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DAG messages

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Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 16:47:47

Argh!! More moon language, everywhere I people keep talking like they're choking on a cat. Curses! What has this world come to.

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 17:01:41

*pulls the cat from his throat*

Ahhh... much better

"A witty quote proves nothing."


BBS Signature

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 17:22:22

commander.. although i respect you very much, your elitism and self-assuredness are turning me off from your group... also, your statement that i would immediately become your enemy after joining the DAG seems rather.. well.. unbecoming for someone who usually is so eloquent when defending their reasoning.

i am joining the DAG because i will be able to take part in molding an up and coming group that i think will best serve my needs. although i am not one to usually go for the more anarchic choice, here on newgrounds that seems like the best option. i do not think the DAG is flawless, i think it has huge potential which is why i like it so much. i think the group should be more restrictive about their membership once it starts to grow. members should be voted in my existing members in a sort of direct democracy moderated by whoever created the group (was it you FUNK?)

so, where do i sign up, and when do i get all my awesome DAG propaganda (cannibal, that means you!)?

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 17:23:57

damnit, I think I'm coming down with a case of the SARS. This crap sucks. And here I thought I was just hungover. Sons of bitches.

*blows huge snot rocket into paper towel*

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 17:32:15

where do i pick up my sig, FUNK

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 17:34:19

At 5/22/03 05:22 PM, Lyddiechu wrote:
so, where do i sign up, and when do i get all my awesome DAG propaganda (cannibal, that means you!)?

Alright lets get started. Step one: Get a sig pic that says DAG in it. Take mine, make one of your own, or get someone to make one for you (Shrike, Cannibal, Nirvana13666 are all good choices).

Step two: E-mail Nirvana13666@aol.com she'll fill you in on the details of the AOL group

Step three: Get a title. I prefer you put a personal touch on it. Here's one to start with: Thief of Ancient Tongues. Shih will probably suggest something better, but its really all up to you.

Step four(optional: Compose an archaic poem or quote that best describes your sentiment towards the DAG, and place it in your sig.

And last, but most important, post in the Politics forum of the BBS with intelligence and open-minded thought. I think you already have that one covered.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 17:38:14

At 5/22/03 05:32 PM, Lyddiechu wrote: where do i pick up my sig, FUNK

the easiest thing to do would be to steal mine until you get one you like better.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 17:50:53

sounds good.. ill have to think up a title.. that will take me a little time

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 18:00:55

Oh that's hilarious. I love the fact that you guys picked up Nitro. You'd have trouble coming up with a better title than "Alchemical Master."

Wasn't he banned for plagarism? Meh.


If you feel the need to manipulate the DAG to your own needs, then fine. I'm sure that there's nothing I can do to change that. I would have liked to extend a hand to you to join, but alas, Commander, in his zeal, has turned you into the arms (claws?) of the DAG. Well, just to clarify, I don't really see the DAG as enemies. Rivals, perhaps, but not enemies, per se. We just don't agree, and a lot of animosity seems to stem from that, on both sides.

It's all terribly juvenile, and Shrike and I (to name a few) have been trying to cut it back, but it seems that peace can't be achieved. There's just too much on both sides, apparently.

As for Snooble, well, it's Snooble. We don't deprive any "n00bs" of anything, really. It's more of a planning ground for PC projects and intercrew politics. Ask Volt. He can tell you about it, I'm sure.

Anywhoo, I wish you luck in your upcoming DAG membership. I hope all goes well, and that you hold no animosity towards me on the basis that I have a yin-yang instead of a devil face and a mock title.

Now if you wanna hold animosity towards my beliefs, you go right ahead. Just be ready to defend your points! :-P

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 18:18:04

At 5/22/03 06:00 PM, PreacherJ wrote:

PJ, you couldnt kick more ass if you had an extra leg. The only way you could be any smoother would be to join.... ach, I wont go into it. I'll put it like this; You, Ted, and Shrike are the main reasons I respect the PC.


This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 19:16:57

i dont really want to manipulate like an evil dictator.. i just want to have a say.

shrike is awesome cause he likes my blog. hey buddy.. try listening to 107.9 on my timeslot.. youll probably like it alot better than whats on now (remember.. it is run by high school kids, so dont expect the world!)

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 20:23:37

sorry to create such unecessary hostility... if simply "joining" an opposing party makes you lose all respect for me.. i wonder why i had it in the first place :(

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 20:52:55

At 5/22/03 08:23 PM, Lyddiechu wrote: sorry to create such unecessary hostility... if simply "joining" an opposing party makes you lose all respect for me.. i wonder why i had it in the first place :(

Dont worry about jim, hes the king of flame around here.

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-22 23:45:08

And yea did Lyddiechu ride from the smoke
her tounge as a serpent striking forth
to smite against all who stood against her
and bear the unhearable truths she spoke

Lyddiechu- Speaker of Forbidden Tounges

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 00:23:17

Come Lyddiechu...meine deutsches frau...yes come to us...nevermind those pc sheisst kopf's...They only wish that they could be in a group as popular as the DAG...my flash is coming up...violent, extreme...Cannibal style...lol.

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 00:30:49

try these on for size FUNKbrs

DAG messages

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 00:32:17

At 5/23/03 12:30 AM, cannibal7878 wrote: try these on for size FUNKbrs


DAG messages

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 00:33:38

THis one is just for you FUNK

DAG messages

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 00:47:09

It's not that you are joining an apposing party, it is that you are joining a party such as this one. it's quite obvious you dont know much (if anything) about thier history so I also lost alot of respect because of that. And more importantly, do you even know what the dag's primary objective is?

i have a feeling you think i dont know anything about the DAG's objectives because i chose to join their organization instead of yours. i read their mission statement and agreed with it... i like being part of a group that exists purely for the sake of generating some reasonable debate in the chaos that is newgrounds.

you all take these crews way too seriously. its not like i am signing my life away or changing all my ideals all of a sudden. its just an internet political discussion group.

i am not anti PC just because i chose DAG for chrissake! i can still have civil discussions with you and possibly even agree with you on certain issues, unless of course siding with a DAG member is against your code of honor??

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 00:48:42

jim there is no bloody way you are a 13 year old from minnesota..... if so you say some pretty damn mature things for your age.

heck i have a 13 year old sister and she could never post like that.

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 00:51:25

shi you frakkin rock. i think ill stick that poem (or gospel?) on my sig in both english and german, just to be a jerk as usual.

i love it!

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 00:59:16

Always a pleasure darlin. And good call in pointing out how so many take all this way too fuckin seriously. Still it is kind of fun to yank the PC chain on occasion.

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 01:02:57

how about:

lyddiechu: fraulein uber alles

for a title.. i dunno the midevil type titles that u guys have dont really fit my personality...

why doenst cannibal have a title?

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 01:06:50

Use whatever title you like, mines just a suggestion:) (At least give me the translation) As for Cannibal well he's officialy the three headed attack beast, but he's a bit bestial to bother with titles. We try and keep him on a short leash.

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 01:22:05

At 5/23/03 01:20 AM, jimsween wrote: I'm turning 14 in about a month.

They grow up so fast. *sob*

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 01:22:33

Because we all know you never come gunning for the DAG right Jim just flip back a few pages in this very topic. As for causing chaos well with one notable exception I'd say none of just wander around causing chaos.
Besides maybe Lyddiechu had the brains to read the posts of our group before she made her decision to join either of us, and maybe she liked the DAG's ecclectic viewpoints better.

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 01:56:59

At 5/23/03 01:42 AM, jimsween wrote:
At 5/23/03 01:22 AM, Shih wrote: Because we all know you never come gunning for the DAG right Jim just flip back a few pages in this very topic. As for causing chaos well with one notable exception I'd say none of just wander around causing chaos.
Hmm, seems like Cannibal to me. And when did I deny flaming this thread? But it was entirely justified.

Of course it was justified you were the one doing it, that is the justification you meant right?

Besides maybe Lyddiechu had the brains to read the posts of our group before she made her decision to join either of us, and maybe she liked the DAG's ecclectic viewpoints better.
More like injudiscious. Yeah I said it...

Uhh said what? Injudiscious isn't a word and I don't have access to the snooble translator you PCs use.

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 02:08:53

At 5/23/03 12:51 AM, Lyddiechu wrote: shi you frakkin rock. i think ill stick that poem (or gospel?) on my sig in both english and german, just to be a jerk as usual.

i love it!

yaa Shih and Funk roxorz the medievil spirit!

heya Liddiechu - you also gave me the idea to put Shih's prose in our profiles (lil' more room there ;)


Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 02:39:18

Woah woah. If you want me to write something for you cool but give me time to do something good, so far all i've been doing is stuff off the top of my head.

Response to DAG messages 2003-05-23 03:05:18

..but that's often the best way =)

(looks like cannibal and i are on flash portal duty)

* hands out sandpaper *

go forth and cause thine foe much friction wraiths..

DAG messages