23 00:54:18

At 9/23/07 12:04 AM, MonkeyV wrote: so december is writers club month? how about starting next (or this?) december, we should fill general with awesome story threads, if we get the permission of mods of course, for our own safety.

Anin't gonna happen, but it worldn't hurt too ask and it'd be nice to show the 13 year olds in the general forum a good coheriant story now and then. ^^ Shoot for it kid, make your dreams come true. ^^

Make war, not love.

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-23 10:59:25

At 9/19/07 03:39 PM, TheThing wrote:
At 9/18/07 04:46 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote:
At 9/18/07 04:36 PM, TheThing wrote:
And I think I can see a lesbian love scene,
One fucking controversy per month, that's how writing works.
Well, add it in October. lol, just kidding. What I really meant was to just stop before anything actually happens. But if you don't want one, by all means, don't add it. It'll probably just fuck up the story, because shit like that never really went down in the 1940's.

Actually it did. Read some history books mate. Herr Rohm was a homosexual and he was in Hitler's inner circle. He was killed for it. Trust me, homosexuality isn't new.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-23 11:02:07

At 9/23/07 12:04 AM, MonkeyV wrote:

1housefan, i have a feeling you have been playing kingdom hearts lately.


What makes ya think I've been playing KH? I've not played it for months. =/ Unless I don't understand your meaning.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-23 16:57:23

At 9/23/07 12:04 AM, MonkeyV wrote: so december is writers club month? how about starting next (or this?) december, we should fill general with awesome story threads, if we get the permission of mods of course, for our own safety.

also gunground, contest winner and rules recap next page if you can.

Good idea monkey. I'll try to see what I can do, I've got a way with words *wink wink*. Anyways here the rules recap

To join the Writers club simply post
How many years have you been writing:
How many flash story's you have written:
How many real life story's you have written:
And your name (optional):
Now to be in the writers club you must obey a few rules...
#1. No flaming
#2. No multiple accounts (in other words only one of your accounts per person can join)
#3. Swearing is okay once in a while but it is frowned upon.
#4. No plaguarism, use only your work or you will be banned from writers club (its okay to research other peoples stuff to try to make your stuff a bit better but don't actually steal their ideas)
#5. Don't make your buddy a good story so he can win a contest.
#6. And lastly, you can talk off topic, but please try to keep to the writing subject.
For those who are wondering contest's are a challenge posted on the forum by me or someone who has permission from me. They will base off whoever can make the best story about the contest genre and theme. Winners will be invited to the "2 black books" group.
Anybody can apply for the group, however, it is not certain that you will be accepted. Winning a contest however will guarantee a spot in the "2 black books" group.
Lastly of all, i will assign the most trustworthy members of the clan "second in command" positions to take my place if for some apparent reason i wont be online for a while.

Now remember,To join the Writers club simply post
How many years have you been writing:
How many flash story's you have written:
How many real life story's you have written:
And your name (optional):

IMPORTANT UPDATE: A few other rules have been added recently due to the controversial argument that took place a couple days ago. I have decided not to ban thething, but from now on I strictly prohibit the use of sex in a story. Despite the fact the rules state you must be 13 and above to join, 90% of people lie about thier age anyway. This mean's despite what the rules say, there are many underage minors, and I can't be responsible for the mod's yelling at me because seven year olds are talking about how they want to...well...you get the point.
So from now on sexual counterparts and sexaul activity are no longer allowed in storys (mild forms of expressing love are allowed however).

Also song writing has officially been excluded from the club. It just doesn't really have to do with any form of writing. However, song in poetry form is allowed.

Thats it for now, thanks everyone for the great 750 posts!

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-23 17:19:06

Did any of you like my story on the last page?

Its time to play games and jerk off. And Im all out of quarters.

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-23 18:20:19

At 9/23/07 10:59 AM, 1Housefan wrote:
At 9/19/07 03:39 PM, TheThing wrote: Well, add it in October. lol, just kidding. What I really meant was to just stop before anything actually happens. But if you don't want one, by all means, don't add it. It'll probably just fuck up the story, because shit like that never really went down in the 1940's.
Actually it did. Read some history books mate. Herr Rohm was a homosexual and he was in Hitler's inner circle. He was killed for it. Trust me, homosexuality isn't new.

I know it ain't new, it's just that people weren't so open, so it was hard for them to find others like them. Which means very little sex.

But yeah, there was gay stuff going on in ancient Greece, like on the island of Lesbos.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-24 09:39:35

There's a book out about the girlfriend of a Nazi officer being in a lesbian relationship. I forget what it's called. It's supposed to be non-fiction i believe. And no, it wasn't open. In my story the main character and her lover aren't flaunting it either. They can't. The main character is Himmler's protege. If it got out she was in a lesbian relationship, they'd both be beheaded or worse. And the main character already has a couple strikes against her (Befriending a jewish child, getting drunk in public)

There is a book called the Pink Triangle by Richard Plant which is a book about homosexuals in Nazi Germany.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-24 11:26:00

Well, some news, here in Israel we'll be taking a 10 day school vacation because of a holiday starting Wednesday, and after I get some stuff sorted, I'll get on with translating my story into Hebrew for more chance to be published in here, and I'll get on with my newest idea, "Killers".

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-24 12:50:28

I dunno...I suck and I am slow when it comes to writing, but I do try, and this is an idea that I came up with when I was listening to one of MaestroRage's songs...

To light and then to dark, that one footfall will tell a story of fate for one man. Having lost his beloved, betrayed by others he thought were friends. Setting his feet on the ground he turns to look at the place that he has called home all these long years. A tear down his face, the rain begins to fall, he can hear the Drums of war being played in the distance. Turning his face to the sky he allows the rain to pelt the grief from his soul, and so does he plead to make amends and seek out vengence against those that sought to destroy all he is and all he will be. As if his plea is heard, thunder roars drowning out the drums, and a break in the clouds shows him a blue sky, hope maybe, but he shall avenge his beloved. Turning he sets down the road to which not even a god can foresee his fate, he himself has changed his own destiny and now will he find that path to which strength leads. So as darkness envelopes him, the cry of the wind stops, its as if the world feels his pain, it last only for a moment...but for those with the sense, a battle like none other was building and history shall never forget the man who brought about the Fall of a Kingdom.

Its good...I think =.=

Music is my Passion

I pen my life unto a paper so thin it breaks, I create my soul upon a charter so used it is lost. The pen is my weapon, my music is my heart, my soul...

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-24 13:32:17

At 9/24/07 12:50 PM, Cosmos8942 wrote: Its good...I think =.=

It is. There were a few spelling mistakes here and there but you've got a good use of language.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-24 13:38:29

I have been told before that the way I write is interesting (the "use of language" I mean). I shall try to write a story...but I don't know how far I will get.

Music is my Passion

I pen my life unto a paper so thin it breaks, I create my soul upon a charter so used it is lost. The pen is my weapon, my music is my heart, my soul...

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-24 15:28:48

At 9/24/07 01:38 PM, Cosmos8942 wrote: I have been told before that the way I write is interesting (the "use of language" I mean). I shall try to write a story...but I don't know how far I will get.

You don't have to write the 5th Harry Potter book in one sitting. Just spend some time each day and write a couple paragraphs. If you're stuck, then just wait a little and look at it with fresh eyes.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-24 16:26:14

Hmm, yeah...I will see where I can go with this...hopefully it turns into something interesting. We shall see ^^.

Music is my Passion

I pen my life unto a paper so thin it breaks, I create my soul upon a charter so used it is lost. The pen is my weapon, my music is my heart, my soul...

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-24 16:27:49


It's the same story I posted here, but I want more reads.

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

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Response to Writers Club 2007-09-25 10:13:25

Only two comments on my userpage? ;_; I'm sad.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-25 15:24:40

At 9/25/07 10:13 AM, 1Housefan wrote: Only two comments on my userpage? ;_; I'm sad.

Well ya gotta remember, 90% of the people here ask for comments on thier userpage too :p. I mean it is kinda annoying to have to leave comments on your userpage for every single person every single day, ya know what i mean?

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-25 15:53:13

At 9/25/07 10:13 AM, 1Housefan wrote: Only two comments on my userpage? ;_; I'm sad.

If you want, I'll just copy/paste my comments from here to there. That way it'll look like more are reading your story.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-25 17:14:29

Hey guys,I want you to say this the next time I come up with another story.

"You've got about 4 godamned stories to finish already. Now get your ass back to Word and start typing."

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

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