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Writers Club

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Response to Writers Club 2007-09-14 18:29:30

At 9/14/07 05:20 PM, naruto-ninja999 wrote:
At 9/14/07 12:05 AM, MonkeyV wrote:
, but no fiction so far, and thats the only thing i like to write.

yea, fiction 110% of the way!


i got some ok ideas for a story while i was at school today, not realy full ideas, just little fragments of a story, but ill see where it goes.
oh and i also joined the newgrounds peace corps. how do you think its going to end up?

also, phantom, if i have time today, ill check out you userpage and comment on the story.

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-14 19:28:31

I never wrote a story before but I would like to get started. so if its ok with you guys I would like to join or a least hang out to learn the ropes.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-14 19:39:00

At 9/14/07 07:28 PM, vgfa287 wrote: I never wrote a story before but I would like to get started. so if its ok with you guys I would like to join or a least hang out to learn the ropes.

now that we got that out of the way, im not sure you would need to post your stats...

im not the leader, but i would like to welcome you to the club.

also gunground, i think the first post of next page should be a recap of the rules and a member's list with rankings. then we can all change our sigs to lead to that page instead. im pretty sure that the page goes up every 30 posts...

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-14 21:33:17

At 9/14/07 07:28 PM, vgfa287 wrote: I never wrote a story before but I would like to get started. so if its ok with you guys I would like to join or a least hang out to learn the ropes.

That's cool. The main component of writing is creativity, and the second (but just as important) is how to convey what your thinking. Most writers base stories around what they know, because they can describe it better.

At 9/14/07 07:39 PM, MonkeyV wrote: also gunground, i think the first post of next page should be a recap of the rules and a member's list with rankings. then we can all change our sigs to lead to that page instead. im pretty sure that the page goes up every 30 posts...

I don't think so. Most people who join the club will go to the first page and read the first post. Also, posting the rules every new page gets a little annoying to those who are reading stories.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-14 23:29:45

Well I finished it but I think the ending was horrible. I'm going to revise it but what do you think?


Response to Writers Club 2007-09-14 23:44:32

Oh and, I'd like to join by the way

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-15 00:46:12

At 9/14/07 09:33 PM, TheThing wrote: I don't think so. Most people who join the club will go to the first page and read the first post. Also, posting the rules every new page gets a little annoying to those who are reading stories.

we dont need to do it every page, just every once in a while when we need updating. also its fine if they go back to the beginning, i just think it would be nice to know exactly where we are every once in a while.

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-15 17:07:45

My response? Ditto

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-15 18:07:34

My new story's coming along rather well. I should be finished in 2 days to a week. And all this writing is interfering with my music. >:(

My PSN: Obilisk745

"Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets."

Add me on Steam! :D

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-15 22:58:43

At 9/15/07 12:46 AM, MonkeyV wrote:
At 9/14/07 09:33 PM, TheThing wrote: I don't think so. Most people who join the club will go to the first page and read the first post. Also, posting the rules every new page gets a little annoying to those who are reading stories.
we dont need to do it every page, just every once in a while when we need updating. also its fine if they go back to the beginning, i just think it would be nice to know exactly where we are every once in a while.

Oh, when I read it, it looked like you meant every page. I guess every 5-10 pages would be good, especially since there are a lot of new members trying to get in.

I'm writing a story, but it's hard since my Guitar Hero guitar is fixed; that game is evilally addictive

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-16 10:45:52

Alright. Tommorow i will repost the rules for all the members to see.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-16 11:40:20

Comment my story on my userpage or I'll be a sad panda.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-16 12:28:35

At 9/15/07 06:07 PM, Centurion-Ryan wrote: My new story's coming along rather well. I should be finished in 2 days to a week. And all this writing is interfering with my music. >:(

HAhahaha! what a coincidence! i have a story im working on, but the song im making is interfering with my writing.

oh and gunground, along with the rules, make sure to do a list of members and ranks if you can.

post #15, we got 15 till the page flips.

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-16 14:45:12

It was a rough day at work. when i walked in the door, i immediately collapsed on my bed from exhaustion. i kept replaying what my boss had said: "Mark, im letting you go." i was still confused about it, so i decided to call my mom and talk to her about it.

"hello?" "hi mom! its mark." i responded. "oh! how is my sweety today?" "mom, please dont call me that, im a grown man." "oh," mother said "i wont call you that anymore then. anyways, how was work today?" hesitantly, i responded "... my boss said he was letting me go." silence. "well, at least he didnt fire me right?" "what?! no! getting fired and being let go are the same thing you moron!" i was dumbfounded "mom! please dont call me that! im still your little baby..." "i see your gonna need some time to let this sink in. Click! beeeeeeeeeeee..." she hung up.

i am a failure. i have just been fired from my low paying job (i was the janitor at a science lab) and just now have i realized what a wreck my house is. my bedroom door is hanging on a hinge, there is fungi hanging from my bathroom ceiling, and i still haven't painted my bedroom walls. of course the last one is forgivable, because i dont have any paint buckets... but then again, there is a store with a gold mine of spray paint cans just a few minutes from my house! i checked my wallet to see how much money i had... $133.70. splendid. i will need to spend all of my money, it takes a lot of cans to paint four walls.

i walked out side to get in my car. driving down the road, it was strange. more people were spitting on my car than usual... i parked on the side of the road to see what was wrong. as i was getting out, a woman with a baby walked by and shanked me with the antenna of her phone. she hissed "i dont want my baby growing up with racists like you around!". what the hell is going on? i went to the back of my car, and i saw a bumper sticker that i never saw before, i guess one of the hoodlums in my area stuck it there. it had a swastika on the left and it read "out my damn way! goin to a clan meeting." i tore it off and threw it on the ground, then headed back on my way.

finally walking into the store, i smelled a variety of things. the gas station in the front smelled like oil and vomit on the sidewalk. walking past the bathroom there was the scent of urine and more vomit. walking deeper in, there were heavy smells of too much floor cleaner, accompanied by "caution: wet floor - cuidado: piso mojado" signs. finally, the intoxicating scent of spray paint.

more to come later!!!

how is it so far? also i haven't thought of a name yet, so that will come later.

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-16 19:52:36

Im stripped for time. Tommorow i will have to post the rules, im way behind on all of my work. Sorry guys :(

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-16 22:23:29

Ok so I revised the ending to my story. It's amazing! I actually doubled the length of it! I got really excited and carried away with it so please read the whole think and tell me what you think. I bet the end with be a shocker for most of you.

http://abductedcow.newgrounds.com/news/p ost/26535

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-16 22:24:45

oops. I messed up the link.


Response to Writers Club 2007-09-16 22:48:43

saw some good crime stories here so I figured Id post my new club here
so if you want to see what Im talking about click on the link
The Investigator club

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-17 07:46:48

Ok, I fixed the paragraphs of my story on my userpage.

Also, I don't think I'm going to write much for a little while. I just found out a friend of mine from high school died of cancer last week, and it's hit me pretty hard. He was a great guy, always kind and courteous. Unfortunately I cannot/could not attend the funeral, though I wish I could. I've been crying off and on since I found out last night.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-17 14:23:19

Hmm...My dad is a novelist, journalist and wine columnist. My mom is a novelist. Good enough to join?

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-17 18:13:08

At 9/17/07 02:23 PM, Pedochu wrote: Hmm...My dad is a novelist, journalist and wine columnist. My mom is a novelist. Good enough to join?

i think you have to post your own stats.
also you still havent told me if i can come to your 80th birthday party... :(

housefan, sorry about you friend, too bad you couldnt go to the funeral.

and, hey everybody, more of my story!

...finaly, the intoxicating scent of spray paint.
seeing that it only costs a dollar per can, i would have a lot of money left over if i bought maybe twenty cans, which should probably be enough. (wow, what a deal!) so i bought myself a Hershey bar and a Hungry Man dinner with the extra money, having about $100 left over afterwards. this makes me happy.
after the uneventful drive home, i get to work on the painting. i take out the first can. five cans later, the first wall is complete, and i am feeling nauseous from the fumes, so i decide to make a cup of coffee to wake myself up. the cup is sitting on the counter when a speacial report on the news distracts me. i watch the entire thing then get right back to work on the painting, still a little woozy.
i get done with two of the walls before i collapse, knocked out cold. when i wake up, it is 6:00. i was asleep for a full nine hours. getting up, i am still dazed and confused from the paint vapors, so i decide to give the walls a rest for now. i walk into the kitchen. hmm... my coffee is still on the counter. thats it! a coffee will throw me out of this dizziness! nothing like a nice hot drink with caffeine to wake up the senses.
I take the cup over to my work desk, just for the benefit of the rolly chair. i lean back and take a sip of my coffee. mistake! i forgot it had been nine hours since i made it, my coffee was cold! still deleterious, the utter surprise of cold coffee make me drop the cup onto my desk, spilling it on my papers. "damn it!" i curse. why do i even have papers? im am, or was, a janitor! i pick up the stack of papers to discard of them, when something on the top piece catches my eye...
What will it be??? find out later, in the exciting conclustion!

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-17 18:38:13

At 9/17/07 07:46 AM, 1Housefan wrote: Ok, I fixed the paragraphs of my story on my userpage.

Cool, I'm reading it as I post this. WWII has been done, so I'm interested to see any twists or things to shake up the old "Hitler is bad, let's kill some Germans" scenario.

Also, I don't think I'm going to write much for a little while. I just found out a friend of mine from high school died of cancer last week, and it's hit me pretty hard. He was a great guy, always kind and courteous. Unfortunately I cannot/could not attend the funeral, though I wish I could. I've been crying off and on since I found out last night.

I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe, when you feel better, you could write a story for him. Make him the star and write something that he would like. It's tough losing a friend, and sometimes you find it hard to think about him not being there. But you have to live on without him; you can't wallow in the past, otherwise you'll never be able to continue living your life.

At 9/17/07 02:23 PM, Pedochu wrote: Hmm...My dad is a novelist, journalist and wine columnist. My mom is a novelist. Good enough to join?

Well, if your interested in becoming a writer, than sure. But if you think this is just for writers and their friends, your sadly mistaken.

So, do you write creatively?

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-17 20:58:52

has anybody read my story so far? criticism please.

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-17 21:52:29

At 9/17/07 08:58 PM, MonkeyV wrote: has anybody read my story so far? criticism please.

Your's I have read, since it's smaller than the others.

I think its pretty good, just work on the prosthetics; paragraph spacing, grammar things like that. Also, if you're going to have a twist as you did, make sure it's in the same post; I thought this was just going to be a story about how this guy's life sucks, and I thought that it was until I read the second post. Other than that, it's a decent story.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-17 23:25:37

How many years have you been writing: I'll say about 3 years
How many flash story's you have written: No, I haven't, however, I am looking forward to it.
How many real life story's you have written: I wrote many, best being fantasy.
And your name (optional): Alexander

Sometimes I look into the sky and wonder what it is like without all these flares.

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-18 00:47:09

At 9/17/07 09:52 PM, TheThing wrote:
At 9/17/07 08:58 PM, MonkeyV wrote: has anybody read my story so far? criticism please.
Your's I have read, since it's smaller than the others.

I think its pretty good, just work on the prosthetics; paragraph spacing, grammar things like that. Also, if you're going to have a twist as you did, make sure it's in the same post; I thought this was just going to be a story about how this guy's life sucks, and I thought that it was until I read the second post. Other than that, it's a decent story.

thanks! the thing is, the idea i originally thought of is still going to happen in the third (possibly final) post of the story, all the other stuff just came along with it since i was trying to add detail. im glad you like it so far.

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-18 10:31:31

At 9/17/07 06:38 PM, TheThing wrote:
At 9/17/07 07:46 AM, 1Housefan wrote:
Cool, I'm reading it as I post this. WWII has been done, so I'm interested to see any twists or things to shake up the old "Hitler is bad, let's kill some Germans" scenario.

Well considering it is seen from the side of the Germans...you won't see much of 'Hitler is bad, kill some Germans.' I wanted to write about the opposite side, there aren't too many novels about the German side of the war.

I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe, when you feel better, you could write a story for him. Make him the star and write something that he would like. It's tough losing a friend, and sometimes you find it hard to think about him not being there. But you have to live on without him; you can't wallow in the past, otherwise you'll never be able to continue living your life.

I'm not sure I'd be able to do something like that for a while.

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-18 15:16:42

How many years have you been writing: Well not too often during them but for a couple of years. I've really gotten into it lately though.
How many flash story's you have written: None
How many real life story's you have written: Not too sure.
And your name (optional): Jordan

I just noticed that part in the rule, sorry. But anyway, why haven't there been any contests for a while? I haven't read most of the pages but I think there should be one soon.

Like choose a certain genre of story and have everyone post it here or pm it to the judges (gunground and selected judges) and the prize.... I have no idea.

Think it's a good idea?

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-18 15:37:01

At 9/14/07 06:29 PM, MonkeyV wrote: also, phantom, if i have time today, ill check out you userpage and comment on the story.

No comments >:(

Also, I've been swamped with work lately but I've still found time to work on my latest story, "Killers" which will be out within the next few weeks, after I finish those I will probably translate Eternal Blade into Hebrew, because I do live in Israel and English audience is limited. But you know...

C'est La Vie...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Club 2007-09-18 15:37:30

Welcome upducted :). Im sorry guys, but that guitar hero game on newgrounds is just so fricking addicting. I can't stop playing. Tommorow I PROMISE i'll repost the rules and such. As for cows idea i think we shouldn't do at the moment. The Place is starting to pick up, and its hard to keep track of everything. Wait until I repost everything, then we will have a new contest